What is the book – is the Torah the book of the Muslims or the book of the Al-Yahoud?

What is the book - is the Torah the book of the Muslims or the book of the Al-Yahoud?

8/17/2020 0:00:00

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Because you do not know….and your lack of knowledge of this thing…….is the real, real, main, fundamental reason that created new stories for you that are different from the readers…the stories of (Cain and Abel), the story of Moshe, and the story of Avraham among the Al-Yahoud. In a foreign language…..these stories that you criticize and believe are from Israeli women, and that you say contain false information.

Your lack of knowledge of this thing… is the fundamental reason that made you believe that Allah revealed several religions, and revealed two words in two languages, a foreign language and a clear Arabic tongue.

Your lack of awareness of this thing…is the real reason…that led to the creation of the Jewish religion and brought into existence the Book of the Al-Yahoud.

Because you now own the Qur’an of the Torah (the book) and you do not own the Torah now, because the book is written in the script of the Torah and you do not know, because your grandfather memorized the Qur’an in the past from a book written in the script of the Torah and you do not know.

Because the Torah was hidden from you, and after hiding it from you, they wrote the book of the Al-Yahoud that resembled the Qur’an of the Torah (which you have), then after that the printer produced for you a Qur’an of the Qur’an of the Torah that was kept in your chest in a new written script (Uthmanic script) other than the original Torah script, and they made you believe that (the script) Uthmani) is the script in which the Qur’an is written.

The Torah is hidden from you so that you continue to believe that Judaism is a religion revealed by Allah and with them is a book from Allah and so that Mecca (Dirar Mosque) continues to be your Qiblah and the Qiblah of all Muslims so that they can control and manipulate them.

The Torah is the book of the Muslims who were occupied by the West, which believes in the book of the Al-Yahoud.

The Torah is the book of Allah, which revealed only one religion from the beginning of creation.

The Torah is not stationary books, the Torah is books on stone tablets, it is the inscriptions of the ancient region.

Therefore… I ask you to stop calling the Jewish book the Torah.

{And they did not appreciate Allah as He deserved, when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything to any human being.” Say, “Who sent down the Book with which Musa brought light and guidance to mankind?” You make it into writings that you reveal, but you conceal much, and you learned what neither you nor your fathers knew. Say, “Allah.” Then leave them in their midst playing. (91) And this is a Book. We sent it down, blessed, confirming what was before it, and to warn Umm al-Qura and those around it, and those who believe in the Hereafter will believe in it and will observe their prayers (92)}

{O People of the Book, Our Messenger has come to you, making clear to you much of what you concealed from the Book, and pardoning much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book (15) with which Allah guides those who follow His pleasure to paths of peace, and brings them out of darkness into light by His permission and guides them to a straight path (16)}

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