The meaning of atheism in the Holy Quran

The meaning of atheism in the Holy Quran


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What is the meaning of the word “they atheist” in the verse {Indeed, those who atheist are in Our signs}?

No two people today disagree about the meaning of this word. The common meaning of the word is to disbelieve, but to a greater degree. The word carries a greater negative connotation than the word to disbelieve.

But I believe that the word yahhad is among the difficult words that appear in the Qur’an and requires us to research it to understand its meaning. It appears in many contexts in the Qur’anic text and its meaning is not correct in those contexts.

According to the approach we adopt, we cannot at all search for the meaning of a word from outside the Qur’an. Why?

The answer, I think, is clear to everyone. The Qur’an is an argument in the same way as grammar and dictionaries, and not the other way around. That is, we are facing a founding text, and the founding text is the first ground upon which it is built. It is an argument in itself.

But this does not prevent us in the beginning from going to dictionaries to search for meaning, but according to precise conditions.

First…we have to be very careful in our dealings with dictionaries in understanding some of the vocabulary of the Qur’an, because dictionaries are not a reference for the Qur’an. The Qur’an is the first reference for us. It is the one who interprets itself. This does not mean that there is no truth in the dictionaries, but we will match it with the verses. The Qur’an and we know whether it touches the truth.

Secondly… there is an important benefit in dictionaries in terms of researching history… so that we know the first perceptions of people at that time about the meanings of words in the Qur’an, and match them with the interpretations of people at that time, so that we can know the first attempts at fraud and their purpose. We know more about the timeline of consciousness. Because, as we know, most of our heritage and texts came out suddenly at one time, and we never rule out the existence of a huge strategic forgery project.

Now let’s go to the dictionaries

In Al Ain Lahad dictionary:

The grave: what is dug across the width of the grave, and the grave of an atheist, and it is said: atheist, and lahadhu lahad. Dhul-Rummah said: Anasi has a lahad in the eyebrows, as a person likened the eye under the eyebrow to the lahad, when the eyes of camels became sunken from the fatigue of walking. A man aspires to something: he turns to it and leans toward it. It is said: he atheists toward it and he atheists toward it with his tongue, i.e., he leans, and it is read: the tongue of those who atheist and atheists.

And in the Al-Muhit dictionary in the article Lahad (Lahad)

The grave, which includes: the cleft is as wide as the grave, like the atheist, c: the atheist and the atheist. And the grave, as in the word forbidden, and the grave: he made a grave for him, and the dead: he buried him, and to him: money, like the grave. And atheist: money, fairness, opinion, and argument.


● If we try to search for a suitable meaning from among the meanings mentioned in the dictionaries, we will find that the meaning of “disbelieves and argues” agrees with the meaning of the previous verse (Indeed, those who deny Our verses)

But if we compare the word “disbelieve” and “disbelieve,” the word “disbelieve” will be more correct than the word “disbelieve.”

Why ?

If you search in the Qur’an, you will find that the word “to disbelieve” is followed by the preposition (baa).

{Those to whom We have given the book recite it as it should be recited – those believe in it, and whoever disbelieves in it – those are the losers.}

He disbelieves in him

Therefore, the word “disbelieve” in the previous verse is not correct, because if we said that the meaning of “disbelieve” is “to disbelieve”…the text would be: “Those who disbelieve in Our verses.”

And this is not right

It is assumed that those who disbelieve in Our signs… Therefore, the Islamic meaning is to argue… Indeed, those who dispute in Our signs…

But we have to look into another verse to find out the correct meaning

● {And we know that they say that only a human being teaches him. The tongue of the one to whom they refer is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

In this verse, we find that the meaning is not consistent with the previous meaning that we reached, which is argument, so the sentence is not correct. The language of the person they are arguing with is foreign, and this is an Arabic language, especially because of the presence of the word (to him).

The closest meaning of the word atheists would be to tend to him. This meaning is according to what is found in the books of interpretations.

Then the meaning of the verse will be:

The language they are leaning toward is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic language.

This meaning is clearer than the previous meaning, which is (to argue).

We will try to know the context in which this text was mentioned, to understand the meaning more. That is, we have to search for the text that precedes the verse.

{And when We substitute a verse in place of a verse, Allah knows best what He sends down, they say, “You are only an inventor.” Nay, most of them do not know. (101) Say, “It was sent down by the Holy Spirit from Your Allah with the truth, that He might confirm those who believe, and as a guidance and good tidings for the Muslims.” (102) And we know that they say, “Only a human being knows it.” The tongue of the one to whom they atheist is a foreigner. This is a clear Arabic tongue.}

That is, the meaning

And if we replace any verse with a verse, they say that you are a slanderer and a liar. Rather, most of these people are not people of knowledge. Say, “The Holy Spirit sent it down from your Allah to be guidance and good news for the Muslims,” and we know that they say that only human beings teach it, so the language they incline toward is (Arabic) and this is Clear Arabic language.

We will try to search for another meaning, one that combines a meaning that is argued and tended to in the first and second verses.

{And to Allah belong the best names, so call upon Him by them. And leave those who deny His names. They will be recompensed for what they used to do.}

The verse is almost like the first verse, as it can mean they argue or disbelieve in the names of Allah, but as we said, the word disbelieve in the Qur’an is followed by the letter (ba) and here it is followed by (fi), meaning that the verse is supposed to be (they deny the names of Allah). That is, they disbelieve in the names of Allah, but they do not deny the names of Allah.

Therefore, the meaning of “they disbelieve” is not correct.

The word still seems difficult and complicated.

The first meaning to argue seems safer, as the verse means to argue about the names of Allah, and this verse differs from the first verse in that it concerns atheism in the names of Allah, while atheism in the first verse refers to the verses of Allah.

Let us go to another text in the Qur’an

● {And recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Allah. There is no one to alter His words, and you will not find anyone united besides Him.}

In this verse, most interpretations say that “multihad” means refuge, as the verse means that you will not find refuge without Allah. Now we have a third meaning, meaning “to seek refuge.”

If we adopt the meaning of “ytaja”, the meaning of the first verse will not be correct

They deny Our signs, that is, they seek refuge in Our signs.

The verse means:

Recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Allah… for they are the words of Allah… there is no one who can change the words of Allah, for they are all from Allah… and without the Book you will not find unity (that is, you will not find refuge without it).

Let’s go to another verse

● {Indeed, those who disbelieve and turn away from the path of Allah, and Al-Masjid Al Haram which We have made for mankind, both those who seclude themselves in it and those who leave behind, and whoever rejects therein unjustly apostasy We will make him taste a painful punishment}

In this verse we find that the topic talks about those who turn away from Al-Masjid Al Haram, and about whoever turns away from it with harshness and injustice, Allah will make him taste a painful punishment.

But what is the meaning of the word “Yard” (which is pronounced “yawrd”)?

If we search, we will find that the word “ward” is found in Arabic dialects and refers to reading part of the Qur’an.

It is said to do a ward… that is, to read a little of the Qur’an.

Here we are facing work related to reading, as it talks about who reads.

This meaning of the word responds is confirmed, according to tradition there is a phrase

The supplication is not rejected between the call to prayer and the iqama.

The word returned here with a fatḥa rā’ is a verb in the passive form of the verb that is returned with a kasra rā’. That is, the supplication is not recited between the call to prayer and the iqamah.

Now we have four meanings of the word

He disbelieves


They seek refuge


And we did not reach a logical answer… The meaning of “yahd” in the Qur’an is supposed to be one meaning, so that this meaning is correct in every verse in which the word “yahd” and its derivatives appear.

We have other ways to search

The first way… Can we combine these four meanings into one meaning… That is, we search for a word that expresses all of these previous meanings?


We have to research the topics in which the word “atheist” appears, and do statistics on most of the vocabulary and topics associated with this word, or research in the context of the topic preceding the word, what is it about?

Let’s take a look

We will find that most of the verses in which the word atheism is mentioned are always linked to the book, that is, they revolve around the subject of the book…and in other verses it is linked to names, and in the first verse it is linked to verses…and in another verse it is linked to the tongue. …and in another verse related to words…and in another verse related to reading

This observation…makes us believe that this word has a meaning linked to the tongue or speech.

We are faced with a word that has a relationship with the mouth… a verb related to a relationship with the mouth.

It may be related to pronunciation… or speech… or pronunciation, etc

Could he be an atheist, meaning he speaks in a distorted way?

I think we are getting close to the proper meaning of the word.

We are faced with a word that describes the act of speaking and pronouncing in a distorted way. He called it the word yahd because it is like leaning away from a straight thing, and therefore the hole next to the grave was called lahd. Atheism means reciting Allah’s verses, reciting Allah’s names, or reciting devotional rituals in a distorted voice… that is, with a distorted pronunciation.

This result that we have reached in knowing the meaning of atheist is consistent with a verse in the Qur’an about the inclination of the tongue when reading the book…. So is atheism the right to have the tongue (inclination)?

{And indeed, among them is a group who distort the Book with their tongues, so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from the Book. And they say lies about Allah while they know.


The word lahd… refers to something inclined and unnatural, and the atheist is the incline, the atheist is the incline, and the lahd is the slanting cleft inside the grave.

But this slanted thing is connected to the mouth. Something comes out of the mouth or tongue in an abnormal, slanted manner. Any verbal distortion

For example

Look at the example in the picture

Imagine that we have a book, and these letters are drawn in it

( merciful )

If I ask you to read it… you will read it… the Most Merciful and naturally

But if you read the word….el maqqa…..deliberately…then you will be an atheist


You will be an atheist in the names of Allah

And you will be among those who deny Allah’s verses

And your tongue will be atheist

And your reading will be sharp

Without this explanation, you will not find anyone united





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