Why are Western translations of Egyptian inscriptions forged?

Why are Western translations of Egyptian inscriptions forged?


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Why did the Greeks call the inscriptions of Misr alone hieroglyphics?

Why, for 2000 years… of the Greeks’ presence in the region, their movement throughout the region, and their writing of a long and broad history throughout the length and breadth of the region, but they neglected to create a purely Greek name for the inscriptions of Iraq, the Levant, and Yemen, just as they did With it towards the inscriptions of Misr.

Why did the West invent almost 200 years ago a new name for the inscriptions of the Levant and Iraq, cuneiform writing, but did not find in the Greek archives any Greek name for the cuneiform inscriptions, as it found in the inscriptions of Misr?!

Why, before Napoleon entered Misr… and for 2000 years, did Greece not encounter the inscriptions of Yemen, Iraq and the Levant and did not give them any name?!

Why, before Napoleon entered Misr…and for 2000 years, did no respectable Greek possess scientific and moral honesty and convey to us the local name for the inscriptions of Misr, which were present among the inhabitants of Misr until Napoleon entered Misr?

Hieroglyphs are a pure Greek designation for the inscriptions of Misr. It is a designation from within the structure of the Greek language and means sacred writing in the Greek dictionary. But what did the inhabitants of Misr call that sacred writing?

There is not even a single Greek who conveyed to us the local name found in Misr, nor was there a single Greek who was honest or negligent or negligent, and mentioned to us its true name that was among the inhabitants of Misr.

Why did the Greeks specifically choose the inscriptions of Misr, mention them and call them sacred inscriptions?! ….Does this mean that the rest of the inscriptions are not sacred?!

But the strange thing is that the West’s translations of all the region’s inscriptions talk about the same topics, stories, and poetry. There are religions and deities in Iraq, the Levant, and Yemen, and they contain stories of kings, wars, etc.

So what is the difference between Egyptian inscriptions and other inscriptions in the region?!

And where is the holiness in the inscriptions of Misr… so that Greece calls it, without the rest of the inscriptions of the region, sacred inscriptions (hieroglyphs)?!

There is no difference in the topics between the inscriptions of Misr and between the cuneiform inscriptions and the inscriptions of the Musnad. If they were sacred, we should notice that there is a very clear difference in the topics extracted from the inscriptions of Misr… from the topics extracted in the cuneiform inscriptions. And Musnad inscriptions.

But there is no apparent merit in its topics at all. They are all stories, theatrical entertainment, and comic stories like cuneiform inscriptions.

So…there is no need to call them sacred inscriptions, or call all inscriptions sacred inscriptions.


Now…. Why is all the history that the West extracted from the region’s inscriptions fake?

For two main reasons

The first reason :

If we accept the validity of Greek history and that it is real and not fictitious, then reason and logic say:

Since Greece… which is very far from the region and with which there is no cultural or linguistic connection, took their faith from Misr, according to the words of Greek historians, reason and logic say: It is better that the region close to Misr took its faith. From Misr.


This means that the inscriptions of the other region must be… in the same language as the sacred inscriptions in Misr… because the doctrine requires the transmission of the same texts of the sacred inscriptions, that is, it requires the transmission of the spoken texts of Misr. Because it is sacred writing that contains sacred words… and this sacred words must be written… even if the forms of writing differ.

Rather, this means that all inscriptions in the other region are supposed to contain an exact copy of the names of the gods of the ancient Egyptian faith… That is, it is assumed that the faith in the entire region is the same as the ancient faith that was in Misr. If we assume that the West’s translations of Egyptian inscriptions are correct, this means… that we must read in the inscriptions of Iraq, the Levant, and Yemen the names of the gods of Misr, Isis, Osiris, Hathor, Horus, Amun, etc.

But there is none of this

Everywhere there are dozens of different languages that are not identical with the sacred language of Misr, and in every place there are different names for gods, and they have different stories… and they have a different stage, representing the role of the divine to the masses of believers, and performing different roles… roles. Sex, fertility, seduction, the role of death and resurrection, nature, rain, mountains, etc

The second reason :

Belief is a superstructure, one of the higher forms of consciousness, and the higher forms of consciousness are solid and deep structures that cannot disappear from within societies with the passage of time, but rather run parallel to time and add their shadows to reality as time progresses.

But what is completely illogical… is that all the ancient beliefs that the West extracted from the inscriptions of the region and claimed that they existed in Iraq, the Levant, Misr and Yemen and that people believed in them. These superstructures completely disappeared from the region and no longer have any trace. It remains in reality today like magic…. There is in reality today no trace, even the size of a bean, that is associated with those religions.

The frightening thing is when we notice the presence of someone who becomes angry and dissatisfied with our saying that all these names of gods and religions are fake, and this discontent… because the illusion began to be embodied in people’s imagination.


Q: What is the name of the Egyptian inscriptions?

A: Holy writing

Q: What is the current sacred speech that is widespread and dominant in the region?

A: The Holy Quran

So….with us in the region is a Holy Book, and we also have a Holy Qur’an (the Qur’an is reading a book)

Holy Quran = Holy Writing

The Holy Qur’an is the reading of the sacred writing, the Qur’an is the true and sacred reading of the Holy Book.

{That is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guidance for the righteous. A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. Bringing good tidings and a warner. But most of them turn away, so they do not listen.}

{And when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Book that you will make it clear to the people and do not conceal it. Then they threw it behind their backs and bought it for a small price. Evil is what they buy. So woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, “This is from Allah” so that they may buy it for a small price. So woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.}

{And those who disbelieved said, “Do not listen to this Qur’an, and distort it in order that you may overcome. Do you hope that they will believe in you?” And a group of them used to hear the words of Allah, then they distorted it after they had understood it, while they knew.)

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