Who are the Phoenicians and Canaanites?

Who are the Phoenicians and Canaanites?


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The Phoenicians and the Canaanites

Has a reader or researcher ever asked the logical question: Why is the ancient history of the region so full and crowded with so many names for different peoples and peoples?

The ancient history of the region, written by the West, contains a huge amount of different languages, multiple religions, and many gods. You feel as if the region is drowning in a sea of conflicting and different nations, peoples, and peoples. There is no linguistic relationship, no religious relationship, no commercial relationship, or any relationship between them, completely separate from each other.

I think one of the reasons is: distorted language.

There is a problem we have when reading history, and one of those problems is our concept of language.

Man in our societies views language as if it is an eternal state, and does not imagine a universe that began except through language. He sees language as if it fell from the sky and is not a human product, meaning that language exists outside of man and he is the one who learned it. Perhaps the reason is because they are the languages of the sacred books, and Perhaps it is an ancient culture firmly established in our Arab region because this region emerged from the first letter, and from which emerged the first texts recorded by history for man.

But this is because we have a perception about language in general, so we see it as a process of summoning independent entities. When we pronounce the name of something, we are carrying out a process of evoking this thing and believe in its existence as an independent entity outside the self, but when the pronunciation of the name differs, we believe that we are facing two different entities. Independents.


Do you find how some people find it difficult to curse in Arabic but find it easy to curse in English, because subconsciously they believe that the word in Arabic does not have the same connotations as the word in English? Some people even get angry when they curse someone with the word dog, but they are less angry if they insult a person. With the word (dog).

This example summarizes the entire story, an example that has not yet reached some people while reading history when they encounter the names of peoples and want to know their identity.

For example……a century ago, no one knew the name of Phoenici, except after reading Western Greek writings……and after reading, a new name for a people was formed in our imagination, and we then try to create a new image for this people in our imagination, and This is what happens with every new reading of history and the encounter with the names of many people.

With frequent reading, we encounter the names of many new peoples, and thus our imagination is crowded with many names, but there is no precise definition for them.

Who they are, who they are, and who gave them the name so that we believe that they are a different people, are names in the imagination that are the product of historical reading and do not know any clear concept about who they are. It creates crowding and chaos. Who are the Nabataeans, Assyrians, Syriacs, Arabs, Phoenicians, Canaanites, and Elamites, and where were they specifically and where did they come from in the beginning?

The evidence is the attempts of many to find a formula for reconciliation between the names as a reform mission, through a process of merging the names, and this is evidence that our perceptions are still unclear.. For example, some began to call the Assyrians Babylonians, and some agreed to call the Syriacs Arameans, so they are Syriac Armenians, and there are those who The Arabs are called the Adnan Arabs, and the last Arabs are the Ismailis. And etc

I will give an example so that everyone can be sure that we do not have a scientific method in reading history and that most of our reading and perceptions are wrong and incorrect and have led us into chaos and wrong perceptions.

Who are the Phoenicians and who are the Canaanites?

Almost…… The name Canaan in our imagination is linked to a religious image because it is a name found in religious texts, while the name Phoenix is linked in our imagination to a magical image from a magical, mythical world, and this is natural because it is a name we find in historical Greek literature and is not linked to religion.

But what is the relationship between them?

If we gave some people the choice between the two names, some would prefer Canaan, who are almost religious, and others would prefer Phoenix, who are the non-religious group.

But the truth is that the Canaanites are the Phoenicians

In a previous article, I talked about a phenomenon that many people do not pay attention to, especially those who love reading history and researchers. This phenomenon can be found strikingly in ancient Western history novels written by Rome and Greece. Herodotus talked about it in his history, when he mentioned that the Egyptians wrote from right to left, and that the Egyptians were amazed at the Greeks who wrote from left to right.

You find this point clearly in the names of places, peoples, and characters in Greek and Roman sources. You find them written in reverse (inverted from left to right).

You can verify this for yourself. Try to read the names of many of the names and places that appear in Greek sources from left to right. You will find that they are names similar to local names, or some of them are similar to names in other Greek novels.

Especially when we read some of the Greek myths that were written about the region, which seem similar in their events but different in the names of their characters and geography. If we try to read the titles from left to right, we will find that we are faced with one title, and we will then be definitively certain that we are facing one myth. But with different and distorted translations, and that we are facing one character but with different and distorted translations, and that we are facing the same geography but with different and distorted translations.

We will give an example to be more sure

The word Canaan is nothing but a reverse translation of the word Phoenix.

We said in a previous article that the letter (f) is the ancient definite article in the Greek language, and therefore the origin of the word fenix is (ang).

Phenq = phenq

This Greek word was translated into Arabic as the word neck, from which the word phoenix came to us, which is the well-known legendary bird associated with the Phoenicians.

Anq = neck (because the letter eye does not exist in Greek)

Al-Finqin = Al-Anqin = Al-Finqin

But there are those who translated the word “naq” in Greek in reverse to the word “naq” because the letter (q) matches the letter (k) in the phonetic output. It is certain that they are the seventy clerics who translated the Septuagint texts of the Old Testament from Greek into Aramaic.

So the word Canaan was introduced into the texts of the Bible, and we had a new people suddenly born, after the writing of the Old Testament, a people carrying a different historical narrative of a religious nature, and a people whose name was the Phoenix disappeared from history. We now have two peoples, and each people has a historical narrative, a different time, and a different image in the imagination, and many people find it difficult to integrate them, because the Canaanites are a people linked in our consciousness to a religious narrative, while the Phoenix are linked in our consciousness to a magical, mythical narrative.

Neck = athetosis (reverse translation)

Anqa = Kanaa

Anqan = Canaan

Now imagine

● How the inverted distorted translation produced for you the name of a new people and a novel different from the first novel and made us enter into different analyses, interpretations and narratives, and made us believe in the existence of a new people when the truth is that it is just a distorted translation.

● How our imaginations were crowded with a name for a new people because of a distorted translation.

So….we are inside an imaginary world because of primary texts that were subjected to distorted translations from time to time…so hundreds of peoples were created within our region.

So we are only in an imaginary world, and we are not doing anything real in understanding history, because we are looking into a history that does not exist, because it is a history resulting from many distorted translations of ancient primary texts.

In a previous article, I talked about my own definition of myth and said that myth, in my view, is nothing but very realistic primary texts that have been subjected to distorted translations, and at every time they are interpreted in a new way.

And for this reason….we live only in a false and distorted history (a world of myths). We read legends, not real history that actually happened or existed, but rather distorted from real history.

This is the reason for our chaos when reading history. The reason for the enormous number of names of peoples and peoples in the history of the region.

{And people were not but one nation, but they differed, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them concerning what they differed in.}

Is the picture clear? !

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