The myth of the Arabs’ invasion of Andalusia

The myth of the Arabs' invasion of Andalusia


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■ Did you know that the oldest archaeological inscriptions discovered in Spain were about the people whom Greece called (the Phoenicians)?

As we know, the Phoenix are residents of the region, and this means that residents of the region were present in Spain before the presence of Europeans.

■ Did you know that the inscriptions discovered in Spain dating back to the Phoenix are 1500 years BC?

This means that the existence of the Phoenicians existed a thousand years before the emergence of Greece and Rome, and there is an ancient roots in them.

■ Did you know that Andalusia, 300 years before Christ, was under the rule of Carthage and was a transit station for Hannibal during his passage to fight Rome?!

This means that Andalusia, as a political entity, from ancient times was linked to the East, and its political awareness was subordinate to the East and in hostility with the center of the West, which at that time was Rome.

■ Did you know that Andalusia was spreading the Arian Christian doctrine, which believed in the human nature of Christ and which opposed the Church of Rome?

This means that Andalusia, as a religious entity, has existed since ancient times and carries a different religious awareness that is opposed to the religious awareness that existed in Rome.

■ Did you know that German tribes in northern Europe called the Vandals were in hostility and wars with Rome and embraced the Arian Christian doctrine through them and migrated to North Africa and established a state that lasted 100 years and was eliminated by the Byzantines and they fled to Andalusia and fortified themselves there and it was called Andalusia? Attribution to them?!

This means that Andalusia, politically and religiously, has been the political and religious opposite of Rome since ancient times.

■ Do you know anything about the many archaeological discoveries in Northern Europe that contain Islamic inscriptions? Many coins and utensils… with the inscription “There is no Allah but Allah” on them, and clothes with Arabic inscriptions on them… In the name of Allah…. and about the number of many graves discovered in North Africa that contain bodies covered in clothes with Islamic inscriptions. And the dead keep rings with Allah’s writing on them?!

This means that there is a history that is hidden from you, and that there is a force that deliberately and continues to intend to hide it.

■ Did you know that Spain was able to spread the Spanish language outside its borders, but it was unable to spread its language throughout its current borders? There are many regions in Spain that speak different languages, such as the Basque region, the Catalonia region, and the Andalusian region?

This means that the Spanish language in Andalusia was a new development in Andalusia and was not old and well-established.

■ Did you know that there are regions in Spain that speak languages that do not belong to European languages, such as Basque?

This means that there was a different language and culture in Andalusia that had been well-established since ancient times.

■ Did you know that there is a Spanish historian named Ignacio Olague who published a book called The Arabs Did Not Enter Spain Militarily, and from the summary of his book:

The Arabs and Muslims did not conquer Spain militarily, and the conversion to Islam in Andalusia only occurred through the movement and struggle of ideas, then the dominance of what the author calls the idea – the force that formed the backbone of Arab-Islamic civilization in three-quarters of the world of those days.

– The Islamic call in Spain found a favorable climate, such that the Spaniards, in whose society the Arian religion prevailed during the eighth century, only made minor modifications to their belief, thought, culture, and customs in order to convert to Islam. It is known that Arianism’s conception of the person of Jesus Christ is the same as the conception of the Holy Qur’an, meaning that he is one of Allah’s prophets and nothing else. This means that the prevailing cultural soil among the Al-Nasarah of Spain at that time – which is Arianism – was ready to accept a new religion that had the same conception of the character of Christ, and so on and from this. Chapter: Islam entered the Iberian Peninsula.

– The basic roots of the “myth” of the military invasion of Andalusia originated in Misr, and the Latin writers affiliated with Rome were the ones who most contributed to promoting and disseminating this myth, and when this narrative moved to Iberia it grew and spread widely because it found a climate similar to the climate of the East.

and now

● Have you come to understand the idea of why the Spaniards were the invaders and not the Muslims, as they occupied someone else’s homeland after killing, slaughtering and displacing its population?!

● Have you come to realize that what the Spaniards did in Andalusia is exactly the same…what the Spaniards did in South America when they occupied those lands, eliminated their civilizations, and killed and slaughtered their inhabitants, after they deceived and convinced everyone of the term “New World,” To falsify everyone’s minds, hide the truth, hide an era, and give them the right and legitimacy to occupy them under the pretext that they were the first to discover that land?!

● Is it time to end the myth of Islamic conquests, and end this false, imaginary history whose primary function was to hide a historical era, eliminate it from memory, and drop the real time of the region? This historical myth was an intellectual strategy to hide the time of the peoples and in preparation for the displacement and expulsion of the population from their homelands. The original is in favor of the forces that deliberately published this false and imaginary history?!


The West has been criminal and dirty since ancient times……. They were able to deceive you as they always do… Because what happened to the Muslims in Andalusia by the Spaniards is a huge historical crime, a humanitarian catastrophe, and a disgrace that haunts the West to this day. It was a savage, barbaric act. Whoever kills, slaughters, displaces and displaces indigenous people from their original homeland.

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