What is the book – summary of the latest discussion

What is the book - summary of the latest discussion

7/14/2020 0:00:00

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In our previous conversation, we found the prophecy speaking accurately and clearly… about the essential scientific points that anyone needs in order to decipher ancient inscriptions of unknown language… We need to have a document that matches the symbols of the inscriptions with another book in a known language… This step was taken by the West through the Rosetta Stone, but the process requires many documents, especially if the ancient inscriptions contain many symbols, as in the inscriptions of Misr.

But the prophecy tells us the most important information we need, which is knowing the original language of the inscriptions (the Arabic language, as the prophecy told us). The process does not need a story like the story of the West.

■ Understanding the original language of Egyptian inscriptions, which is the Arabic language (science)

■ Prophecy We talked about the importance of understanding the structure of writing (Egyptian inscriptions).

The prophecy informs us that the symbols of the Egyptian inscriptions are phonetic writing and not expressive or philosophical… The prophecy informs us of the reasons for the existence of all these symbols and that they are divided into two precise and similar parts.

■ Prophecy We talked about the importance of understanding the names of the symbols of the Egyptian inscriptions, which are in clear Arabic.

■ Prophecy We talked about the importance of understanding the direction of reading Egyptian inscriptions, which is from right to left.


Then we talked… How will we decipher the inscriptions of Misr?

We said that after knowing the original language of Egyptian inscriptions (the Arabic language), which is the most important piece of information, the matter becomes easy.

Prophecy informs us of the name of the Egyptian Torah inscriptions. The story of the Messenger and the Torah teaches us the method clearly, by matching the symbols in Egyptian inscriptions with their meanings in the Arabic language.

(Eye symbol) = eye


Here we have almost deciphered 99% of Misr’s inscriptions, and all that remains for us is to take all the symbols of Misr’s inscriptions and learn their Arabic names.

In this conversation, we are concerned with proving that the story of the Messenger is a prophecy and did not happen 1,400 years ago, and the story talks about the inscriptions of Misr. Therefore, our focus is not on the subject of deciphering the inscriptions, but rather on the legal seal, which is the conclusive evidence that the story talks about a prophecy that talks about the inscriptions of Misr.

But the legal seal needs to read the inscriptions correctly, so:

When we talked about the concept of the legal seal, we meant legal evidence that authenticates the Qur’an’s speech and is conclusive, so that it creates a strong connection between the Qur’an and reality.

And we said that the thread of communication is the news, and we obtained the word that actually confirms the news… {And recite to them the news of Him who was removed from Our signs}


Now let us postpone the Qur’an’s speech and think logically.

If we wanted a legal seal, in our case, to prove to the Muslim that the Qur’an was talking about the Egyptian inscriptions and talking about the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions, and that the story did not happen before 1400… then we now have something that proves this.


Since the first word that Champollion uttered, written in Egyptian inscriptions, is the word on which all of Champollion’s legitimacy and translation was built and made him one of the greats of history………. This word is the foundation on which Champollion built his huge architectural tower.

Champollion’s dictionary and all the history and stories that the West writes and claims to be Egyptian inscriptions were built on the basis of this word.

So the issue is easy and logical…….. In order to criticize anything in the Champollion Tower, we do not need to burn Champollion’s books and the West’s books, nor do we need to convince people that it is forged……… We go to the basics and We do this and all this huge building will collapse.

how ?

We will do exactly the same step that Champollion did. As long as they do this work and it becomes legitimate, we will do the same work so that it will not be said that we are not knowledgeable.

We just want to discover a piece of stone (bilingual, not bilingual) (hieroglyphics in another Egyptian script) that is authentic and not fake. It has a circular frame and inside it are the same symbols that Champollion read, so that we can do the matching and know the phonetic values of the symbols. We read the word correctly.

Or we go to the first word read by Champollion and present the correct alternative reading confirmed in the Arabic language that the readers confirm, on the condition that we need reliable external data from him to confirm this, such as a confirmed document.


Is the story of the Messenger news? The possibility is very high that it is logical that the readers must correct this word, because it will demolish the huge structure that the West built on the basis of this word.

And when we go to the story of the Messenger with the book, we will actually find that the Qur’an is talking about a word of separation preceded by Allah for a specific purpose after they disagreed about the book with a non-Arab and not an Arabic Qur’an.

{And people were not but one community, so they differed, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them concerning what they differed in. (19) And they say, “If only a sign had been sent down to him from his Allah. So say, ‘Indeed, the unseen belongs to Allah, so wait. Indeed, I am with you among those who wait.’” (20)}

{Indeed, those who deny Our signs are not hidden from Us. Is there better the one who is thrown into the Fire or the one who comes safe on the Day of Resurrection? Do whatever you wish. Indeed, All-Seeing of what you do. (40) Indeed, those who disbelieved in the Remembrance when it came to them. And indeed, it is a Mighty Book. (41) To it no falsehood can come. Before him, nor behind him. A revelation from the Wise, the Praiseworthy. (42) Nothing is said to you except what has been said to the messengers before you. Indeed, your Allah is the Possessor of forgiveness and the Possessor of punishment. (43) And if We had made it a foreign Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses had been explained in detail.” Is it a foreign Qur’an and an Arabic? Say, “It is for those who Believe, a guidance and a cure. And as for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and it is upon them blindness. These are being called from a far place. (44) And indeed We have given you Musa. (45)}

The Qur’an also speaks very clearly and carefully, that the word “determined” has distorted its place with their tongues in the language of Jibt, and that the word still remains to this day and we are still aware of their betrayal of the covenant of the book.

And because they broke their covenant, We cursed them and made their hearts hard; they distorted words from their intended meanings; and they forgot a portion of what they were reminded with; and do not disbelieve. Do not find any traitors among them, except a few of them. So pardon them and pardon. Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.

{۞ Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a party of them used to hear the word of Allah and then distort it after they had understood it while they knew? (75) And when they meet Those who believe say, “We believe,” and when they are alone with one another, they say, “Will you narrate to them what Allah has disclosed to you, so that they might dispute with you therein before your Allah?” Will you not understand? (7) 6 ) Do they not know that Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare? (77) And among them are unlettered people who do not know the book except in secret hopes, and they only speculate. (78) So Woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then say, “This is from Allah” to exchange it for a small price. So woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to me! They are Of what they earn (79) And they say, “The Fire will not touch us except for a number of days.” Say, “Have you taken a covenant with Allah, and Allah will not break His covenant, or do you say about Allah what He does not do?” Do you not know? (80)}

{Among those who are Al-Yahoud who distort words from their intended meanings and say, “We hear and we disobey,” and “Hear without being heard,” and “We obeyed” distorting with their tongues and slandering the religion, even if Indeed, they said, “We hear and we obey,” and “Hear and we see.” It would have been better for them and more upright. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they do not believe except a few. (46) O O you who have been given the book, believe in what We sent down confirming what was with you, before We obliterated faces and turned them back on their backs, or cursed them as We cursed the companions of the Sabbath. And Allah’s command was fulfilled. (47) Indeed, Allah does not forgive that anyone should associate anything with Him, but He forgives anything other than that to whomever He wills. And whoever associates anything with Allah has certainly invented a great sin. (48) Have you not seen those who purify themselves? Rather, Allah purifies whom He wills, and they do not wrong even a little. (49) See how they invent a lie against Allah. And that is sufficient sin. Making clear (50) Have you not seen those who were given a share of the Book? They believe in the oppressors and the Taghut (Dometic) and say of those who disbelieve: “These are better guided than those.” Believe in a way. (51) Those are those whom Allah has cursed. And whoever Allah curses, you will never find a helper for him. (52) Or have they a share of the kingdom? Then, when they give people no helper. (53) Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them of His bounty? Indeed, We gave the family of Ibrahim the Book and the wisdom, and We gave them a great kingdom (54)}


Now we will follow the same steps as the West, but without cheating or deception.

We have discovered a bilingual stone, just like the Rosetta Stone. True and not fake, there are two inscriptions on it. The first inscription contains a circular frame containing the symbols of the first word spoken by Champollion, and the second inscription is underneath it and contains the same content.

How did we discover the stone when we had never heard of this stone?

We have discovered an original stone (the Messenger’s Stone – the trace of the Messenger) that the Samaritan obtained and discarded, and you do not know and are not paying attention to the matter.

how ?

Imagine with me that we have an ancient stone… and imagine that we wrote inside this stone in French, in French script, the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions, and we placed inside the story an image of the circular frame (with four hieroglyphic symbols in brackets for the word spoken by Champollion). This is the frame that arrived to Champollion from Misr, and it is an original stone, not fake:

1- The first text

[Story ##################### ( ■■♣ – ● ) ####### ]

We wrote the same content of this story in the current script and in the Arabic language, and the news is identical to this story, and we wrote it under this French text.

Second text

2- [Among those who are Al-Yahoud distort words from their proper place and say: We hear, and we disobey, and listen without listening, and we obey with their tongues and slander the religion. And if they had said (We hear) and We obey and (Listen and we will see) it would have been better for them and more upright, but Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they will not believe except a few.

Now we will have a bilingual stone, and it is completely similar to the Rosetta Stone, but an original, real, true stone, not fake, like the Rosetta Stone, and it contains one topic, two texts that are different in writing and language, but they talk about one topic.

correct ?

Now we can do the matching…….and find out the correct original reading of the word:

( ■■♣ – ● ) = (we heard) (listen and see us).

So is the word (we heard)?


Let us review the steps that Champollion took, so that we can follow exactly the same steps as him.

1- Rosetta Stone

b + i + l + j + m + f + ■ = ptlymos – within one document

And he came to realize the value of the symbol (■).

Define…. ■ = s —– Single document entry – audio value

2- The stone that reached him

(Sun) + (♣) + ■ + ■ = ● + ♣ + ■ + ■

Sun =●


Now we will follow the same steps as Champollion

1- The Messenger’s Stone (the footprint of the Messenger)

S + M + A + N + A = (Sun) + (♣) + ■ + ■


The stone piece that reached Champollion, which contains the four symbols: ( ● ) ( ♣ ) ( ■ ) ( ■ ).

How did Champollion know that the first symbol was the sun?

He saw the symbols and saw that the first symbol looked like the sun

Is the first symbol really a “sun symbol,” as Champollion said?

If we go to look at the symbols that were present in the stone piece that reached Champollion, we will find that there was a mistake made by Champollion.

The first symbol, which Champollion said was “the symbol of the sun,” does not look like the sun at all…the symbol is a large circle with a small circle inside it.

If you ask a rational person, a child, or an uneducated person, is this an image of the sun? …He will tell you: No

If you ask a child to draw a picture of the sun, the child will draw the sun in the shape of only one circle.

So the symbol is not a sun, as Champollion deceived us, so what shape does that symbol resemble?

If we look for something around us that resembles a circle and inside it is a circle, we will see something clear and found in the human eye, which is (nun), nun of the eye (nun al-ayn) (al-nini)… and this thing’s name is also found in the verses in the Qur’an. …… {By the pen and what they write (1) You are not, by the grace of Your Allah, insane (2)}

So the first symbol in the stone piece is (Nun)

S + M + A + N + A = (N) + (♣) + ■ + ■

Also, the second symbol, which Champollion said was (a symbol meaning = a calf, a bird, a boy, or a fox skin) is certainly incorrect…. The symbol is something from which three ropes hang.

If you ask a rational person, a child, or an uneducated person, is this a picture of a calf, a child, a bird, or the skin of a fox? …He will tell you: Not at all

What shape resembles something with three ropes hanging from it?

If we search for something around us that resembles this shape, we will see something that was used in sewing… which is (tailor’s poison).

So the second symbol is (cm)


Important note: If we assume that the Egyptian inscriptions, according to Champollion, are the language of Jeth, and indeed that the sun in the language of Jeth, is a shepherd, then Champollion’s reading is completely wrong.

Because the symbol ( ● ) is not a sun, but rather Nun Al-Ayn, and (Nun Al-Ain) in the Jebet language means (Karkar).

This means that when Champollion reached the stone piece, and when he saw the first symbol inside the frame, he was supposed to say, “This is the symbol for Noun al-Ain,” which in Arabic means “karkar.”

Accordingly, the word will be pronounced as “Kerkeremses” and not “Raameses”. Accordingly, there is absolutely no ancient Egyptian king named (Raameses) in the history of Misr whose name is mentioned in the book of the West (the Old Testament) lol.

This means that it is assumed that King (Kerkeremses)’s name is written in the book of the Old Testament instead of King (Raameses). lol


Now is the word identical?

S + M + A + N + A = (N) + (CM) + ■ + ■

But we forgot an important point… In his second step, Champollion combined phonetic value and meaning into one word.

how ?

We have come to realize two separate verses in the Qur’an, namely (Ayn) and (Nun).

But…… When we read symbols individually, we read them (meaning value), and when they are inside a word, we read them (audio output only).

We pronounce (A) = Ain (meaning value)

We pronounce (n) = nun (meaning value)

And we pronounce (N M L) = Naml (phonetic outputs)

We do not read the word (N M L) = (Nunml)…. Rather, we read it as (Ant), the well-known insect.


S + M + A + N + A = ( N ) + ( S ) + ■ + ■

Now notice how two symbols present on the first side began to appear on the second side of the equation.

But there is a problem, they are not in their correct place and in reverse.

What’s the reason ?

I think there are two points we forgot:

The prophecy speaks of their distorting the words from their proper places, and it also speaks of the Samaritan who was given his book in his left hand, and it is certain that the Samaritan read the word from the left to the left.

If we try to look at the inscriptions of Misr from pictures taken by real-life photographers, in order to see the inscriptions found in the so-called temples, we will find that in fact ……. Champollion read the word in reverse, from left to right, and with double the places.

The word is written in Egyptian inscriptions inside what are called temples, in this form:

x + m + a + n + a = ( ♣ ) + ( ■)+(■ ) + ( ● )

Under the N symbol there is a small line

S + M + A + N + A = (cm) + ( ■ )+(■ ) + (n) + |

S + M + A + N + A = ( S ) + ( ■ ■ ) + ( N ) +|

Now notice how symbols appeared on the second side identical to two audio outputs on the first side of the equation… in the same position and in the same direction of reading.

Now notice that on the second end there are two similar symbols remaining, and in their place on the first end there are two different sound outputs (M + A).

How is that possible?


If we repeat Champollion’s second step, which we talked about in our previous conversations, when Champollion received an ancient stone from Misr, and the stone contained a royal frame and inside it were four symbols, then Champollion took these intellectual steps:

– We have a royal frame… and it is certain that inside it is the name of a king

The name consists of four symbols

– The king’s name ends with a repeated vowel consonant (SS).

– The first symbol is a circle that looks like the sun and in the language of Jebet (Ra).

– We know from our strong cultural background the name of a famous Egyptian king, which is (Ra’msees), and the name begins with (Ra) and his name ends with a well-known, repeated consonant symbol (■■) and an unknown symbol in the middle (♣).

These steps were arranged quickly in Champollion’s mind, and with a fleeting glance, Champollion’s genius mind reached: Is the name in the royal frame the name of King Ra’msees, the most famous king who ruled Misr in ancient times?

(Sun) = Raa —- two documents – meaning value

(Shams)+(♣) + ■ + ■ = Ra’msees — two documents

Then (♣) = m —- two documents – a phonetic value.

Now we will do the same step as Champollion

– We have a frame… and it is certain that there is a word inside it

The name consists of four symbols

– The word ends with the symbol (nūn al-ayn)

– The first symbol is a circle in the shape of the tailor’s cm, which is (cm).

– We know, from our strong religious background, a famous word, which is (sammana), and the name begins with (sem) and its name ends with a consonant symbol (na) and in the middle there are two repeated symbols (unknowns).

Arrange these steps quickly in your mind… and with a quick glance, try to come up with the answer to the question: Is the name in the frame the name of the King (We heard)… the word that preceded from your Allah for a specified time?

(cm) = Sam —- two documents – audio value

(cm)+(■ ■) + (noun) = we heard

Then the repeated unknown symbol (■■) = with.


If we see this symbol, we will find something like a wrapped leg, and Champollion said that it is a folded piece of cloth, and it does not look like cloth at all.

Therefore, when a symbol has the same symbol next to it, it is pronounced double… the first phonetic output from the name of the thing + the second phonetic output from the name of the thing.

{And We have given you seven of the repeated verses and the Great Qur’an}

S + M + A + N + A = (cm) + (■■) + (n) +|

x + m + a + n + a = (x) + (with) + (n) +|

Now read

{O you who have believed, do not say, “Ra’na,” but say, “Look, ‘We are,’” and listen. And for the disbelievers is a painful punishment.}

The Qur’an says that we do not say (Ra’), but rather we say (Nazar), and we said (Nun).

Because the symbol ( ● ) is ………. from the similar verses and not the ambiguous ones, so it is (Nun and Nazar) The arts of the eye are (the sight of the eye) and in the Arabic language the pupil is called (Nun) or it is called (Nazhar). ).

{It is He who has revealed to you the Book; some verses of it are decisive, they are the mother of the Book, and others are ambiguous. As for those in whose hearts there is deviation, they follow what is ambiguous in it, seeking temptation and seeking its interpretation. And none knows its interpretation except Allah. And those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say, “We believe in it. It is all from our Allah.” And none remember except those of understanding.}

S + M + A + N + A = (cm) (■■) – (view) +|

x + m + a + n + a = (x) (with) – (n) +|

Then it is pronounced (♣■■●)……we heard….or…..listen and see.

{Among those who are Al-Yahoud, they distort words from their proper places and say, “We hear” and “we disobeyed,” and “Hear us without listening,” and “we obey” with their tongues and slander the religion. And if they had said, “We hear and we obey,” and “Listen and we will see,” it would have been better for them and more upright. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe only a few.)

And Champollion…… He heard the word of Allah, but he distorted it after he understood it, knowing that it was recited in a clear Arabic tongue and not a foreign language.

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We read it in Arabic for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they insist is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic language.} {Do you then hope that they will believe in you? And a group of them used to hear the words of Allah, then they distorted it after they had understood it while they knew. (75) And when they met those who believed, they said, “We believe.” And when Some of them were alone with each other, saying, “Will you inform them of what Allah has revealed to you, so that they may dispute with you concerning it before your Allah? Do you not understand? (76) Do they not know that Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare? (77) And among them are unlettered people who do not know the Book except wishful thinking, and they only suspect.}

(We heard) not (Ramesses)

And whoever mocks and says that it is a subject intended to erase their great ancient civilization, (the civilization of Khufu, Djadra, Thutmose, Nefertiti, and Hatshepsut), and to erase the history of their great kings, and to try to remove the ancient worships of their ancestors from which they emerged:

{And no sign of their Allah comes to them except that they turn away from it. (4) Indeed, they have denied the truth when it came to them. Then there will come to them news of what they used to mock.}

{And when Our clear verses are recited to them, they say, “This is nothing but a man who wants to turn you away from what your fathers used to worship.” And they say, “This is nothing but a fabricated lie.” And those who disbelieve say of the truth when it has come to them, “This is nothing but clear magic.” (43) And We have not given them books to study them, and We have not sent to them before you any warner. 44)}

And whoever continues to repeat and say the same thing as them (Ramesses)………. then he is one of those about whom Allah says that among them are illiterate people who do not practice the book and do not know that it is in a clear Arabic language: {Thus those who do not know say the same as they say. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding what they differed about.}

And judgment will be between them on the Day of Resurrection

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it, after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. (213) Or did you think that you would enter Paradise when the likeness of those who passed before you came to you? Misfortune and adversity afflicted them, and they were shaken until the Messenger and those who believed with him said, “When will Allah give you victory? Indeed, Allah’s victory is near.”

{The saying of the believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, ‘We hear’ and we obey. Those are the ones who will be successful.}

{The Messenger believed in what was sent down to him from his Allah, and the believers each believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers. We make no distinction between any of His messengers and they said (We hear) and we obey Your forgiveness, our Allah, and to You is the return. (285) Allah does not burden a soul except that it is sufficient for it, for it is what it has earned and for it is what it has earned. Our Allah, do not hold us accountable if we forget. Or have we sinned? Our Allah, and do not burden us with a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Allah, and do not burden us with what we cannot bear, and pardon us, and forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Master, so grant us victory over the disbelieving people. (286)}


Now I think we have really confirmed that the Qur’an is talking about the book The Inscriptions of Misr and is talking about the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions by the West… and not the story that reached us and made us believe that it took place 1400 years ago in Mecca (Dirar Mosque).

As for the issue of faith and conviction after this…it is up to you

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