Who are Al Qaeda and ISIS?

Who are Al Qaeda and ISIS?


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Many of us know Homer’s wonderful epic, the Iliad. There are those who have read it and there are those who have watched the movie Troy, in which Brad Pitt played the starring role as Achilles, and that war that took place for ten years between Sparta and Troy, which ended with the trick of the wooden horse, becoming that horse. The most famous horse in history… Trojans.

But has any of you ever asked why specifically the horse? Why did the Spartans choose the horse over other animals in that trick that made them succeed in infiltrating the walls of Troy? Why was it not another shape? Could it have been geometric or a chariot, or any other object? Always when we mention or remember the Trojan horse. We want to refer to a Greek intellectual and philosophical rule that says (in the sacred there is the profane) and the tragedy of Troy, like the rest of the Greek tragedies, explains how it is possible and always possible for us to pass by the profane, the vile, the tricks and the desolation and to enter the most powerful fortresses with it, if we give it the cover of the sacred, and in order to It is easy for us to understand this tragedy. We must know that the city of Troy revered the horse, and the Spartans found nothing but a wooden horse as a gift from them to Troy. Inside it, they placed 12 of their strongest soldiers, and spread around it the bloodied corpses of soldiers. The Spartans disappeared to indicate that they were not there. They are not responsible for that horse. Troy woke up and opened the doors of its impenetrable wall to find the horse. She was happy and rejoiced about him after she believed that he was sent by Allah, after he had killed the enemy soldiers. She brought him inside her walls to celebrate him and the victory. Under the cover of the night, the twelve Spartan soldiers escaped and slaughtered everyone. The guards opened the doors to the Spartan soldiers, and so Troy rose to find itself with ruin all around it. Does the story seem like a fairy tale? What the Spartans did in the Holy Horse trick is being done by security and planning experts in many fields. It is a tactic that is being done. Among the strategic projects in many fields is the strategy of camouflaging and deceiving the sacred or the reliable, such that it is difficult to see the true picture hidden behind the sacred. For example, this ancient technique for penetration and destruction (the Trojan horse), was benefited by amateurs who hacked into computer systems at the beginning of the emergence of the Internet era. They applied this technique literally, relying on the sacred, but on the user, relying only on camouflage. Amateurs of hacking computers were initially using Programs they send to the victim who does not have a computer security culture, and when he opens them, the malicious programs begin to infect the system, but after the computer culture and its security spread, hacking enthusiasts began to resort to another trick, which is to deceive the user that the file is not a malicious program by changing the formal characteristics of the file. It appears in the form of an image or video file, so the victim is reassured and clicks on the file to start this malicious application. But with time, hacking professionals took advantage of the Trojan siege technique, and applied it literally by relying on what was sacred to the system itself, and they were the ones who introduced into the dictionary of computer terms a new term called Trojan, which refers to a Trojan horse, and Trojan is an unsafe, malicious program that the system recognizes. However, it is part of the regime that infiltrates computer systems and carries out a control and sabotage operation on the regime. Now let us go to a report from a German journalist who went to Iraq and made a report on the ISIS phenomenon and tried to reach the places where it advances and visited the mosque where Al-Baghdadi preached. The journalist describes ISIS as a sweeping flood everywhere, and describes what is happening as astonishing and illogical. Then he meets a number of ISIS members of many European-American nationalities, all of them with beards and short clothes, shouting “Allah is Great,” determined to achieve victory, and threatening everyone who stands before them. By death. The journalist’s astonishment is no less than the astonishment of the people of the region. The journalist is astonished at this expansion and progress and at this faith among the soldiers. Why is everyone unable to understand what is happening and explain this astonishment? Why are they unable to explain ISIS or Al-Qaeda? Why does their interpretation never depart from two logics? Only two revolve around the sacred, and we are unable to explain them and refer them back to texts to understand the phenomenon. Well, if we return to the story of the Trojan Horse and imagine ourselves as residents of Troy, we will be one of two. The first, before the horse enters: is a person who supports the horse entering the city because it is sacred and celebrated. He was able to kill the enemy, and this applies to the case of those who believe in ISIS today, in the process of attracting them and celebrating their entry just as the people of Troy celebrated the horse. The second after the entry of the horse: He is a person who believes that the cause of the destruction of Troy is the sacred horse, and believes that the horse was not sacred. It is the cause of devastation and destruction, so insults, insults, and curses are directed at horse statues in the belief that they are the cause of devastation, and this applies to those who believe that devastation is caused by belief. Until a third person emerges from the crowd and says the reason is that Troy fell subject to a security breach through its sanctuary, and he says that all Islamic groups are a Trojan horse that hides mercenaries, soldiers and intelligence agents behind their appearance, and that it is an old and well-known security idea for hacking systems. This is the whole story. The base stage was the stage of attracting mercenaries from everywhere in the name of the Holy (the horse of Islam) using a network prepared for this mission, the founding stage or base for the security operation, then it moved to a new stage, which is working on the field after entering the fort…… ISIS or Ansar. Sharia law. Therefore, it is difficult for everyone to imagine that they are under the control of a clever security plan called the Trojan horse, prepared by intelligence services for international powers. This security plan was necessary after the fall of the Soviet Union and the fall of the legitimacy of direct intervention in countries. This security operation was necessary in order to preserve and arrange their interests. Or controlling new interests, such that it sends mercenaries trained and managed by intelligence soldiers to countries and no one suspects them because they are wearing sacred underwear, a tactic to preserve the strategy of the course of its political project in the region. Then she begins carrying out the tasks assigned to her. This means that if Europeans, Americans, and foreigners entered the region thirty years ago and formed groups and created chaos, no one would doubt at all that they were following great powers to destabilize the region, and everyone would stand against them and against the invaders. But when Americans, Europeans, and foreigners enter with beards, scarves, and clothes And old costumes, and they raise the slogan of Islam to the region to participate in the trick of the Islamic Caliphate. Some welcome it before the devastation as a local product that belongs to them, and after the devastation, everyone, without exception, immediately goes to the horse and believes that it is the cause of the devastation. They do not realize that they were subject to a security breach by intelligence services running the operation on the field using agents and mercenaries brought from many places wearing religious clothing in order to give them freedom of movement and no doubt about their goals. Therefore, I challenge the media to replace the word terrorists or Islamists with the word foreign mercenaries or intelligence agents in describing the phenomena of armed groups that have a religious character, such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Ansar al-Sharia, etc., and continue speaking in this language for a month. You will see how the mind of the viewer and listener will… He begins to understand the story well. The story is an intelligent directed media and a security operation known by intelligence centers implemented in the region as the Trojan Horse.

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