What is the book – a summary of our conversations

What is the book - a summary of our conversations

5/21/2020 0:00:00

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Summary of our previous conversations

■ We have come to understand the qualities and characteristics of the book, which is (an ancient book of the writings of the ancients on a tablet and composed of verses, and these verses are of two types, clear and similar)… and it is in an Arabic language.

■ And we have come to the story of the book according to the speech of the readers… because of the strangeness of the speech… how is it possible that there was a purely Arab environment in Mecca… and they differed over an ancient book that they inherited from the writings of the ancients, whether it is Arab or non-Arab, and how is it possible that it was a pure Arab environment? She is eloquent in Arabic, but she wants to be foreign.

Because of this, we built a hypothetical story… on the basis of the Qur’an’s speech, and this story is:

[There was a large and important meeting in the past in Mecca… on whoever reads ancient, heavenly sacred tablets, and the Messenger Muhammad was able to copy those tablets and write them correctly, and he read them in the correct and correct manner that is consistent with the modern language of his people. And this work was inspired by Allah, while the Messenger’s people rejected the work of the Messenger Muhammad, and denied him, because they wanted it to be done in the old foreign language even if it was not understood… and they said about him that he came with an old alphabet. And they fought the Qur’an of the Prophet Muhammad. ]

We arrived at the story based on three things:

1- Belief in history in general and the history that talks about the story of the Messenger in Mecca

2- Belief in the Roman time in which we are living.

3- Belief in the Western sciences’ approach to language.

■ The story must be true…. But if we assume that this imaginary story that we have woven is close to the truth, and that the Qur’an emerged from this imaginary story that we believe took place in Mecca, and in which the people of Mecca (the Messenger’s people) rejected the Arabic Qur’an The modern language of the book, and they disbelieved in the Prophet Muhammad’s Qur’an of the book. The essence of the dispute is not religious, as they are of one religion. Rather, the essence of the dispute is about the reading of the book. Accordingly, the infidels of Mecca must have another different reading of the book, and it will be a foreign reading in the ancient language and will remain until today.

Then we asked a question: Are there Muslims who are officially Muslim even today and at the same time possess a book in a different language than the Qur’an that exists among the majority of Muslims?

If we research the reality well and think and contemplate the reality in great depth in search of these Muslims who have a book that is different from the Quran and that confirms the logic of this story that we imagined had taken place in Mecca… it will lead us to discover something important and striking… ……. And it is the Al-Yahoud who have a book similar to the Qur’an, but in a foreign language.

■ Then we said… that this discovery might make us reunderstand the discourse of the Qur’an and make us assume a new story about the book found in the Qur’an….. and relying on a new and different approach.

■ Then we said that we must reform the three foundations (the approaches to language, time, and history) that we relied on and which led us to assume the first story that took place in Mecca.

So we can make sure whether the Qur’an is actually talking about a story that happened with Judaism

1- Regarding language sciences curricula:

● The origin of language… is an innate nature, and the first man on earth had a language.

● The evolution of language… The evolution of language does not mean the disappearance of the language of the first humans on Earth. This means that the language of the first humans is still alive today.

● The Arabic language developed from previous, incorrect languages… There are no scientific rules through which you can know whether a language emerged from another language, and the language development chart was drawn up on the basis of Roman times.

2- Concerning the correction of time.

We talked that the time of the region that has reached us has three historical gaps related to the three religions, and we talked that if we wanted to fix time, we believe that the issue requires the compression of time, and it will make us obtain one time gap from which the religions emerge.

And when we wanted what was after the gap… we saw the emergence of two holy books that were similar in topics but different in language and style, and not a literal translation.

And we asked a question:

Why, after we emerged from the gap in time… did we get two sacred texts, dealing with the same topic… but in two different languages… and from one Allah?!

Is the origin of the story… a very old sacred religious book that was translated and a new, completely different and forged text was extracted from it… and time was planned in this order… so that no one could access it? For the story of the Qur’an?! …….. And is the origin of the story and history: What is the first natural and true language of the sacred text ……… and what is the original religion of the time?!

Is the religious group that we arrived at and believed in our previous article that it will adhere to Islam until today and will possess a sacred book other than the Qur’an, or similar to the Qur’an but in a foreign language, nothing other than Judaism, which owns the book of the Old Testament written in a foreign language, crooked, and similar to the Holy Qur’an?!

And we said… that the correction of time also led us to a high probability that the issue is related to Judaism.

3 – Regarding reforming history

We have taken many steps

● Reforming Jewish history

We decided first to go and read the history of the Al-Yahoud and the story of their religious book and search for a contradiction in this history that could bring us closer to the story of the book that the readers are talking about.

We found a Greek king named Ptolemy who wrote the official Greek version of the book of the Al-Yahoud, and we found that this king does not have any ancient mention except in the Rosetta Stone, which was discovered by the West, and in which there is a Greek book next to the ancient Egyptian writing.


We said: Is the Qur’an talking about the time of Ptolemy when he came in the era of stationery books and he made a fake stone book with three inscriptions on it, including hieroglyphics and Greek writing, and falsely claimed that it was an ancient stone, then he forged the hieroglyphs using the stone using the Greek (Arabic) language? Then he produced two stationery books, the first in Greek and called it the Old Testament, and the second the Champollion Dictionary.

With this trick, he killed two birds with one stone…… That is, at the same time he produced two books…. The first book is almost similar to the topics found in the hieroglyphs, but in a foreign language and in a different style and method. The Old Testament called it the Bible, and the second book is a dictionary. Another stationery to hide the correct pronunciation of hieroglyphs.

And because Napoleon is the king who discovered the Rosetta Stone…is it Ptolemy himself…who came up with this trick and trick?

So did the West come up with the name (Ptolemy), which is the name found on a stone tablet? And by means of this name, the West was able to distort the phonetic values of the symbols of the Egyptian inscriptions in order to produce a false foreign reading of the inscriptions, and a team of Western scholars undertook to create a dictionary. Fake Egyptian inscriptions.

Then, after the West was able to create false phonetic values for the symbols, in order to falsify the reading (translation) of the inscriptions of ancient Misr, another team of Western scholars wrote a book similar to the real, original content (the Arabic Qur’an) contained in the inscriptions of Misr (the Old Testament – the Bible), and They created a foreign language for him (Greek and Hebrew).

And two similar books appeared on earth

The first is (the Holy Qur’an) in Arabic

The second (the Old Testament) is in Hebrew

Thus, the Muslim believes that the Book of the Al-Yahoud (the Bible), which is in a twisted and crooked Hebrew tongue, is a book from Allah.

Then we came to the conclusion that this perception, which could have happened, is the story that interacts strongly with the imaginary story that we assumed in our previous conversation about the story of the people of Mecca denying the book in whose hands the book was.

This realistic story, which has a high probability of being signed by the West along with Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions, agrees very closely with readers’ discourse about the book.

● Reforming Islamic history

In our previous conversation, after reading the history of the Al-Yahoud and the story of their book, we came to a realistic story that may have occurred when the West translated the Egyptian inscriptions… and which agrees very closely with the readers’ discourse about the book.

But the problem of accepting this story lies in the time in which it is currently taught since childhood…and it is the first fundamental problem…that can hinder understanding the subject of the story of the book found in the Qur’an. Because people believe that the story of the Qur’an took place 1400 years ago… while the story that we have come across could be talking about the translation of Egyptian inscriptions.

And we said that we must search for the authenticity of Islamic history… because there is a great possibility that history was written for us in order to remove us from reality so that we do not read the truth from the reality in which the story of the book that took place and which the readers talk about exists.

Then, after we searched for the things that reached us from the history of Mecca, we found two things: the House of Mecca and the Qur’an.

– The first thing is the house of Mecca

We found Mecca looking modern, as well as its home and the Prophet’s Mosque.

Then we found that the history provided by Mecca 1,400 years ago seemed fabricated, because we found the reality of that information seemed recent.

Other religions have small numbers that do not match the age of 1,400 years, and their reality is modern and their places of worship are modern. Also, the reality of Muslims outside the region, we found, seems very ancient, but there are those who wanted to write a new history for them on earth.

– The second thing is the readers.

We arrived at the modernity of the Qur’an available to Muslims, relying on the scarcity of manuscripts among Muslims and the fact that the current Qur’an is as old as the modern printer.

Also, the script in which the Qur’an wrote, we have concluded that this script in which the Qur’an wrote is modern and not ancient, based on a realistic reading of the history of the script according to what is found in the heritage.

Therefore, this modernity of Mecca and its home, and the modernity of the reality of information that Islamic history has made us believe is ancient on earth, also the modern age of the printer and the printed Qur’an, and the modernity of the current script of the Qur’an… are all consistent with the perception that reached us after treating the history of the Al-Yahoud, in The fact that the Egyptian inscriptions are the book that the readers are talking about, and that the story that the readers are talking about is modern and revolves around the modern translation of the Egyptian inscriptions.


Correcting these foundations makes us believe that the readers are talking about a realistic story in a book that took place on Earth in a relatively recent period, but there is a project that wanted to prevent the Muslim from accessing that modern story by designing a big game.

– Formulating humanities curricula based on false theories

– Creating a new false time calendar for the Qur’an that appears on earth chronologically after a new religion on earth possesses a new book that resembles the Qur’an.

– Writing an imaginary, hypothetical history of a Muslim in his land, which is 1,400 years old and comes after an imaginary, hypothetical history of a new religion in the Muslim land.

– Creating a new qibla for the Muslim (a new house) instead of the old qibla (Al-Masjid Al Haram) to be the starting point for this historical and temporal game in the Muslim’s imagination.

In this game, anyone can determine that it is modern… by reading the reality of the things that reached the Muslim from the story of Mecca, and also reading the reality of the ancient information that reached the Muslim from Islamic history.

The things that reached the Muslim 1,400 years ago appear to be recent and there is no indication that this age has passed over them, and the reality of the information that reached the Muslim from Islamic history on the basis that they took place 1,400 years ago (the reality of other religions) appears to be modern and not an ancient reality in the earth .

And on him

It is certain that the Qur’an… is talking about a real story that took place a relatively recent period ago, but there are those who wanted to prevent the Muslim from understanding it and to prevent the Qur’an’s discourse from reaching the Muslim by creating this big game, through a brutal, violent occupation that was able to create a memory. An imaginary new thing for the Muslim and creating a new time imagination that is older than the story that happened in reality, to make him imagine an imaginary world in an imaginary time while reading the Qur’an, separating him from seeing reality, so he cannot reach that realistic story that happened around him.


Al-Quran talks about a real story that took place on earth about the reading of (a book on a tablet) before a relatively recent period (Pharaoh and his soldiers), and there is a real story that took place in Misr before a relatively recent and not long period when (Napoleon and his soldiers) came to translate (the inscriptions of Misr). And with him (the Rosetta Stone, which contains the name of Ptolemy, the Greek king who translated the Book of the Al-Yahoud into Greek), who came to the region with a modern printer in order to print this great game, to print the new historical memory and the new temporal imagination of the Muslim that will start from Mecca, where he went. It was visited by the Albanian ruler who was appointed by Napoleon to rule Misr to supervise its construction in cooperation with the Saud family and the Turks.

We are now faced with a 98% probability that it is the story, but we still need 2%, and we also need the legal seal of the readers to confirm the authenticity of the story once and for all.

how ?!

We will take another new path, in researching and examining the details of the story of the West’s translation of Egyptian inscriptions, and the circumstances surrounding that story.

In our next conversation

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