Attempts to create an identity crisis in Syria

Attempts to create an identity crisis in Syria

12/27/2020 18:45:00

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The real beginning of the problem.

We were subjected to occupation by an entity that possessed all the tools of power… including weapons, organisation, armies, media and advanced modern equipment… and when this entity left our land, we thought the matter was completely over, and We forgot to review the entire period of time during which we were subjected to occupation, and we did not ask a question about what things this occupation introduced in our societies before leaving, and through which it tried to create a disruption in the balanced system of the society it entered… (the economic system and the religious system And the linguistic system and the political system…), which he did in order to create problems in society, so chaos begins to spread throughout society, making it easier to dismantle it and making it easier for him to dominate and control this geographical area.

And you can understand this thing… from observing most of the other countries outside our region that were subjected in the past to Western occupation… you will find them to this day suffering from problems that caused chaos. The West is exploiting these problems to control and govern those countries.

Why do many problems in our societies only appear in the modern era and did not appear in ancient times?!

Simply put…the reason is the relatively recent occupation period, because many of these problems are a product of the occupation period.

Therefore, any problem, whether it is an economic, religious, cultural, political or historical problem, that you want to understand, you must start from the occupation period.

This is the real entrance and starting point in understanding the context of our problems and addressing them.

Now… Why is the identity problem being raised in Syria now?

The truth is that the root of the problem is the history that was written for Syria and for all the societies of the region… If you think about the beginning of the problem, you will find that it always began since the entry of the occupation, which came to us with a printer and printed for us all this history written in books. the printer .

It was one of the tools of the strategic project that he wanted to create, in order to produce such problems in the future of society’s historical imagination.

It is natural that this history, which created this problem, was composed and printed by the West.

This history is part of the new innovation processes that the Western man made in our countries during the period of occupation, and the function of this history is to cause problems and chaos in society… as evidenced that this history performs the same function that the occupier brought, which is to remove the human being from… The land, plundering and stealing the land in a smart way, and making it occupied for the benefit of tools linked to the West.

And you have a clear example…the Book of the Bible (the Book of the West), which became a historical and legal document that the West brought to settle the Al-Yahoud in Palestine and create a state for them that would manage the West’s ambitions in the region…which caused problems that led to the emergence of chaos in the region.. ………… Evidenced by the fact that the amount of historical research that talks about the origin of the Al-Yahoud is enormous and has not ended, and without a realistic logical result. It is as if we are dealing with a new phenomenon, not an old one, that we are unable to explain.

And now… the person in Syria cannot understand the cause of the identity crisis… except after dismantling the myths that founded his mind and which the occupation planted through its nature… and prevented the person in Syria from understanding the project that the occupier brought, and understanding the truth that he concealed. The occupier, which caused all this historical chaos.

What are these myths?!

Ishtar Adonis, the religion of fertility

Ugarit the Phoenicians

Zenobia King Philip


Syrian Jesus – Syriac

These are almost the myths that establish the historical mind of man in Syria, and which are the main reason for the identity crisis in Syria, which is created by the Zionist media and the tools affiliated with Zionism in the region.

If you pay attention to these myths… you will find that their sum is a comprehensive awareness, as a starting point for the first human and even today… It is suitable to be an awareness for a human community on a land to live on, meaning a single identity for a geographical area.

It carries [religious awareness, political awareness, linguistic awareness, cultural awareness….]

how ?

■ Religious awareness

1- Adonis – Ishtar – the religion of fertility

[The first man who lived in Syria worshiped Adonis and Ishtar, and he knew (the religion of fertility)…and Syria was the first place to know the religion of fertility, and it was transmitted to the rest of the world.]

This information was not written by a person in Syria, nor was anyone from Syria aware of it. 150 years ago, no one in Syria knew these names and information.

This information was written by Western authors, and some Syrians and others translated it…then these translations became part of the national history in Syria…and the educated elites in Syria, who believe that culture is reading books, began to interact with these translations and believe them. And she began to live it and interact with it, until it removed her from reality, and she began to live in a shaky crisis, between the imagination of a world in books and a different reality.

The effects of these translations and belief in them began to appear in the Syrian reality.

Examples of these secretions

■ A Syrian intellectual named (Ahmed Saeed) appeared before us. He chose the title of (Adonis) for himself, and people no longer know him except by this name….. (Adonis, the ancient Allah of Syria).

And if you notice many of the issues raised by this Syrian intellectual (Adonis), you will find that they are related to the identity of Syria……. Indeed, one day this creative and genius Syrian intellectual put forward a strange logic that one of the crises of the Arab mind is its belief in one Allah. Unlike Greece, which believed in multiple gods, society was granted freedom of creativity.

■ Another Syrian intellectual appeared before us (Firas Al-Sawah) who wrote many books about (Ishtar), the ancient goddess of Syria. He even believed that she was the axis of the universe and the beginning, so he called it (The Mystery of Ishtar).

If you notice many of the issues raised by this Syrian intellectual (Firas Al-Sawah), you will find that they are related to the identity of Syria.

■ A group of enlightened and secular people appeared in Syria some time ago. Their angry voices rose because someone uprooted a tree that had an image of (the goddess Ishtar) carved on it.

When you notice many of the issues raised by these people, you will find that they are the issue of identity.

So (Ishtar and Adonis)… this history that was written… is part of the problem that produced this dire awareness of identity.

Question: Who said that Syria knew (Ishtar and Adonis)?! Does Syria have old documents, or an old archive that confirms the existence of this world?!

There is no… the whole world exists in printed books.

How can a person who claims to be educated accept himself, to be like a child while interacting with a children’s cartoon series, and act like children who try to imitate cartoon characters in reality, so he dresses up as Superman and calls himself Superman, then decides to jump from above? the home .

Rather, how can a country allow such history to be taught to people or published to them without raising awareness that it is not real but rather imaginary stories?

Did you know Syria (Adonis and Ishtar)?

No.. I challenge any Syrian intellectual to give me an old document that confirms this false world, or to be able to read these old documents if they exist.

Where did all this huge history found in the printer’s books come from, which talks about an ancient, primitive world with very few and simple documents?

Rather, the funny thing is that the West wrote a story for Iraq, but it is not like the story of Syria, but rather different. It gave Ishtar a different lover, that is, another goddess (Ishtar – July).

Even lovers interact with Sykes-Picot, Iraq is with them (July) and Syria is with them (Adonis)… absurdity.

What is (fertility religion)?

How is this religion that the Syrian historian occupied us with, and how did you know its rituals?

If we are different today…on what is the Hajj like for Muslims, despite this huge amount of printed books, which we can read well and argue about their interpretations, then what about a piece of clay with four lines of ancient writing inside it, and it is difficult to read and understand its language? And its meanings…. Then you want to laugh at me… with the story of the fertility religion and with all this huge information that you publish in the printer’s books.

Were people practicing a group pornographic film in the fertility religion… in order to fertilize each other?!

Where is the mind?

How can a country allow such historical nonsense to its people, without awareness?!

What is the function of (Ishtar, Adonis, and the religion of fertility) in the identity crisis?

People’s belief in this illusion makes them lose their current religious identity, so the current religion is not the origin of Syria, nor is it the origin of man in Syria, but rather a modern phenomenon that was preceded by another phenomenon, and man longs for his original origin, so he begins to interact with this illusion, in departure from reality, and this leads to Creating a crisis in the Syrian personality… and causing a crisis of religious identity.

2- Syrian Jesus

After the fertility religion and the worship of Adonis and Ishtar disappeared from Syria, the Syrian Jesus appeared.

Who said that Yasouaa (Jesus) was Syrian?

If some write such a history out of respect for a component of the Syrian people, which is the Christian, but on the other hand, the rest of the component of the people in Syria must also be respected……… Respect them because they do not have such a description, as there is no person among the Muslim Qur’an. His name is (Jesus), but his name is (Issa) and he is a Muslim.

Such a situation requires frankness without delay, and frankness requires separating the matter between the two without delay, until the matter is settled.

The two personalities must be separated…by saying that (Issa) who exists among Muslims…is not at all the same (Jesus) who exists among Al-Nasarah. They are two different personalities…but somewhat similar (a resemblance to them).

Because such religious confusion is part of the problem of the identity crisis…. It is in the function of stealing the religion of others.

Because if (Issa) was the one meant by (Jesus) and he was Syrian, then Syria would have been Muslim because (Issa) was a Muslim and he was not a Christian or of another religion.

Without this logic, and insisting on (Yasouaa – Jesus) without separating from (Issa), it is theft of another component in Syria that does not believe in (Yasouaa or Jesus).

This is what caused a crisis in religious identity. As many of those who believe in this confusion notice, they have a crisis of religious identity……….. They always talk that Syria was Christian before Islam, in the process of denying a large component in Syria.

■ Political awareness and linguistic awareness

What is the ancient name of Syria?


What is the language of ancient Syria?

Phoenician Ugaritic… Syriac… Arabic.


Without allergy

It is a big lie. (Syria) is a modern name imposed by the occupier, and he adopted it from his religious book (the Bible), and no one knew or dealt with this name before the West came to us.

The truth… I am surprised by a mind that believes that these current borders in the region and the world… were of ancient origin in the first man, and believes that the ancient man was dealing with this awareness of borders… so he named a part of the earth with the same division The border day… Syria……. and another part was named after… Libya, Iraq, Jordan and Palestine.

Search for all these names and you will find that they were taken from the Book of the Bible (the book of the Western occupier).

And this modern reality… the West was not able to implant it in the consciousness of society except by writing a history so that it would be the imagination that preserves this division.

For example…he wrote a historical story whose events take place only in Syria, and he created for Syria the state of the Ghassanids, and for Iraq the state of Manadhira, and he wrote for Syria Adonis, and for Iraq he wrote July. And etc

The truth is that the name (Syria)… is linked to the political and linguistic identity crisis… How and why?

There is a country called… (France)

The name of its people is …….. (Farnasin)

The name of its language……. (French)

This is the case in all European countries……….. The naming is the same and identical… The naming of the country is identical with the naming of the people and identical with the naming of the language.

But with us it is completely different

There is a country called… (Syria)

And the name of its people is ……. (Surin)

And the name of its language…… (Arabic)

There is a country called… (Misr)

And the name of its people… (Misr)

And the name of its language is …….. (Arabic)

Why is things different here and there is no conformity like in the West?

The certain truth is that this story is not identical to us, because the story is originally modern… the nomenclature is modern, and the concepts are very modern.

Because the land was one before the occupier entered and knew no borders, and when the occupier divided it and gave it labels of his own invention, and when the concept of nationalism was imposed on the world on the basis of language, a world occurred with us that was not identical between modern reality and modern concepts…. And between our first innate origin.

But if you notice…it is true, you will find that it is not identical in our nomenclature, but if you carefully examine it, you will find that it is identical in the nomenclature that the West has assigned to us.

There is a country called (Syria) = Syria

And the name of its people (Syrian) = Syriacs

The name of its language is (Syrian) = Syriac

There is a country called (Misr) = Al-Habbat

And the name of its people (Egyptian) = Copts

The name of its language is (Egyptin) = Coptic

Now notice with me……. how when the West put these labels, it believes that the language of Misr is Jibt and its name is Jibt, and the language of Syria is Syriac and its name is Syriac, and for this reason the occupier decided to plant languages in every divided piece of land. …..And it bears names that match and match the new names that he created for the Earth.

If you observe carefully… you will find that there is a religious group in the region with the same religion as the occupied West, and it believes in the Book of the Bible, which the occupied West believes in… but it is written in different and multiple languages.

What is strange is that the name of the languages in which these books were written is consistent and identical with the name of the land in the languages of the West… and identical with the name they chose for them.

Is it a strange coincidence…that the name of the language of the Christian book (the Bible) in Syria is (Syriac), which is the same name as Syria? …Is it a strange coincidence that the name of the language of the book of Al-Nasarah in Misr (the Bible) is Jibti, which is the same name as Misr in their languages?!

Not a coincidence at all

Because they are a reality… a reality created by the West on Earth during the period of occupation, projects engineered with exactly the same engineering as Europe, and these languages are very new to Syria and Misr, and they were not the languages of any creature on Earth before the West entered, but the West has a plan to impose them and He made it an awareness through the deception of time that designed him and this history.

what is the evidence ?

Affiliation to languages was never known in human consciousness 300 years ago. Nationalism, which is based on language, is a modern human consciousness that appeared in Europe, and no one on earth knew the affiliation to language.

The concept of linguistic nationalism… appeared only approximately 300 years ago, and the West was the one who spread it and made it a comprehensive human consciousness on earth, and the one who built its engineering on it for the peoples of the world.

The logical question: How did the names match in this amazing way among the Al-Nasarah in Syria and Misr, who were present in Syria and Misr 2000 years ago, while the concept of linguistic nationalism is modern and appeared approximately 300 years ago?!

The Egyptian Christian

He lives in Misr….. I brought it

His name is Coptic….Gebty

Coptic language name – Jebeti

And the Syrian Christian

He lives in Syria….. Syria

His name is Saryan…Saryan

Syriac language name – Syriac

How did the names (the land, the people, and the language) match with the Al-Nasarah in Syria and Misr with the same identity as in Western countries, but the names (the land, the people, and the language) did not match with the Muslims in Syria and Misr?!

Why did the Al-Nasarah in Syria have identical names, and with the same similarity that exists in Western countries in their names…even though the concept of linguistic nationalism is very recent and came out of Europe 300 years ago, and was not an ancient concept at all?!

Because the truth is… the Western occupier is the one who established the names (countries, the name of Al-Nasarah, and the name of the language of their religious book).

He is the one who coined the name (Syria and Misr), and he is the one who named the Al-Nasarah in Syria and Misr (Syriacs and Copts), and he is the one who named the languages of the Book of the Bible (the Book of the West) in which they believe (Syriac and Jibt)… with the same geometry. Which they made in European countries.

Syriac – Syriac – Syriac

Jibt – Jabbati – Jabbatiyya

Italy – Italian – Italian

Spain – Spanish – Spanish

They are a relatively recent reality in the land… and their languages are relatively new languages in the land… and the names of the land are relatively new and appeared with the emergence of the occupier… and no one before the occupier knew them.

Therefore, the mismatch that occurs in Syria and Misr in the names of the land, the people, and the language will result in a crisis of linguistic and political identity…

As evidence… that you find that the groups in society that are most provoking the identity crisis in Syria… are the Al-Nasarah in Syria… just like the Al-Nasarah in Misr.

The truth is…they are a reality created by the West, and the book that Al-Nasarah in the region believe in is originally a book written by the West…a religious penetration project only.

The solution is to remove the names of the Bible from geography… such as Syria and Palestine… and put in agreed upon names because they are not rooted in us… then force the West to change their names in their languages for our countries, such as forcing the West to change their names in their languages for our countries. By calling Misr (Misr) and not (Misr) in their languages.

This is to address the linguistic identity crisis, by understanding these approaches.

■ Historical awareness

Ugarit – The Phoenix – Zenobia – King Philip

Many civilizations passed through Syria, such as Ugarit, the Phoenicians, etc.

This is what is taught to the Syrians, one people, and you are surprised that a country with a great sense of security would allow such a history and make it a national history.

Talking about civilizations in Syria is nothing but the concept of creating identities and divisions, and it is not true that there are several civilizations.

Even if we assume that we can accept a false history, what prevents us from writing a false history about one civilization, with one religion and one language?!

But the Phoenician language, the Sumerian language, the Ugaritic language, and various religions.

Where is the Ugarit civilization?

One piece does not confirm the existence of this civilization. If it were many antiquities discovered every day, it would be possible, but one piece and the West produced huge books about Ugarit.

Rather, it is strange how history is allowed to say that Syria was ruled by the Romans?!

Do you have old documents, manuscripts, that confirm this, or are they printer books?!

Some even made this historical material a means to confront this sick identity consciousness, by saying that a Syrian ruler named Philip the Arab was one of the rulers of Rome.

It is not known that this history is poison in the flesh, because such a statement is a historical occupation of the imagination of peoples, that the land was ruled by the West, and was an extension of the West, with all those false stories from religions and languages.

Also the story of Zenobia… huge volumes that talk about a queen in Syria, and they are all works written by a printer without any archaeological evidence confirming them, or any historical document confirming them.

what is the story ?!

I don’t care what will be said, what is important is that the defeated people understand the conspiracy that is being hatched against them.

The origin of all the stories on earth… is only one book… it is the book from which man emerged on earth and in which is recorded the history of the first man on earth, and the written handwriting of this book… in which was written the news from which the Muslims who read it memorized.

The West forged it and hid it from the people, then wrote the book (The Bible) in a way that resembled the Qur’an so that the readers would believe that it was a book from Allah, then published it in several languages written by Western scholars (Hebrew, Syriac, Tibetan, etc.), and spread this book throughout the earth. ….Then he made for the Muslims the Dirar Mosque in Mecca as an alternative to Al-Masjid Al Haram in Mecca, in order to create a new historical story for the Muslims on earth that comes after the story of the religious minorities that the West planted in the region, and to fabricate all this magical, imaginary history, to steal The truth of the Muslim is for the benefit of the Book of the Bible and the religion of the West… and in order to create such crises and identity problems that will lead to chaos after which the Earth’s languages, religion, history, and truth can be changed.

This is the conclusion

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and they did not differ in it except those who were given it after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. (213) Or did you think that you would enter Paradise when the likeness of those who passed before you came to you? Misfortune and adversity afflicted them, and they were shaken until the Messenger and those who believed with him said, “When will Allah give victory?” Indeed, Allah’s victory is near. (214)}

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