Zarathustra between truth and illusion – 1

Zarathustra between truth and illusion - 1


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I wrote a small topic about Zoroaster, and it caused confusion and made some friends believe that I was practicing exclusion of religions, falsifying facts, and playing a role similar to the role of dark religious priests.

Yes, I made a mistake in the way I presented the topic, and the discussion should have been detailed. And I made a mistake in the information that there is no Zoroastrian religion, because it exists today………..because I mentioned fictitious religions that are compared with Islam, and I included them with Zoroastrianism.

In general……….. I apologize for the incorrect information.. but what matters to me is raising the topic so that it can be an introduction to a longer and different conversation and discussion for everyone.

Why am I busy with the story of Zoroastrianism?

By Allah, the story has nothing to do with belief or the exclusion of a religion or belief or a bad view towards a religion…. On the contrary, what is called Magianism by many is a religion like any other religion, and it is a monotheistic religion, contrary to what many Muslims believe, and it contains all the values and Their morals and belief are close to Islam. They believe in resurrection, another life, and one Allah.

but there is a problem

I am only concerned with history, and because there is a connection between history and religion. Every religion has a historical origin story. Therefore, when criticizing history, some people think that we are criticizing a religion and trying to destroy a religion and exile it, because we question the origin of the religion.

Because the history of a religion is linked to a general history shared by everyone, it makes us enter into the history of religions, and when we deny the history of a religion, it is because we are originally inside a general and shared history. We do not care about beliefs and there is no point in criticizing them. The problem is only when the history of a religion is an attempt to establish a false and imaginary time in order to exclude and deny another history.

Also because of a widespread phenomenon among some, especially from the Enlightenment group and comparative religions, Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism are the fashion of the Enlightenments, so you do not find Enlightenment unless the world of Enlightenment begins by talking about Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism, as is the case with Youssef Zaydan. The topic has turned into a fashion…or a sign of enlightened quality. They do not know that when they talk about this topic, they are invading Zionist history and trying to confirm it, and they believe that they are exercising an enlightening role, as if they had discovered a treasure for the first time that the world had seen.

What is the solution ?


In my eyes and head, every religion and belief… We are all brothers, and every belief has our great respect, appreciation and love.

But excuse us regarding history and time… because time does not belong to anyone… but belongs to everyone… and when you try to establish an imaginary history for a religion, you are creating an imaginary time that places me outside of history and time… That is, you are making history at my expense… order to exclude me. Especially when you want to establish a false Zionist history.

So let’s talk about Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism

In the beginning, we will try to provide a simple historical summary of Zoroaster and current Zoroastrianism according to official references and the reality today. It is okay to post some of the Zoroastrian beliefs to remove the negative perception towards them.


Who is Zoroaster?

Zoroaster, the prophet of the Zoroastrian religion and the founder of the Zoroastrian religion, his name is Zoroaster in Arabic, and Ibn al-Nadim called him in the Index: Zoroaster ibn Isptman, and in English: Zoroaster, and Zaroaster in his original language is Avesta, and in Persian: Zoroaster, and in Greek Zoroastras, and there are many different interpretations of the name, However, it is agreed that the syllable “Ostra” in the name “Ala” means: a camel, and some historians believe that his name is a combination of two words meaning “the opposite of a camel” because in his youth he used to play with camels.

His birth and childhood

There is disagreement about Zoroaster’s birth date and place of birth.

Regarding the date of his birth, some say that he was born in 650 BC and died in 578 BC, and some researchers suggest that he lived between 1400 and 1200 BC. But most sources agree that he was born in 628 BC until 551 BC.

As for his place of birth, there are those who say that he was born in the Turkmen Desert region (currently Turkmenistan), but most accounts agree that he was born in the north of the city of Azerbaijan near the Aras River, and his father’s name was “Borozhaziu” and his mother’s name was “Dogdma”, and they were from the “Spitama” tribe, according to Zoroastrian writings that talk about the miracle of Zoroaster’s birth. Zoroaster’s father was grazing in the field, then two ghosts appeared to him and gave him a branch of the sacred huma plant and ordered him to present it to his wife. So he mixed the branch with the plant and he and his wife drank it. His wife became pregnant months later and dreamed of a black cloud surrounding her house and it was removed. Her child from her womb and she wanted to kill him, then the mother screamed and a ray of light came from the sky that tore the cloud apart and it disappeared, and from the ray a young man radiating light appeared and returned the child to his mother and told her that he would be a prophet, and when the child was born he did not cry like a child, but rather laughed out loud, and the house that was filled with light shook for him. Divine and evil spirits fled.

His life

When Zarathustra reached the age of seven, he went to study with a sage named Burzin Koros. He studied with him for eight years. He studied with him the doctrine, agriculture, raising livestock, and treating the sick. Then he returned to his country and put on the sacred shirt and belt, and this is all a symbol of his baptism in the faith of his people. In his youth, Zoroaster volunteered to go to the battlefield to help treat the war-wounded. After the war, famine spread in Iran and the disease intensified, so Zoroaster volunteered to serve the sick and needy. He continued to work voluntarily for five years, then he returned to his home and asked his father to leave his volunteer work and get married, so he got married. A woman named Havoy bore him a daughter and two sons, and he continued his volunteer work for another ten years.

Spiritual questions began to revolve in Zoroaster’s mind and he began to wonder about good and evil, and he wished that he could bring happiness to all people.

Zarathustra asked his wife for permission to live away from her as a hermit for a while, thinking about good and evil. He went to Mount Sabalan, and decided not to return home until he gained wisdom. He remained there alone, thinking for months, perhaps finding an explanation for good and evil. He saw that the history of the world was represented by the struggle between good. Which is represented by the Allah “Ahuramazda”, and the evil represented by the Allah “Ahraman”, and Ahuramazda cannot be responsible for evil; Because evil is an essence, just like goodness, and these two forces are two aspects of the one primary entity. Therefore, after death there must be another life, after the one Allah triumphs over evil, then the dead are resurrected, and people live again.

Zoroaster remained on Mount Sablan, clarifying his thoughts, which came out very slowly, as if it were a difficult birth, and while he was standing on the mountain, he saw a light shining above him, and behold, Vahumana, the archangel, had come to lead Zoroaster to heaven to have the honor of meeting the Allah, and to listen to his assignment. By the command of the prophecy, he announced the command, and then said afterwards: I will descend to the people, and lead my people in the name of Ahuramazda from darkness to light, from misery to happiness, and from evil to good.

There is disagreement about the year of the revelation to Zoroaster. Some say that he was twenty years old, others say that he was thirty years old, and some say that he was forty years old.

Zoroaster decided to call his people to his teachings and to believe in them, and he continued to call them for ten years, during which he faced hardship and persecution, and no one believed in him, and his clan and family abandoned him. Rather, he was expelled from his country, and he moved between countries and regions, but the people avoided him and closed the doors to him. Because he is a man who curses religion and priests, despair has touched his heart. Legends claim that Ahuramazda appeared to him, and that angels taught him the principles of wisdom, the truth of holy fire, and many secrets. Then the dark cloud of despair began to lift from his heart after his cousin, “Metumah,” who advised him to invite the educated people of his people to his teachings, believed in him. Because his new teachings are difficult for uneducated people to understand.

The priests conspired against him and plotted a plot against him, which ended with King Kashtasp issuing an order to arrest him and throw him in prison, ordering the people to return to the worship of fathers and grandfathers, and abandoning his belief in Ahuramazda. At that time, it happened that the king’s horse was afflicted with an incurable disease that the doctors were unable to cure, and the priests’ prayers to the gods were of no use in curing him. Zoroaster learned of the matter, so he sent to the king that he could cure the horse on the condition that the king return to the teachings he had abandoned, and the king agreed to that, and the horse was healed. An order was issued to release Zoroaster, and the king returned to his teachings and the kingdom believed in him. The king’s faith increased when he saw many miracles being accomplished at the hands of Zoroaster, who became the king’s chief priest in Balkh, Iran. The king ordered the slaughter of twelve thousand cows, whose skins were tanned and tied with pure gold threads, and on which were written in letters of gold all the teachings of Zoroaster, which was known as the “Avesta.”

Zoroaster had a beautiful, sensible young daughter called “Porukista,” who gained the admiration of the royal family. The prime minister admired her and married her. Thus, the man supported his religious position through political marriage. Then he encouraged and urged the king to spread the teachings of Ahuramazda everywhere. Therefore, messengers were sent to neighboring kingdoms and regions to preach the Avesta, and these teachings reached all parts of Iran and to Greece and India.

When Zoroaster reached sixty years of age, he decided that the king would impose his teachings on the people of Nuran, neighboring Iran. The war broke out between the two kingdoms over the Zoroaster doctrine. After fierce, terrible battles, the Iranians won and imposed their faith on the neighboring people, and Zoroaster became a national hero. His word is law, and His teachings are sacred. However, belief is not imposed on hearts, nor are its principles inculcated in minds. Religion is conviction, not coercion. Therefore, the people of Nuran hated Zoroaster and his teachings, and they did not stop resisting for seventeen years, until they were able to ignite the fire of another great war, and the two groups met on the battlefield. As for Zoroaster, he went to the temple with eighty of the senior priests, praying that the walls of their crumbling city would be saved. In front of the Nuran people, who refused to have the faith imposed on them. Zarathustra’s calls came as he kneeled before the people to save his people and his teachings, but the defeat was stronger than the calls. So the Illuminati entered the temple, stabbed Zoroaster in the back with a spear, killed all the priests, and blood flowed in the temple until the fire was extinguished.

Zoroaster’s life ended when he was seventy-seven years old, and the king avenged his death after that, and defeated the Illuminati, and did not accept peace from them until they promised him to convert to Zoroastrianism.

What are the works of Zoroaster?

He founded the Zoroastrian religion, and came with teachings that were all collected by a Persian king when he ordered the slaughter of twelve thousand cows, whose skins were tanned, tied with threads of pure gold, and on which were written in letters of gold all of Zoroaster’s teachings, which was known as the “Avesta.”

What is Avesta?

The Avesta, also called the Abstaq (Arabized name), is a selection from the Zoroastrian Holy Bible that still exists to this day. The Avesta is the book that the Allah Ahuramazda revealed to Zoroaster, and it includes five poems. These poems were written in the Avesta language, a language closely related to Vedic Sanskrit. This book was compiled long after Zoroaster’s death, and was lost several times.

When Alexander the Great invaded Persia in 330 BC and overthrew the political authority in Persia, he also removed the religious authority, so he burned the city of Istakhar, the country’s religious and spiritual capital. Most of the Zoroastrian heritage was lost. While they were drunk, he ordered his soldiers to burn all its libraries and places of worship that contained books in various branches of knowledge, and he burned the book of the Avesta. Zoroastrianism diminished in Persia and was replaced by Greek paganism.

A Zoroastrian cleric in that period says: Alexander burned 12,000 cow hides from his book, and a third of them remained preserved in the chests. The total amount of this preserved amount consisted of stories and hadiths that had disappeared from people’s memories due to the corruption of the people of the time.

Persia remained under Greek paganism for a long time, until the Persians regained their political independence. Persia waited 556 years until King Ardashir came in the year (222 AD), who restored Persia’s political independence. He then turned to religion, when he gathered scholars, priests, and clergy and asked Among them is the revival of the teachings of the Zoroastrian religion. Based on the king’s directives, seven senior clerics, after a comprehensive exploration of all of Persia, collected, through oral narration, what remained preserved in the chests. They were able to find some scattered parts of the book of the Avesta, so they compiled what they were sure was correct and put it in a book and was approved by scholars.

Since the language of the book in its new form is the ancient Avesta, which is an ambiguous language and not in common use, and is difficult for the general public to understand and requires explanation and interpretation, writers, scholars, and clerics were entrusted with writing explanations and comments for the new book, and a translation was then made. The book: From the Avestan language to the Pahlavi language. The book was distributed to the people in its new translation, as it is the closest and correct text to the Book of the Avesta, which Ahuramazda revealed to Zoroaster.

The oldest manuscript of this book in its new form, written in the Pahlavi language, dates back to the year 1258 AD


Zoroastrianism, also known as Zoroastrianism, is an ancient Iranian religion and religious philosophy. It was the official religion of the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassanian empires. The religion is attributed to its founder, Zoroaster, and is considered one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, as it appeared in Persia 3,500 years ago. Zoroastrianism appeared in the eastern region of the Achaemenid Empire at the hands of the philosopher Zoroaster.

Zoroastrianism is a religious belief centered around the divinity of one Allah, absolute, universal, and abstract. To Him belong the affairs of all creatures, creator and uncreated. Water and fire have importance in Zoroastrian rituals and sacred texts. Water and fire represent an independent life in and of themselves, and the Zoroastrian temple is not devoid of these two elements. Fire is the medium that provides man with wisdom, and water is considered the source of this wisdom.

● When a person reaches 15 years of age, he is baptized into the religion, where he is washed with water, dressed in a certain way, and prayers are recited over him.

● Places of worship are called fire temples, as a room in the temple is designated for fire. Not every fire is sacred to the Zoroastrians, so there are conditions for fire to reach holiness. The fire must be purified and purified in order to reach the highest levels of purity.

Most religious followers visit the fire temples 4 times a month, and the religious go there every day. The prayer is performed as follows:

The person washes his hands, feet, and face, recites a prayer, then proceeds slowly after taking off his shoes to the threshold of the fire, and presents the person who is close to the fire with money and wood. Then he approaches the fire, focuses his gaze on it, and recites prayers. After he is finished, he slowly retreats out of the room. He receives from the fire lieutenant a small amount of the ashes of the fire with which he wipes his eyelids and forehead.

The oldest Zoroastrian house of worship is located in India in Mumbai called H Bahram.

● Zoroastrians have five obligatory prayers

●Feasts of the Zoroastrian religion

The Zoroastrian religion has many holidays, the most famous of which is Nowruz, which is the festival of the beginning of the year and the spring equinox.

● Death in Zoroastrianism

Zoroastrians believe that the soul wanders for three days after death before moving to the other world. Zoroastrians believe in arithmetic, as they believe that the righteous Zoroastrian will live in heaven alongside Zoroaster, while the immoral person will live in hell alongside the devils.

Zoroastrians have special burial rituals, as they hate the idea of the physical body mixing with the elements of life. Water, dirt, air and fire so as not to pollute them, so they leave the bodies of the dead for birds of prey on special towers called the Towers of Silence or (Dakhna) in Persian, where these rituals are carried out by certain clerics. Then, after the birds eat the dead body, the bones are placed in a special hole in this tower without Bury her.

● Zoroastrian languages

The Avestan language is a language closely related to Sanskrit (an ancient Indian language), but Zoroastrians currently use the Dari language, and Zoroastrians in India speak Gujarati.

● The number of adherents to the religion is estimated at between 145,000 and 300,000 individuals, most of whom today are in India and are present in Iran, Afghanistan, and Azerbaijan, in addition to immigrants.

– 250,000 in India according to the 2001 census

– 5,000 in Pakistan, concentrated in the city of Karachi, and their number has increased significantly in recent years after the migration of many Iranian Zoroastrians to Pakistan.

– 18,000 to 25,000 on the North American continent.

– 21,400 in Iran, where they are particularly present in the cities of Yazd, Kerman, and Shiraz, in addition to the capital, Tehran.

– 10,000 in the regions of Central Asia, especially in the region (Balkh, located in northern Afghanistan and in the Republic of Tajikistan), which was the former homeland of the Magian religion.


This is almost a simple summary, and as we said before, we are not on a religious topic…..what concerns us is only history…and the importance of history to us is not for the sake of history itself, but for the sake of producing material evidence that reveals a historical game that took place in a time what .

Zoroastrianism is a religion and a belief and must be respected, but excuse me, what should I do when I see the evidence before my eyes… I am forced to say that the story of Zoroaster and his history is fictitious… a story from the author’s imagination, and is not realistic. And true….a fake story to create a real origin for this religion in order to establish an imaginary Zionist era only.

This religion is very recent and is not much more than 500 years old.

Why ?

He follows



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