The real date – who created the Hijri calendar and how old it is?

The real date - who created the Hijri calendar and how old it is?

09/07/2020 00:00

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It is very logical… that the continued correct reading of the first book written by man on Earth approximately 20 thousand years ago, and in the same language as the first man who wrote the book, means that it is certain that 20 thousand years of the history of man and the Earth are very correct. It is true, and that people after 20 thousand years are still living within a natural awareness of reality with the same natural awareness that man lived 20 thousand years ago.

But if someone comes after 20 thousand years and forges the reading of the first book on Earth, and people are convinced of its forgery, then it is very logical… that 20 thousand years of the history of man and the Earth will be fake, and after that all the history that will be written will be about what Before translating the book, they were delusional. And that after translation, people will live within a false awareness and a wrong view of reality, and an awareness that is different from the natural, innate awareness that humans experienced 20,000 years ago.

People will live within a new time and a new history, but it is not real.

It is very logical……….that the atheist who forged the first book will be behind the creation of the new calendar, and he will be behind the writing of the new history.

In other words, the age of the new calendar and the new date that people will be aware of will be the same age as the translation of the book.

This is magic… and the greatest magic on earth.

The oldest book on earth is the Egyptian inscriptions, and Napoleon and his soldiers (the West) came to occupy Misr and the region, and they were the ones who translated the Egyptian inscriptions.

Question: Did the West forge ancient inscriptions in Misr?!


All the history we read that is said to have happened before Napoleon is fake.

So, the logical question is: Is the history drawn for the region created by the West and is the Hijri calendar created by the West? Or in other words, is the history that we currently imagine the same age as Napoleon’s invasion, and is the current Hijri calendar the same age as Napoleon’s invasion?!


How can you be sure?!

■ Regarding history, is the official history of the region as old as Napoleon?

1- Notice… When Napoleon came to the region as an occupier, he came with a printer, interested in printing books, and this history that we read today is all written by a printer, and we do not have manuscripts, and we did not inherit handwritten books from our ancestors that speak of history and document to the world what About us.

Napoleon came with a huge army to occupy a people who did not belong to him, and he was interested in the issue of the printer, in order to teach this occupied people who were different from him and who did not belong to him… the printer wrote.

A few years after Napoleon, the printer entered all the countries of the region, and it was it that printed the local histories of the countries of the region.

2- The Copts in Misr waited 1,800 years for Napoleon to come to Misr and build the Church of Maria Girgis, and install the Albanian ruler, who was the first Egyptian ruler to order the construction of a church.

Also, the Copts waited 1,800 years for the Pope of the Church to reform the Coptic language into Greek

3- Observe carefully.

The time of Napoleon is considered the dividing line between the real history and the imaginary history of the region…or the dividing line between the real world and the magical world, or the dividing line between real consciousness and magical consciousness, the dividing line between the laws of reality and the laws of imagination.

This dividing line reveals itself clearly if we observe the imagination of the Egyptian people and their historical reading of this dividing line.

After monitoring, we will find very important observations:

There is no very prominent logic in Al-Masry’s mind when he reads the history of Napoleon’s invasion, even though the history is recent and not very old, and even though the event is very clear, but Al-Masry suffers from great difficulty at this dividing line.

There is a clear confusion in time and the order of events in the mind of the Egyptian, and there is also a confusion between the laws of reality and the laws of imagination when he reads the history of that invasion… and this confusion led to great difficulty in understanding the invasion and its results.

how ?!

● Napoleon came with a huge army to occupy Misr…but Al-Masry believes that Napoleon came to enlighten Misr and bring it into modernity.

The Egyptian does not realize that whoever wants to enlighten other countries should not come to them with a very large army, and enlightenment is satisfied with signing a scientific agreement with Misr through ambassadors and ministers…….in a respectful and natural manner and not with a huge army and occupation.

● Napoleon came to occupy Misr and eliminated the Mamluk state in Misr, and the Albanian ruler came five years after Napoleon…but the Egyptian believes that the Albanian ruler was the one who eliminated the Mamluk state.

The Egyptian does not notice that before Al-Albani there was French and British occupation in Misr.

● The Albanian ruler came five years after Napoleon eliminated the Mamluk state…..but Al-Masry believes that Al-Albani became independent by ruling Misr from the Ottoman Empire.

The Egyptian does not know that the occupier was the one who divided the region between them, including Misr, and installed a ruler of his own to administer the colony belonging to him.

● The Albanian ruler came five years after Napoleon eliminated the Mamluk state and after Britain inherited the occupation of Misr… But Al-Masry believes that the Albanian is an extension of the Ottoman Empire.

Al-Masry does not know that Al-Albani is a ruler appointed by the logic of occupation to be in charge of administering Misr for the benefit of the Western occupier.

● The Albanian ruler came five years after Napoleon eliminated the state (the Mamluks) and imposed a feudal system by force of occupation and gave the lands of Misr to groups from Central Asia… But Al-Masry believes that Al-Albani was the one who eliminated the Mamluks who were feudal Allah[s] in Misr.

Al-Masry does not know that before the fall of the Al-Albani family regime, Misr was a fiefdom of pashas of Turkish origin.

● The Albanian ruler came five years after Napoleon eliminated the state (the Mamluks)…but the Egyptian believes that Al-Albani is an Egyptian man and that he is the builder of modern Misr.

The Egyptian does not know that the Albanian’s name is Albanian, not the Egyptian, and when he was inaugurated, he was not even fluent in Arabic. He was just an employee who listened to the French and British military rulers.

● The Albanian ruler came five years after Napoleon eliminated the state (the Mamluks) and built a castle in it…but the Egyptian historian believes that there is a mistake in the Egyptian because he calls Saladin Castle the Castle of Muhammad Ali Pasha.

Al-Masry does not know that the architectural style of the castle exists in Turkey, India and elsewhere, all of which are of the same age. Al-Albani was the one who built that castle by a French engineer sent from France, in order to attribute this castle to a fictitious character (Salah al-Din) who came inside the printer of his master Napoleon to convince people of this history.

● The Albanian ruler came five years after Napoleon eliminated the state (the Mamluks) and sent missions to France…but the Egyptian believed that Al-Albani was open-minded and loved science and sent missions to France, as if it was the first time Misr knew France. Until Al-Albani came

The Egyptian does not know that Al-Albani is only carrying out his duties from France… through the process of creating elites for the sake of the upcoming intellectual washing of the Egyptians. Misr during Al-Albani’s era did not import technology or applied sciences, but rather sent missions to study the humanities. Literary, philosophical, languages, cinema, etc.

■ Regarding the Hijri calendar, is the Hijri calendar as old as Napoleon?

1- Notice… how the Coptic calendar did not appear until the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha.

This means that the Copts in Misr waited 1800 years for Al-Albani to ask the Pope of the Coptic Church to reform the Coptic calendar.

2- Notice…….. The oldest calendar for the Hijri calendar is found in France in 1808, and it did not appear until after Napoleon. Next to this calendar there is a calendar for all the world’s calendars, including the Roman calendar.

This means that the Hijri calendar, which we believe in today, is not 1,400 years old, but rather approximately 250 years old, and it was not established by Omar ibn al-Khattab or Ali ibn Abi Talib… Rather, it was created by Napoleon and his scholars (magicians)… a European project.

Simple and easy logic

If you forge a book written by a university doctor, it will not cause a major problem for people. But if you forge the first book written by the first human being on Earth, this human from whom all people and nations emerged, this means that people will get lost in the Earth. Magic will surround people.

Indeed, this is Shaytan’s plan on earth to mislead them all. We have known the entrance of Shaytan and how he can seduce all people… by forging the first book on earth, then writing a new history and a new time and making it an official history for man and the earth.

Napoleon was a devil worshiper and was on a mission on behalf of Shaytan, and the French Revolution was a revolution of devils on earth that arose in order to falsify the book and create a magical world for the entire earth.

{That book no doubt guidance for the righteous}

{It is He who has revealed to you the Book; some verses of it are decisive, they are the mother of the Book, and others are ambiguous. As for those in whose hearts there is deviation, they follow what is ambiguous in it, seeking temptation and seeking its interpretation. And none knows its interpretation except Allah. And those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say, “We believe in it. It is all from our Allah.” And none remember except those of understanding.}

{And We did not send before you any messenger or prophet except that when he desired, Shaytan made a wish, so Allah abrogates what Shaytan casts. Then Allah establishes His verses. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (52) To make what Shaytan casts a test for those in whose hearts is disease and whose hearts are hardened. Indeed, the wrongdoers are in far-off discord. (53) And so that those who have been given knowledge may know that it is the truth from Your Allah, so they may believe in it, so their hearts will be humbled before Him. Indeed, Allah is the guide of those who believe to a straight path. (54) And those who disbelieve will remain in confusion about it until the Hour comes upon them suddenly or the torment of a destructive Day comes upon them.}

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it, after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. (213) Or did you think that you would enter Paradise when the likeness of those who passed before you came to you? Misfortune and adversity afflicted them, and they were shaken until the Messenger and those who believed with him said, “When will Allah give you victory? Indeed, Allah’s victory is near.”

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