Deciphering ancient writings 3

Deciphering ancient writings 3

1/6/2021 0:00:00

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What was the form of writing among the first humans and what would be the method of writing in it?!

In our previous conversation

■ We said that we believe that all people in all of the earth have emerged and spread throughout the earth, from one place on the earth, and we will call it the central point. The first man who lived in the central point was the first to write on the earth, and the writing that he wrote At that central point, it is the first book on earth.

■ We said that when the first man decided to write… the first written form that could be imagined would be very primitive, but it was related to preserving memory.

We said that the first man…if he wrote, the main goal of writing would be to preserve memory, and that the main subject of writing would be religious texts linked to the truth of man’s existence, linked to his belief.

The process of preserving memory of important religious texts for the descendants that come after him… requires an accurate and continuously living writing system… whose vitality does not disappear with the passage of time, and is directly linked to human language. the first .

Therefore….we believe that the first logical and realistic written form that can fulfill these first conditions is the pictorial written system (through pictures), through pictures of the things surrounding the first human. Because the images will be of things whose names are known in the language of the first human, and his descendants will inherit the names of the things (the language of the first human).

Conclusion….. The first man wrote in pictorial writing.

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This is the conclusion of our previous conversation, which is that the first man wrote in pictorial writing (through pictures).

But………… If the first man would write using pictures, what would the first man’s system of writing using pictures be like?!

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This is our conversation for today……. How would the first human write through pictures?!

It is logical that the first man had a language of communication, and if he wanted to write using pictures, then the intuitive idea that would come to any human being’s mind now, which is to write by using a pictorial writing system that carries phonetic values, is similar to our current system of writing.

That is to say, the first human had approximately 30 pictures, and each picture carried a phonetic value, like our current system of writing, but instead of using random symbols like our system, which number 30 symbols, he used pictures for writing, which number 30 pictures.

I mean, for example

This is a written letter….N….pronounced (Na-Ni-Nu)

This is a pictorial symbol…… ★ …. pronounced (na – ni – no)

This is the first idea that will come to our mind now.

But…we have an illogical point, which is:

When we went to the reality to see our results that we had arrived at regarding the form of writing of the first human being……….we found our results already visible in reality somewhere in the region, which is Misr, which contains pictorial writing.

In fact, pictorial writing has appeared with us…. According to our story, it is the first written form on Earth, and the first man appeared in Misr.

But when we went to examine the reality of that writing more and see that intuitive idea….we found that this axiom does not exist in the reality of pictorial writing in Misr, as the number of images in Egyptian writing is much greater than 30 images.

This makes us believe that the current writing system does not apply to the writing system of early humans.

Because logic says….. If the number of images in pictorial writing found in Misr was approximately 30, we would actually say that the method of pictorial writing is completely similar to our current method of writing.

This thing makes us put forward an idea that seems realistic… that the first man could have created simple random symbols that did not require the complexity and difficulty of writing instead of pictures, if writing were in the same way as our current writing, and this means that the method of writing is through pictures. It will be different from writing like our current system.

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Note: It is necessary to understand our current writing system:

In our writing, we have approximately (28 symbols), each symbol representing a phonetic value only, which does not carry any meaning… just a sound.

b ……… without smell

S…….si sa su

The name is written to us, by combining several meaningless phonetic symbols, to form a phonetic value that carries meaning.

Example: How do we write the name of the circular thing that appears in the sky at night?


M.. ma mi mo

R .. ra ri ro

Gambling….. (moon)

The same thing exists in English writing, etc.

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In our previous conversation we said

■ When the first man decided to write… he would write:

1- He will write for the purpose of preserving memory for the offspring that come after him and preserving the first memory on earth.

2- He will write topics related to the information about the first beginning on Earth that explains the secret of this appearance to him…texts of a religious nature, texts related to the secret of his existence and his outlook on life. He will write religious texts that preserve his belief for his descendants, for the life of the first man was simple, there were no wars, no fighting, There are no heroics or glories, so that we might believe that these are the subjects of his writing.

Conclusion………. The essence and reasons for writing among the first man is to preserve memory and convey information about the first beginning on earth to the offspring…and the topics he wrote are the first information on earth and texts of a similar nature. Purely religious.

From this approach, we will come closer to understanding the correct method of writing through pictures in early humans.

If the goal of writing…is to preserve the first memory on Earth for the descendants of the first man, and the nature of the topics of the first writing are very important existential texts…then we believe that the first man will develop a pictorial writing system consisting of a very large number. Of pictures, and the number of pictures will not be approximately 30 according to our current system.

Why ?

Preserving memory and passing on important religious information requires a writing system that also preserves meaning, and this does not exist in our current writing system, nor does it exist in a pictorial writing system consisting of 30 images.

It required ……. to preserve the language of the first man, by photographing all the things around him, so that when writing texts it was possible to read the phonetic value of the word, and know the meaning of the phonetic value.

I mean, for example

I can write the word (star) and an Englishman, if we teach him to read, can read it, but he will not understand the meaning of (star).

But if you create a pictorial writing system for him, such as (★star), and teach him to read the word, he will know that it means something moving in the sky.

This is what actually exists when examining the writing of ancient Misr, which is pictorial writing and contains a very large number of images.

We believe that the first man was not stupid as depicted in the Western history that was written for the world, and he was aware and conscious of this problem that could appear in the offspring.

Therefore, we believe that the first man left two things to his descendants:

The first… is a reserve thing… similar to a linguistic dictionary, containing all the pictures of things around it, separated by their names (i.e., their phonetic values).

The second……….are the written texts that he wrote with those images, which contain the first memory information on earth.

There is no difference between the two, one thing. The first thing is needed in order to be able to read the written texts, and whoever can read the written texts directly does not need the first thing.

The need for the first thing… is for people who cannot read the texts of the book, so that they can read the book.

This is almost similar to the two concepts in our reality (data and information).

The first thing is called (data).

The second thing is called (information).

Data…is dispersed, unprocessed things

Information…a collection of processed data

For example:

Dog …………. (data)

Yellow ………… (data)

Yellow dog….. (information)

Information = a set of data that has been processed.

This is similar to the Qur’an’s speech when he talks about (the Criterion and the Book).

The first thing is called (Al-Furqan)

The second thing is called (the book).

{And when We gave Musa the Book and the Forkan, that you may be guided.}

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Now we have reached results that are:

● The first man would write using pictures.

● The first man would not use a written system like our current system, which is based on phonetic articulations.

● The first man would write through pictures to preserve his first language on Earth for his descendants.

● The first man would use in his writing system a large number of images of the things around him, because they were able to preserve his language and the meanings of the things around him.

● The first man will leave us two things: the Criterion (a dictionary of all the images in his book) and the written texts recorded in the first memory information.

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We believe that when the first human wrote with pictures, he would draw pictures of things around him in his language… So every picture he would draw would be a noun phrase in his language and carry the meaning of the picture.

For example

If the first person wanted to write the name of a star, he would draw a picture of a star (★).

(★) This reads (star).

The same thing will be with the rest of the things around him, that is, he will depict all the things around him (earth, water, moon, sun, etc.).

The truth is that the issue of understanding the writing of the first human requires us to understand the language and ask a logical question: Is it possible to transform our language into symbols that cover the entire language?

In our reality…we know that we have computer languages, and although these languages are not living, they are a language understood by Allah, and they are not free, but rather restricted and based on logic and rules…but human language has freedom within it. Unrestricted.

If we think about the issue….we can write separate words through pictures, but if we exclude the idea of pictures in our mind, how will a person write with separate names (evidence) and form understandable logical sentences (information)?

Meaning, how will I write with the words (star, sky, sea, etc.) and form a logical, understandable sentence (clear information) from it?

Meaning, how would I write the sentence (beautiful house)?

(House)… The word can be represented in the form of a picture (■)

(Beautiful)… Can the word be represented by an image?!

The possibility is that the first human would have represented the word (beautiful) with a picture, and let us assume that he represented the word with a picture (◇)

Now when we want to write a sentence (a beautiful house), we will write it in the following form (■ ◇)… and you will read a beautiful house.

When we want to write a sentence (a beautiful star), we will write it in the following form (★ ◇)… and it will read: a beautiful star.

This means that the possibility is very high……….. that a person will use pictures in writing, so that each picture does not represent a meaningless phonetic value like our system, but rather a phonetic value that carries meaning.

But if we think a little about language…we will face many problems in representing language as written symbols.

– For example, language has names for material things, and moral names have abstract meanings. The problem does not exist in the names of material things, but rather in the names of intangible things, as in the previous example….. This situation will be frequent for us in the issue of writing…… We We need pictorial symbols to represent abstract, moral concepts such as: beautiful, love, and this is a problem that will confront us and confront the first human.

Words also have many properties (singular, plural, definite article, and indefinite article).

There are also letters and pronouns used in the language.

There are also verbs that have several derivations, and the verbs contain several tenses (past, present, future).

How can moral nouns, letters, pronouns and verbs be represented with pictures?!

These problems that we will face… In addition to our belief that the first human was interested in preserving memory, and the process of preserving memory requires precision and balance that cannot tolerate error, and it requires him to write in an accurate way that does not accept possibilities so that a memory that carries wrong information is not transferred.

– For example…….. How would the first human write the word (he said) as a form and the word (he said) is a verb and carries many forms (they said, they said, he will say, they will say, they will say, she said, she said, we said, she will say, you will say, They will say.

So the probability is high that the verb (he said) would not have been composed of a form in the early human writing system.

– For example…. How would the first human write the word (my book) as a picture and the word (my book) consisting of two syllables (noun and pronoun) (book + y).

It is possible to create an image for (a book), but how will it be possible to create an image for an audio output (Y)?

– And for example…. How would the first man write the word (love) as an image when the word (love) is a moral thing that cannot be represented by an image, and the word is composed of a noun and a definite article (the – love) and also has derivations (love, lover) .

It is possible to create an image for (love), but how will it be possible to create an image for the definite article (the)?!

The derivations of words + pronouns + definite articles + moral nouns… all make us believe that there is a great possibility that the first human writing system through pictures would not be in this way (every picture carries phonetic values that have a meaning), and would it not be in a system like our writing system?

Is there a writing system other than these two?

What if we combined the two systems together, i.e. a written system that carries audio outputs like our current system, but through images that carry meaningful audio values?!

I think there is a high probability that it will be like this

The question means: Why did we rule out our current system as the first human writing system?!

We excluded it because of two things:

Because our writing requires 30 meaningless phonetic symbols, but we found conceptual writing consisting of a large number of images.

The first human needs writing that explains the meaning as well, and this requires him to write phonetics and meaning at the same time.

Why is it not the case that a large number of images carry phonetic values and meaning, but at the same time when writing they have phonetic values?

how ?

If everyone asked us…… How can we design a writing system using pictures that have names, so that the written word can be read with these pictures?!

If we think about it, we will find that we will arrive at a system that depends on taking the phonetic output from the name of each picture.


★ .. Image name (Najm) (Najm)

○ .. Image name (Ain) (Ain)

Now read the following word

(★○ m)


This word will read (Na Aam M) = (Yes)

this way

Is it the writing system used by the first humans?

The possibility is very high, but this means that one name can be written in several written forms…. How?!

If pictorial writing had only 30 forms, then the name would only be written in one written form that does not change and is read with one phonetic value that does not change.

But if pictorial writing consisted of a large number of pictures, we would be able to write the name in several written forms, but all written forms would be read with one phonetic value.



★ .. Image name (Najm) (Najm)

○ .. Image name (Ain) (Ain)

♣ .. Picture name (Nahla) (Nahla)

Now read the following two words

(★○ m)

(♣○ m)


The word (★ ○ m) will read (na a m) = (yes)

The word (♣ ○ m) will read (na a m) = (yes)

That is, we wrote one word in several written forms.

You will notice this idea when you read the West’s translations of Misr’s pictorial inscriptions. According to the West’s translations, which are fake of course, they said that the names of the gods of ancient Misr were written in many forms.

For example, if you see the Allah that the West invented (Osiris), and the West said that he writes his name in different written forms, you would be surprised why a person would write one name (for a Allah) in several written forms. One formula is sufficient.

The idea that we came up with explains to you the reason why a single name can be written in several different written forms, all of which are read in one reading with only one meaning… And from here you will know the approach from which the West invented the stories about the fact that the gods in Misr were written in several written forms.

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Now, if we return to our written system, we will find a note that people do not notice:

We said that our writing system has approximately (28 symbols), each symbol representing only a phonetic value that does not carry any meaning… just a sound.

b ……… without smell

The name is written to us, by combining several meaningless phonetic symbols, to form a phonetic value that carries meaning.

But the truth is…we have written symbols that have phonetic value and carry meaning.

A… (Ain)….but we pronounce it when writing (A’ A’ A’ A’).

The symbol (A)… Its name is (Eye), and we know the meaning of (Eye), which is the organ present in the human face that is used to look, but it is not read as (Ain) when the word is written with it, but rather it is read as a phonetic value (Aa).

This thing makes us go to a place that has a strong opinion that supports our idea, and this place is the readers’ speech.

The Qur’an’s speech supports this idea of ours, and will now even remove the ambiguity that the Muslim has in understanding the so-called disconnected verses that come at the beginning of some of the Qur’an’s surahs.

Yes… the Muslim’s confusion will disappear, which made him confused in his understanding, and he will even seize any theories that come to him to explain those verses, until he comes to believe that those broken verses are Syriac or came from a Hebrew culture. He is convinced by the interpretations of Western orientalists in the name of enlightenment, to the extent that he is convinced by the story that disjointed letters are the meanings of verbal sentences such as:

M… means…. O enlightened one

The broken verses that come at the beginning of Surat Al-Suri

(Asaq) is…. (Ain Sin Qaf).

These are the verses of the clear Book.

For example, we read the symbol (A) singularly (Ayn)…but when we write a word with it like (Knowing), we do not read it as (Ain) and say (Ainlim), but rather we read it as (A’) and say (Knowing).

Because the truth is……that the verses cut off at the beginning of Surah Al-Qur’an are read by some of the pictures present in that pictorial book.

The Qur’an does not call the written form pictorial writing, but rather calls it the book, which is the same meaning as writing. He also does not call the images of things that were used in writing pictures or symbols, but rather calls them verses, and the singular meaning is verse.

That is, the Qur’an was originally written in pictorial script, and there is a verse (picture) in the writing called (ayn).

As we know, the word “eye” refers to the human organ of vision.

If (the image of the eye) is one of the images of the things with which the memory is written, then why do we compare it singularly with (eye) and compare it when we write with it, that is, the word (a)?!

This matches what we have found, which is that the method of writing through images for humans will be in the same way, will it be the first phonetic value for the names of the things that the image carries?

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Now this poses a logical question:

If we can write a single word in several written forms, what is the importance of a name having several written forms? Meaning, will the first human write the name in one form, or will he be free to write it in several forms? What is important is that it is pronounced with the same pronunciation?

We will stop here.

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