What is the book – Summary of discussion 20 about the Jebeti language

What is the book - Summary of discussion 20 about the Jebeti language

7/24/2020 0:00:00

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We also learned that Champollion took two steps to successfully decipher the inscriptions of Misr.

1 – The first step (vocal values)

[Rosetta Stone + Philae Obelisk | audio value]

2 – The second step (meanings)

[Temple stone + inscription image | the meaning ]

In the first step, Champollion dismantled the Rosetta Stone and found some phonetic values for the hieroglyphic symbols through the matching process, but he did not need more than 10,000 stones similar to the Rosetta Stone, in order to reach knowledge of the phonetic values for all the hieroglyphic symbols, and the reason is that Champollion is in his stride. The second, through his genius, reached an understanding of the original language of the inscriptions through which he was able to decipher the inscriptions of Misr… which is the Jebetic language.

So Champollion looked at the hieroglyphic symbol and saw its shape. If the hieroglyphic symbol was (a sun icon), then this symbol was pronounced (ra), because the word ra means sun in Jibt, and (the symbol of a human eye) is pronounced in Jibt (airt), and so on with the rest of the hieroglyphic symbols.

Thus, the inscriptions of Misr were deciphered in the Jepti language.

This result…makes us ask a natural question: Was the Gibbet language, which Champollion specialized in, the language of ancient Misr?


Before answering this question…there is a question that imposes itself: What is the fundamental point that contributed to strengthening this idea?

That point is simply time… because, according to the order of the Roman calendar… Misr passed through the Jewish religion, then the Christian religion, then the Islam religion… So naturally, Jibt is the language of Misr before Islam, which brought the Arabic language to Misr.

There is no need to talk about this point… because we have dealt with the issue previously, and we are now following a different approach from the previous approach after dealing with time, history, and language theories.


Now let us discuss the official information about the Tibetan language from the official sources of the Coptic Church:

1- [The Coptic language is the ancient Egyptian language that the people spoke from the dawn of Egyptian history until the twelfth century. ]

I mean……..you now have the language that Champollion extracted from Egyptian inscriptions….and I challenge any Egyptian Christian to understand a single sentence of this language. Isn’t the Jebeti language the language of those who lived in ancient Misr?!

The language that Champollion extracted is a completely different language… as if it were the language of monsters living underground in science fiction movies. If the Gibbet language had been the heir to the ancient Egyptian language, we would not have needed Champollion and all that great fuss, and an Egyptian Christian would have decoded the language and presented the language to us easily.

Remaining question:

Why did Coptic, which is the legitimate heir of the ancient language, die in the twelfth century? . What are the objective reasons for her death? Is the Jeptiya now completely different from the Jabbatiya who died in the twelfth century? .

So, the Gibbet language now has nothing to do with the language of the ancient Egyptians at all. As long as it ended in the twelfth century.


2- [The Coptic language is the last stage in the development of the Egyptian language, which was spoken and written by the ancient Egyptians more than five thousand years ago. ]

I think that this information is to get out of the previous impasse… that the speakers of Jibt were unable to understand the language of Misr that Champollion extracted, so they provided us with new information… which says that Jabbati is a final stage in the development of the ancient Egyptian language.

But this new information will lead us into another dilemma

As long as Jibt is a developed stage of the ancient language, this gives them a legal and scientific excuse for not being able to understand the ancient language.. But this development forces us to ask a question:

How does language develop? ……. Do the names differ, for example, when they develop? .. Well, your names are not the same and do not need development… The dog of yesterday is the same as the dog of today… And the donkey of yesterday is the same as the donkey of today… And the ocean Those around you are the same as the surroundings in the past.

So here are the names that Champollion mentioned and the names in the Jebeti language. And compare them. There is no relationship.

Ok….. Suppose that the language changes and develops with cultural cross-fertilization and development… This means that the state in which the Jibt language is now is completely different from the ancient language… We are facing a long time before it separates and takes another turn.

In other words… the relationship between the ancient Jibt and the Egyptian is like the relationship between (the tent) and (the armed house)… and there is no relationship between them except that the person lives in it.


3 – [The prevailing opinion among scholars is that it descends directly from the late Egyptian language, as they spoke it in the sixteenth century BC at the beginning of the New Kingdom].

This opinion… is almost the same as the previous opinion, according to the rule of language development. But here let us ask an important question:

As long as the language is developing, why has the calligraphy not developed as well?! .. Because the Egyptian script has been the same for five thousand years and has not evolved.


4 – [There is an opinion that the Egyptian language and the Coptic language were contemporary and existed together since ancient times.]

I think that with this information, in order to get out of the previous problems, they provided us with another new piece of information… through which the two previous pieces of information could be reconciled and the problems resulting from them could be solved… but they got us into a very big dilemma.

Mind blowing?

Is it possible that two languages existed at the same time among a people in the past?!

He is one of two people… Either there were two peoples at the same time… Or he was a people and he was studying in widespread language institutes and learning a second language.

Ok, as long as there are two contemporary languages…what’s wrong with having two different writing scripts? .

This information… was created to prevent anyone from escaping from this amount of frivolity… whenever a person asks a logical question… he enters into the second possibility and makes him find another possibility that eliminates the first logic.


5 – [The oldest existing manuscript to date that records one of the first writings to write the Egyptian conversational language in Greek letters (Proto Coptic) is the Heidelberg Papyrus 414, which dates back to the middle of the third century BC. It includes a list of Coptic vocabulary in Greek letters, along with their equivalent meaning in Greek.]

Now notice the logic

The consciousness that wrote this information realizes in the subconscious that hieroglyphic writing no longer expresses the inhabitants of ancient Misr or the Jebetic language.

Because as long as the ancient Egyptian writing is the writing of the Jebetic language, there is little importance for a manuscript written in Greek letters to be expressive of the Jebetic language.

Note…….. The oldest manuscript of the Jebeti language appeared in Greek letters, and dates back approximately to the middle of the third century BC. .

This means that the Gibbet language abandoned its ancient writing, which it had lived on for five thousand years, and its writing never developed, but it suddenly replaced its writing with Greek letters immediately after Rome entered Greece.

The coincidence is that this manuscript resembles the story of the Rosetta Stone and appeared at the same time as the Rosetta Stone coincidence. This history was confirmed by one manuscript and one stone only.

Everything is confirmed by one piece of evidence

One inscription…one manuscript…one specimen…and we do not have a large amount of evidence…and all the evidence must be kept by the West…the Rosetta Stone is in Britain. The Jepti manuscript exists in Heideberg.

Then look at the other illogicalities

A manuscript containing vocabulary in the Jebeti language written in Greek letters and corresponding to the meaning in Greek… absurdity.

This means that there is no manuscript that talks about history, science, or other aspects… only a dictionary of vocabulary and meanings in the Greek language… and it is as if we were facing Rome, Greece, and it was playing the role of a study of peoples, and we always had it as lower animals… Rome was trying To understand this new world and create a dictionary of the vocabulary of the language of these animals…so that you understand their language.

This means that this people… needed to express their language in Greek letters… and they were not able to express their language in letters of their own invention or in their original letters, even though in the past they wrote many inscriptions.

Now let us get out of the fractured cylinder that is repeated among the Jabbati speakers by saying that Arabic displaced the Jabbati after the Arabs entered Misr…. It is enough foolishness for the minds:

Throughout the period of time from the appearance of the Jebbety in Greek letters until the date of the narrative of fictitious Islamic conquests:

Bring me the written archive in the Jibti language… because a single manuscript does not express the existence of a language? .

Okay, I will be generous with you… Bring three manuscripts… The truth is that ten or even twenty manuscripts do not at all express the existence of a people who are heirs to that ancient history and possess ancient language, writing, and knowledge.


6 – [It began in the Roman era and is known as Old Coptic script, and its documents go back to the pagan Egyptians who lived in the second and third centuries BC. These are documents that have nothing to do with Al-Nasarah because they relate to magic and astrology, in addition to signs of mummies and the like.]

Look at the new logic

I mean, these documents are all magic and astrology…there is no science, no knowledge, no history, and no recording of anything…except astrology and magic.

This information was found to get out of the dilemma: Where is the history and knowledge that was written in the Jebeti language during that period of time? .

The answer is not important… because it is all magic and sorcery… a very primitive world. A retarded relative of animals……. Only the Romans had documents recording the studies of these primitive peoples.

This information was also found… to get out of the other dilemma… since Jabbetism did not appear until the emergence of Christianity in Misr… They preceded the documents on magic and sorcery with a document on the vocabulary dictionary.

I mean, Jabbati first appeared… it was written in Greek letters… and in the Greek era it was also written in Greek letters. But its appearance during the Christian period…was limited to magic and sorcery.


7- [The credit for stabilizing the Egyptian Coptic alphabet in the state in which it is currently known and normalizing the system of spelling words was done by the Egyptian Church during the era of Pope Demetrius the Twelfth Patriarch 189 – 232 AD and his successors.]

Now we enter the peak of illogicality

We are in the Roman era, as in the previous information….and with the twelfth pope….meaning we are in the twelfth rank….meaning we have passed a long stage of popes…..from number one until we reached number 12. ………. This means that we are in an ancient, deeply rooted Christian world…. But the funny thing is that there are no documents in the Jebetic language related to Christianity….. All documents are only magic and astrology.

It means that Christianity entered a long time ago… but the language did not record any history or religion… except magic, astrology, and counting them with fingers.

This information wants to tell us that the installation of the letters of the Tibetan language and the spelling of the language began in the year 233, and there was a church. But the Gebti calendar began after this date.. So the question:

As long as the matter is related to the confirmation of the Jepti language by the Pope of the Church, where are the Jepti documents that talk about religious affairs, life, or history……. And why did the calendar work not begin with it?


8 – [In the beginning, the Bible was read in Greek and then translated orally. When the need for a written Egyptian translation of the Bible increased, the Greek alphabet was used for this purpose, with the addition of some Demotic Egyptian letters, which is the writing known as Coptic. With the spread of the translation of the Bible among the people, the Coptic writing spread with it and became widely used. Among the most famous Coptic manuscripts dating back to the end of the third century and the beginning of the fourth century AD are the Gnostic Nag Hammadi manuscripts.]

We are getting into the important matter

It is the truth…the religious book was originally written in Greek.

However, according to this information… he was translating orally, but with the increased need for an Egyptian translation… and put two lines under the word Egyptian. ……So the New Testament was written into Egyptian in Greek letters and interspersed with some Demotic Egyptian letters….And with the spread of the translation of the religious book among the people, the Gibbety writing spread with it.

The extent of illogicality here has reached its highest levels

I mean… it has become necessary for the religious book to be translated from the Greek language to the Egyptian language… but at the same time you choose the Greek letters to write the translation… and do not choose the original Demotic letters, which you claim are Egyptian. Through which Egyptians can read.

Ok…is it possible…that the whole world does not have any letters except the Greek letters to write with? … Ok, leave it with your original letters that you claim are Egyptian… and write in them.

Ok, give me the written records and your old archive that preserves writings in the Demotic alphabet… so that I can be sure that Misr lived through a great era while it was written in these letters?

There is no… the amount of illogicality is unbelievable

Of course… this information… wants to tell you that the Jebetic language is an Egyptian language, as evidenced by the fact that it translated the religious book into the Egyptian language and has nothing to do with the Greek language… except in Greek letters only… but it is the language of ancient Misr. .


9 – [The Coptic alphabet consists of 32 letters, 7 of which are of Demotic origin, 25 of which are of Greek origin.]

This information gives us… further evidence that the Jebbety also used Egyptian letters to write alongside the Greek letters… meaning that the Demotic letters (which appeared in the Rosetta Stone)… are authentic Egyptian letters and not Greek. .

It also gives us evidence…of the generosity of the Gibbet language…and that it did not abandon its authentic, ancient, and true roots…because it chose 7 letters from ancient Egyptian writing and made them into its language. As evidence of its Egyptian authenticity.

The inscriptions of ancient Misr are stupid…….. So they brought me the inscriptions of the era in which demotic writing prevailed in Misr…. They brought them…. Where are they?

Just the Rosetta Stone….and seven Gebetic writing symbols inside paper.

This further confirms to you the reasons why Demotic writing is not found in stones and is rare… only the Rosetta Stone… and all Demotic documents come inside papers that appear to be modern, but in small quantities… or written inside pieces of pottery.

We believe that the Demotic script was composed recently.

But the question is: Why didn’t they choose all their writing in Demotic?

– Why did they choose seven demotic symbols?!

For several reasons

The roots of Coptic in time, and that they existed during the time of Ptolemy and before that.

Proof that the Demotic script is an Egyptian script and that the Rosetta Stone… is an original stone


10 – [Development and reform of the Coptic language

Pope Cyril IV (1854 – 1856 AD) reformed the Coptic language as a result of the introduction of the Arabic language and its interaction with the Coptic language, so new letters appeared in the Egyptian tongue, such as the letter ḍād and dha. This caused the pronunciation of some Coptic words to change, which led to the need for intervention to reform the language. The disappearance of letters that existed before. He changed the original Coptic pronunciation by following the modern pronunciation of the Greek language, which is completely different from the ancient and beautiful Coptic language in its pronunciation. There is another narration that says that the teacher Arian Effendi Girgis Muftah was the one who carried out this work.

Since that date, the Coptic language has been in great distress, as its people do not now know the authentic Coptic pronunciation. I am saddened by the distortion that occurred by church officials in our ancient and great Coptic language, which was blessed by the pronunciation of Jesus Christ in his childhood.]

Note the extent of the illogicality

I mean, the Jethbi language was very afraid of the influence of the Arabic language on it.. so it went to Greece to reform itself… to cleanse itself of Arabic… and express its true identity.

I mean, they feared for their language from the Arabic tongue… but they never feared for their language from the Greek tongue… because Greece is their beloved and there are blood ties with it… while Arabic has no blood ties with it.

It is natural for her to go to Greece to improve herself, because Greek is the mother tongue of the Jebetic language.

Note: Look at the malicious way of writing history and information, where they attribute the reason to Arabic, because it began to change their beautiful language. Whoever reads this information… links the first reason directly to Arabic… but at the same time, they do not link it to Greek. Understanding sounds very nice with Greek.

Then look…how the information is formulated, when they make Arabic a threat to them…while Greek is not a threat to them.

Did you know the source of the complex and hatred, and how people are programmed through the way history is formulated and information is presented?

I mean…. the Jebetian language, throughout its existence with Arabic, was the same, until the year 1855, fear began to appear, so the Pope was forced to completely change the language from the old language.

I mean…. O Allah’s creation…… Is it possible that a language has not changed throughout its proximity to another language, but one decision changes this language and completely transforms it into a different language…. and with a different tongue?

But thank Allah… the reason is the Pope… so that the accusation that the broken CD does not continue to be the reason in Arabic. Although they wrote another story that he is not the Pope, but a teacher, that he is the reason… so as not to distort the position of the Pope.

Of course, this information… was found to provide people with information that the ancient Jabeti language was different from the Jabeti language today.

Why ?

So that the idea of searching for the ancient language of the ancient Egyptians, which is the origin of the language of the inhabitants of ancient Misr, enters into anyone’s imagination… if he doubts that the Gebeti language is close to Greek… because when he encounters this information, the researcher will abandon his doubts… because the Jebetic language Today is not like the Jabbatiya of yesterday… because of those reforms.

Meaning….so that no one can say…that the Gibbet language is similar to the Greek language…because the Pope……changed its pronunciation into the Greek language and it is no longer that beautiful language. ..the language of Jesus Christ.

And here we come to the point of illogicality

Was Jesus Christ a graduate of the language department?

Because I truly… I no longer understand what the true and original language of Jesus Christ is… Is it Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, or Jabetic? ……Because this diversity of languages made them direct their anger towards the Arabic language. Every place has a language for Christ… and everyone believes that it is the language of Christ… and everyone believes that his time preceded Arabic…

Therefore, you must choose one language for Jesus Christ. What is it? …If it is a Jepti language… then the rest of the other languages are fictitious, lying, and fabricated… And if it is not a Jepti language… then the Jepti language is a false language.

We are not within the Department of Languages at the university… because every time a new language appears to us as the language of Jesus Christ… and they give us new names and the names of new peoples and new regions, and every time they pour out your full hatred on Arabic. …It’s enough for us to get bored with this record.

The most important question: Why did they make this information dated 1855 AD? .. Or why did linguistic reform not come until this date?

I’ll tell you why

When the West came to decipher the inscriptions of Misr, and according to the story that was presented to us, Champollion adopted the Gibbetian language in deciphering the Egyptian inscriptions. If any researcher doubts the relationship between Champollion’s dictionary, which was compiled by the West, and the Gibbetian language, the logical answer will be this information, as the Pope changed the Coptic language. Completely . Then it becomes logical that the Gibbety language before the Pope’s reform is the same language that Champollion extracted, and if a researcher concludes that the current Gibbetian language is a Greek language and was not the language of ancient Misr, then he will encounter this information and that the reason for it being a Greek language is the Pope’s reforms. Which radically changed the language from the original Jepti to the Greek Jepti language.

This information was approved after the Egyptian inscriptions were deciphered


The first version of the religious book for Al-Nasarah is written in ancient Greek, which is the same language as the Tibetan language, with a slight difference…as an attempt to show the existence of a schism between the two.

Jibt is originally a modern religious language in Misr… It is the language of a modern religious book and has nothing to do with ancient Misr, and it is not the ancient language of the inhabitants of ancient Misr at all… neither remotely nor remotely… a Greek language. Purely.

And there is no shame in saying this……. It is purely Greek language….. Because the deception of the imaginary Roman time and the imaginary history no longer deceives anyone except the foolish and the gullible.

Very briefly

Jabbati was not the language of Misr. The West created a hoax.

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