Interpretation of the sectarian and tribal situation in the region

Interpretation of the sectarian and tribal situation in the region

8/19/2021 0:00:01

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In order to find the law that governs a phenomenon in reality, take partial samples from it and study them in any spatial or temporal circumstance, then collect their similar samples and find the relationship between them and place them in a comprehensive law.

This is a scientific method

When we take a quick look at the reality of the Earth’s societies, we will find that most of the world’s societies suffer from divisions within them.

For example

India…a society with more than 20 religions and sects

Pakistan…a society that has more than 3 religions and 5 sects

Congo…a society with more than 10 tribes and ethnic groups

Rwanda……a society with more than 2 tribes and ethnicities

Now the question: Why are there countries that have divisions in the first place, and why are there countries that have religious and sectarian divisions, and why are there countries that have ethnic and tribal divisions?

By taking similar samples of this phenomenon and grouping them into a framework, we will find that many Asian countries have religious and sectarian divisions, while many African countries have tribal and ethnic divisions.

Now the question: Why do most of the divisions in the societies of Asian countries have a sectarian religious character, while most of the divisions in the societies of African countries have a tribal, ethnic character?!

We cannot study this phenomenon in its entirety, because it is not one phenomenon, but rather two different phenomena, because of the difference in the type of divisions, between religious division and tribal division, which prevents its study in its entirety because it does not represent a single phenomenon, but rather represents two different phenomena, a phenomenon of divisions. Religious and ethnic divisions are a phenomenon, and for this reason it requires us to group the divisions that have a sectarian religious character into a group and call it (A), and to group the divisions that have an ethnic-tribal character into another group and call it (B), and we study each group on the basis of Unite to find common points between them, and those common points will be the general law of those divisions?

Now…if we study the samples of each group, to know their characteristics, we will find the following:


– A society driven by religious and sectarian awareness

– A society in which there is a hidden or obvious religious and sectarian conflict.

– A society that reads history from a religious and sectarian perspective

– A society whose political reality carries a sectarian religious sense

– A society whose economic reality carries a sectarian religious sense

– Political oppositions in his country carry a religious and sectarian sense

– Armed separatist opposition groups of a religious and sectarian nature


– A society driven by tribal and ethnic consciousness

– A society in which there is hidden or obvious tribal and ethnic conflict.

– A society that reads history from an ethnic, tribal perspective

– A society whose political reality carries an ethnic and tribal sense

– A society whose economic reality carries an ethnic and tribal sense

Political oppositions in his country have an ethnic and tribal feeling

– Armed opposition or separatist groups of a tribal, ethnic nature.

Now…if we study the historical context of the samples of each group, to find out their first origin, we will find the following:

The group…..A

– A society that has an ancient history with stories of bloody sectarian religious conflict.

– A society whose recent history was subject to occupation by Britain

– A society with a recent history in which wars of a sectarian religious nature took place after the occupier left.


– A society that has an ancient history with stories of bloody ethnic and tribal conflict.

– A society whose recent history was subject to occupation by France

– A society that has a recent history of wars of an ethnic and tribal nature after the departure of the occupier.

Now… if we wanted to find the common points between the two groups, we would find the following:

Division in society

An ancient history of conflict

A recent history of conflict

External occupation

If we wanted to find the constant factor that appears in each group, we would find the following:

Most of the samples of Group (A) expose their historical context to the occupation by one fixed factor, which is Britain, and most of the samples of Group (B) expose their historical context to the occupation of one external power, France.

It’s strange and strange… really

Now we have the right to ask logical questions:

Are divisions in societies related to the occupation, and is the type of division in society related to the type of occupier?

Is the law of occupation the general law that explains these divisions?

Or in other words, when Britain occupied countries, it engineered divisions in society in a religious and sectarian manner, while when France occupied lands, it engineered divisions in society in a tribal, ethnic way?

The truth is that this law also fits with the reality of Britain and France.

how ?

Perhaps many do not know that Britain is the head of the religious Anglican Church in the world, and the king in it is the head of the church, i.e. a position similar to that of the Pope in the Vatican, while France is the leader of non-religious secularism in the world.

What does it mean ?

If a country like Britain has a religious character, it wants to engineer divisions in society, it will rely on a religious method so that the divisions are linked to it and under its auspices, because Britain has a religious character.

In other words… it is difficult for a country like France, when it wants to engineer divisions in a society, to rely on a religious formula, and make those divisions linked to it and under its auspices, while it is a country that has a secular, irreligious character before the world.

A problem for France. So how can France engineer divisions in any society when it is a secular, non-religious state?

There is no solution for France…except to create tribal and ethnic divisions.

The law is compatible with the occupation, and it is also compatible with the reality of every occupier.


The truth is that divisions in the world’s societies are a phenomenon that anyone notices, and they occur in accordance with the occupation and the type of occupier.

For example:

There are more than 100 religions and sects in Asia… and most Asian countries suffer from religious and sectarian divisions in their societies, and most Asian countries were subject to British occupation.

There are more than 100 tribes and ethnic groups in Africa…and most African countries suffer from tribal and ethnic divisions in their societies, and most African countries were subject to the occupation of France.

Is it the real law that explains the phenomenon?

The truth is that there may be another law that explains this phenomenon, but if the law can accurately explain the anomalies that exist in any group, then it is the correct and certain law that explains the causes of these divisions in the societies of the world.

how ?

Let’s go to Group B… Africa Group

Almost most of the countries in Africa were subjected to French occupation, and if you look at the comments of the French state about the poor situation in Africa, you will find that France speaks from time to time that the problem of poverty in Africa is cultural and sometimes related to the Africans themselves.

This means that France sees Africa as one component, and the divisions in it will be caused by the African person who carries a tribal ethnic consciousness.

Therefore, it is the occupier that the reason is not France for dividing African societies on ethnic and tribal lines, but rather the nature of the African person who loves ethnic and tribal affiliation.

Now….let’s go to the samples in Africa

Ghana…its society suffers from tribal and ethnic divisions

Sahel Al-Hajj…its society suffers from tribal and ethnic divisions

Nigeria… whose society suffers from religious and sectarian divisions?


Why did Nigeria deviate from the general rule, as it is an African country… even though it is close to Ghana and Ivory Coast, which are supposed to suffer from ethnic and tribal divisions?

If we study the characteristics of this anomaly

– There are two religions in it: Islam and Christianity

– There are two Islamic sects in it… Sunni and Shiite

An armed group emerged, including Boko Haram, adopting a religious discourse.

The society’s view is more of a sectarian religious nature.

It is strange that in most African countries, armed groups appear that have a tribal, ethnic character

Really an odd model

what is the reason ?

If we go to the history of Nigeria, we will find that it was occupied by a different occupier, namely Britain…which has a religious character and which was left behind.

Indeed… the occupier is the one who created these divisions, and the type of divisions is related to the type of the occupier.

So…the law is correct…the occupier is the one who created these divisions in the societies of the world.


But one last point… confirms to you that the divisions are not caused by the occupier… that is, the law is incorrect… and needs an explanation.

What is it ?

History tells us that divisions in societies are ancient, and this means that the occupier came upon the reality of a society that was already divided before, and he was the one who only exploited the divisions.

The possibility is high that this history written by the printer is fake and not real, written by the occupier, and it is part of a project to engineer society by the occupier, to root those divisions historically in the mind of society.


Now…we can understand the historical context of the divisions in the world’s societies.

– The occupier left Europe to occupy the land and had power.

The occupier found one community on the land, so he used force and knowledge and engineered religious, sectarian, ethnic, and tribal divisions of society.

– The occupier wrote a false ancient history in a false ancient time, to deepen the divisions he had created in society, then he composed stories of a bloody conflict within that false history, to create a society suffering from the seeds of an unstable conflict, then he made monuments and architectural evidence and attributed them to personalities. From that false history, to convince society of that history that he wrote, and in order to preserve the divisions that he created and make them present in the consciousness of society.

Then the occupier divided the land into plots, created boundaries for them, and gave them different names.

Then the occupier created a central government system within each piece of land, and installed a ruler over it… to take care of those borders and that new social engineering in society… so that he could control that society and He plays with him and engages him in an imaginary conflict within him and makes them fight among themselves, while he plunders and steals his wealth easily and at ease.


Interpreting the history of divisions in the region.

One day… I read an article by a member of Morocco’s cultural elite in which he spoke of a kind of comparison between the countries of the Maghreb and the countries of the Levant in the region, and that the countries of the Levant are drowning in a religious and sectarian outlook and mentality in a world that is moving towards separating religion from the state, considering this matter negative. It represents a danger to the Maghreb countries that are far from this mentality.

The truth… His words are correct and there is a kind of truth in them, but what is funny is that the author of the article also adopts a sectarian outlook and mentality in understanding the world, but of a different kind, and he does not know it.

how ?

The author of the article does not know that France was the one who occupied his country, and it created a mind for him in a different guise, looking at the world with a divisive outlook.

The truth is…we are among the world’s population, and that occupier who emerged on the earth and divided the world’s societies into these divisions is exactly the same as the occupier who came to us 250 years ago carrying with him the printer and divided the region into states, and divided the region’s societies. These religious, sectarian, tribal and ethnic divisions.

Let us agree with the author of the article, and include the societies of the East within a group according to his words and call it (A), and we include the societies of the Maghreb within a group and call it (B), then we study their characteristics and make a realistic comparison between them with examples.

When we go to see the reality of the two groups, we will find the following:

The society of the Levant is driven by sectarian and religious awareness, while the society of the Maghreb is driven by ethnic tribal awareness.

Example :

The cultural movement in Levantine society is concerned with the process of ijtihad on sectarian issues, while the cultural movement in Moroccan society is concerned with ijtihad on ethnic-tribal issues.

The society of the East is looking for a religious character in its reality, while the society of the Maghreb is looking for a tribal character in its reality.

Example :

The society of the East makes a picture of a historical religious figure and attaches it to its reality… while the society of the Maghreb makes a statue of a historical tribal figure to make it a monument in its reality.

The society of the East owns (portraits of Hussein)… while the society of the Maghreb now owns (the statue of Sheshnak – the statue of Massenas).

– The society of the Levant suffers from the existence of a sectarian religious conflict in it, whether hidden or obvious, while the society of the Maghreb suffers from the presence of a tribal and ethnic conflict in it, whether hidden or obvious.

Example :

In the East there are (Sunnis, Shiites, etc.)… while in Morocco there are (Arab-Berber)

– The society of the East reads history from a sectarian religious point of view… while the society of the Maghreb reads history from a tribal, ethnic point of view.

Example :

The society of the East is interested in knowing what the doctrine of a historical country is, is it Maliki, Shafi’i, or Shiite, and is also interested in knowing what the doctrine of a historical figure is, is he Sunni or Shiite…..while the society of the Maghreb is interested in knowing what the ethnicity of a historical country is, is it Is it an Arab or Berber country, and he is also interested in knowing the ethnicity of a historical figure, whether he is Arab or Berber.

– The society of the East finds it very difficult to break away from the sectarian sense and to understand issues outside the sectarian sense… while the society of the Maghreb finds it very difficult to break away from the tribal sense and to understand issues outside the tribal sense.

Example :

When you discuss with a person in the Levant society, you find that he is interested in knowing your sect in the beginning, and if you do not agree with him, you will find the accusation ready (You are Sunni, you are Shiite)……..while when you discuss with a person from the Moroccan society, you find that he has an interest in knowing your ethnicity. And if you do not agree with him, you will find the accusation ready (You are Arab, you are Amazigh).

– The society of the East, in its political movement, carries a sectarian sense, and the opposition groups in the East carry a religious character……while the society of the Maghreb, in its political action, carries a tribal, ethnic sense, and the opposition groups in Morocco carry a tribal, ethnic character.

Example :

In the Levant society (Ansar Allah)… In the Maghreb society (MAK Party)

– In brief… The societies of the Levant are divided religiously and sectarianly, while the societies of the Maghreb are divided ethnically and tribally.


We have found that the region, like the rest of the world, also has divisions, and the type of divisions that exist in the region are like the type of divisions in the rest of the world’s societies.

Now…..if we try to study the historical context of each group, to find out the initial origin of the divisions, we will find the following:

Group…..A…Mashreq Community

The Levantine society has an ancient history that includes stories of sectarian religious conflict.

Example :

(The story of Imam Ali and Muawiyah)

(The story of Imam Hussein and Yazid)

(The story of the Ayyubids and the Fatimids)

Most of the Levant society was occupied by Britain

– The Levant society has a recent history in which wars of a sectarian religious nature took place after the departure of the British occupier.

Example :

(Lebanon Civil War)

(Sectarian strife in Iraq)


– A society that has an ancient history with stories of ethno-national conflict.

(The story of Uqba and Kasila)

(The story of Sfax and Massinas)

– A society whose recent history was subject to occupation by France.

– A society that has a history of discussing issues of an ethnic and tribal nature after the occupier left.

(Amazigh identity)

Now… if we wanted to find the common points between the situation of the Levantine society and the Maghreb society, we would find the following:

– Division in society

– An ancient history with conflict

– A recent history of conflict

– External occupation

If we wanted to find the constant factor that appears in every society, we would find the following:

Most of the societies of the Levant expose their historical context to the occupation of one constant factor, which is one external force, Britain, and most of the societies of the Maghreb expose their historical context to the occupation of one external force, France.

So the logical question is: When Britain occupied the societies of the East, did it engineer divisions in them in a religious and sectarian way (Sunni Shiite, Christian, Yazidi, Sabian, Shafi’i, Zaidi), while when France occupied the societies of the Maghreb, it engineered divisions in them in a tribal, ethnic way (Arabs, Berbers, Hassaniya, etc.)?

The answer is…..yes

This is what explains the reasons for the emergence of these divisions in a tangible way in the modern era, especially after the departure of the colonizers.


Now…we can understand the historical context of the divisions that exist in the region’s societies and we can interpret them with great accuracy.

– The occupier left Europe, going to occupy the region, and he has great power and a great project.

Example :

The invasion of Napoleon, who presented the largest army at that time and began the invasion and occupation of the region of Misr.

The Western occupier found one society in the region, so he used force and knowledge and engineered religious, sectarian, ethnic, and tribal divisions of society.

Example :

The beginning of the emergence of sectarian names in Levantine society after Napoleon’s invasion…. In Yemen, the first figure to bear the name (Saif al-Sunnah) in Yemen is approximately 200 years old.

The beginning of the emergence of tribal and ethnic labels in Moroccan society after Napoleon’s invasion…. The book of Ibn Khaldun that spoke of them did not appear until approximately 200 years ago.

– The Western occupier wrote a false ancient history in a false ancient time for the region, to deepen the sectarian and ethnic divisions that he created in the region, then he composed stories of a bloody conflict within that false history, to create societies suffering from conflict among themselves, then he created monuments and evidence. Architecture and attributing it to figures from that false history, to convince society of that history that he wrote, and in order to preserve the divisions that he created and make them present in the consciousness of society.

Example :

1- The paper printer was entered by the occupier, specifically Napoleon, who came to Misr carrying the printer that wrote this false history.

2- Ibn Khaldun’s book did not appear until after Napoleon’s invasion, and it contains a large historical chapter that talks about stories of conflict between Arabs and Berbers.

3 – A number of architectural buildings were built and attributed to figures within that imaginary history:

In Misr, a castle was built and attributed to a fictitious character named Saladin (to authenticate the countries’ sectarian conflict) and give it a tangible, realistic dimension.

In Iraq, shrines were built attributed to personalities from the family (to consolidate and embody the conflict of the sectarian community) and give it a realistic, tangible dimension.

A shrine was built for a character and attributed to a fictitious character named Uqba, and a statue of him was made (to authenticate and embody the ethnic conflict) and give him a realistic, tangible dimension.

Finally, and it is the most important building…….. A new building was built for Muslims in Saudi Arabia… and it was called Al-Masjid Al Haram… and they made this mosque the main building in every foundation of everything, and they wrote a false story about it. In order to stabilize and consolidate sectarian and ethnic discrimination.

If it were not for Mecca… people would not have known the story of Sunnis and Shiites

If it were not for Mecca… people would not have known the story of Arabs and Berbers

Then the occupier divided the area into pieces, created boundaries for it, and gave it different names.

Example :

Sykes-Picot (Yemen, Algeria, Iraq, Morocco, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, etc.)

Then the Western occupier created a central government system within every piece of land in the region, and installed a ruler over it… to take care of those borders and foster this new social engineering in society… so that he could control the societies of the region and play with them and He occupies it with imaginary internal conflicts and makes them fight among themselves over illusions, while the West plunders and steals the wealth of the distressed people easily and comfortably.

Example :

The West installed the Albanian dynasty to rule Misr and Sudan

The West installed the Al Saud family over the state of Saudi Arabia

The West installed the Alawite dynasty over the state of Morocco

The West installed the Hashemite dynasty over Jordan and Iraq

The West installed a Balhawi dynasty over Iran

These ruling families created institutions that took care of those borders and divisions in society.

Example :

The Albanian family sponsored the Al-Azhar Foundation

The Alawite dynasty established the Berber Institute

The Pahlavi family established religious seminaries


This is the historical context of the world and the region, the relationship of divisions to the occupier, and the relationship of the types of division to the type of occupier.

The logical question: Did Britain and France share the world…with each other according to a secret agreement? Is the story of the emergence of secularism in France fake, and is the story of the church in Britain fake? In fact, they are an agreement that took place at the same time, which made one of them adopt secularism and the other adopt it? The church to share the world intellectually and in wealth?

But how were they able to make this agreement?


Does the Qur’an talk about this reality?

– If you think a little about the religious issue, you will find that the concept of religion is based on the existence of a sacred religious text.

So, in order to create a new religion… I must create a sacred religious text and impose it on a group of people, in many ways, including by force or cunning… and this is the origin of religion.

Therefore, you find that the society of the region… has approximately more than five sacred religious texts, including the Qur’an, and there is another religious text similar to the Qur’an that exists among minority groups that have a religion like the religion of the West, and the occupied West believes in this book.

There are other minorities who own other sacred texts, from the Baha’i faith to Zoroastrianism to the Yazidi Sabian faith.

– But if you think about the issue of the religious concept, you will find that it is based on the existence of interpretations of a sacred religious text.

So, in order to create a new doctrine… I must create explanatory texts for a sacred religious text, and impose it on a group of people, in many ways, including by force or cunning… and this is the origin of the doctrine.

Therefore, you find the societies of the region… in which there is almost more than one interpretation of the Holy Qur’an, including Sunni, Shiite, Ibadi, Ismaili, etc., and they are different interpretations of the Holy Qur’an… and this is the origin of the sects.

– But if you think a little about the concept of race, you will find that the concept of race is based on the human form.

These differences are natural in people, even in one family. They cannot be created or created, but they can be stereotyped through processes of preserving characteristics and giving them a racial dimension.

– But if you think about the issue of the national concept, you will find that it is based on language.

So, in order to create a new nationalism……. I must create a language, and impose it on a group of people, in many ways, including making it the language of a sacred religious text or through linguistic isolation… and this is the origin of nationalism.

Therefore, you find that the society of the region…there are almost more than one societies that possess more than three different languages, and some of them possess languages specific to a sacred religious text similar to the Qur’an, such as Hebrew and Syriac.

Now… when you read the Qur’an, you will find that it treats these four concepts with great precision… and diagnoses for you the origin of the disease and the cure… and tells you about those divisions and the types of those divisions in society. Rather, it talks to you about two entities linked to the division. Religious and national.

how ?

The speech tells you that the beginning of the division between people occurred during the era of the ascendancy and occupation of a corrupting power on earth, namely Pharaoh.

{We recite to you from the news of Musa Pharaon with the truth for a people who believe. (3) Indeed, Pharaon exalted himself in the land and made its people into sects. He weakened a group of them, slaughtering their sons and sparing their women. Indeed, he was one of the corrupters. (4) And We wish to bestow a blessing upon those who were weakened in the land, and to make them imams and to make them heirs. (5) }

– The speech tells you about the basis of the story, which is a holy book with the Arabic Qur’an, and Pharaoh and his people know about it.

{He said: What is the matter with the first centuries? (51) He said: Their knowledge is with my Allah in a book. My Allah does not go astray nor forget.}

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know}

The speech then tells you about a group of them that played with the religious concept by distorting a sacred religious text in the book, and the process of distorting sacred words means that this group has the ability to create other religions that have new sacred texts.

{Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the word of Allah and then distort it after they had understood it while they knew?}

– The speech then tells you about another team among them, which played with the nationalist concept, by twisting their tongues from the tongue of the original book, and the process of creating a new tongue means that this team has the ability to create nationalities in new languages.

{And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

– The speech tells you that they are two teams that played with a holy book, a team that played with the religious concept and a team that played with the nationalistic concept, that is, they are behind the differences that occurred in religion and language, and they are behind making people adopt those differences, meaning that they are behind the creation of religions and languages that divided between… People, and he calls you the two groups… Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah.

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything, and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}

The speech tells you that all religious and linguistic differences only came from these Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah, who took the Holy Book and hid it, specifically after Musa.

{And if We had made it a foreign Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses were explained in detail. Are they foreign and Arabic?” Say, “It is for those who believe a guidance and a cure.” And for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and it is upon them blindness. Those are called from a far place. (44) And indeed We gave Musa the Book, but they differed over it. And had it not been for a word that preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and indeed they are in Doubt about him is suspicious (45)}

{The religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then Allah is quick to judge. (19) And if they dispute with you, say, “I have submitted my face to Allah, and whoever follows them.” And say to those who were given the Book and to the unlettered people, “Have you submitted?” If they submit, then they are guided, even if they turn away. It is your responsibility only to convey the message; Allah is All-Seer of His servants (20)}

– The speech tells you that these people have built a building for the people as an alternative to Al-Masjid Al Haram in order to deepen these differences and divisions among the people.

{And those who have made a mosque out of harm and disbelief and to divide among the believers and as a shelter for those who waged war against Allah and His Messenger before, and they will swear, “We only desire the best.” Allah bears witness that they are indeed liars. (107) Never stand therein a mosque that was founded on piety from the first day. It is more deserving that you stand therein. There are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loves. Those who are purified (108) Is he who founded his building on piety from Allah and His satisfaction better, or he who founded his building on the brink of a scorching cliff, so it collapses with him in the fire of Hell? Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. (109) Their structure which they built will remain in doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are cut off. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise ( 110)}

– The speech tells you that all people were one nation, and all these religious, sectarian and national differences around you came after Musa and were created by those two powers that hid the Book of Musa among the people.

{And people were not but one nation, but they differed, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them concerning what they differed in.}

– The speech tells you that this is the mission of the Messenger, to remove all people from these imaginary divisions that the devils have created on earth, to remove them from this delusion and delusion in which they are.

{It is He who sent among the unlettered people a messenger from among themselves who recites to them His verses and purifies them and teaches them the Book and the wisdom, even though before they had been in clear error.}

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it, after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. }

{And this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, so follow it and beware of yourselves that you may receive mercy. (155) Lest you say, “The Book was only revealed to two groups before us, even though we were heedless of their study.” (156) Or say, “If only the Book had been sent down to us, we would have been better guided than they.” Indeed, there has come to you clear proof from your Allah and guidance and mercy. So who is more unjust than he who lies? With the verses of Allah and those who turn away from them. We will recompense those who turn away from Our signs with an evil torment because they used to ignore them.

So the story of these two groups in the discourse of the Qur’an is completely identical to the story of Britain and France, and the origin of the story……the story of a holy book hidden in the earth. It was the first religion of the people in all the earth, and after hiding it they were able to create this whole world. Those around us that are based on a false consciousness found in the printer’s books.

{So set your face upright to the religion. Allah created the manner in which He created the people. There is no altering Allah’s creation. That is the upright religion, but most people do not know. (30) They turn to Him, and fear Him, and establish prayer, and do not be of the polytheists. (31) Of those who divided their religion and were sects, each party rejoicing in what they have.}




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