Pharaoh and the Hyksos – the difference between news and hypothetical stories

Pharaoh and the Hyksos - the difference between news and hypothetical stories

3/13/2021 0:00:01

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We talked about the history that was written about Misr and its role in creating the personality of the Egyptian person, the psychological and mental personality, which is found in this link: We must talk about an important point related to this history and the way of reading history among Muslims in general and Egyptians in particular, and it is related to Pharaoh and the Hyksos.

If you follow the interpretations of many Muslims of the story of Musa and Pharaoh, which are found in the Qur’an, which is the religious book for the majority of the population of Misr, you will find that most of them talk about the possibility of the story of Pharaoh occurring during the Hyksos era, and that Pharaoh was one of the Hyksos kings who invaded Misr, as evidenced by the fact that the name Pharaoh is not an Egyptian name, but it appears to be a Semitic name, and the Egyptians did not know those names.

If you observe the history that was written about the Hyksos, and compare it with this logic in interpreting the story of Pharaoh, you will find that it is one logic.

For example, notice how he tries to interpret the story of Pharaoh from the perspective that Pharaoh’s name is not Egyptian, and likewise the Hyksos, who the history writer said were a Semitic people, given the names of their kings, which were not Egyptian.

Notice the similarity of this logic to the same text that the West wrote about the Hyksos, then notice how this history became used by Egyptians and non-Egyptians as a real, realistic tool for interpreting his religious text, the True Qur’an.

This makes us believe that the story of the Hyksos was also created deliberately in order to convey this interpretation to the Muslim while trying to understand the story of Musa and Pharaoh, and you can confirm this through the comments of some Western historical books that talk about the history of the Hyksos.

For example, there is a person named Manetho who wrote a book about the Hyksos, in which he says: “The Hyksos attacked the land of Misr in huge numbers, which the Egyptians were unable to resist at first. They burned cities, destroyed temples, and captured women and children, after a fierce war with the Egyptians.”

And when you search for this historian named Manetho, you will find the following:

Maniton is an Egyptian historian from the city of Samanoud, Gharbia Governorate.

He was a priest during the reign of King Ptolemy II, around 280 BC, who commissioned him to write the history of ancient Misr. Manetho took this task upon himself and relied in his writings on the documents left by the Egyptian civilization, which were contained in the document storage houses in the temples, in addition to everything he found at hand. In his hands were documents from government departments and others. The original copy of Manetho’s history was lost during the fire at the Library of Alexandria, and only excerpts from this history were transmitted by some historians, including the Jewish historian Josephus in his book “The Response to Ebion,” in which he tried to defend the Al-Yahoud, stating that they were The Hyksos who invaded Misr after the collapse of the Middle Kingdom, and among the historians is the African historian Julius, who quoted in his book some of the names of the kings that were recorded in the original history of Manetho.


In the beginning….. Notice how the writer of this history speaks that all the original manuscripts of this historian Minaton were lost due to the fire of Alexandria, so that you do not get curious and ask about those manuscripts to confirm whether it is a real history or a lie, but they found another trick, They said it was burned, but some of it was included in the works of other historians, including Josephus, who wrote a whole book to respond to Manetho, and defend the Al-Yahoud and that they were the Hyksos who invaded Misr.

Now look at the extreme intelligence on the part of the writer of history in the process of presenting information, ideas and topics…… Whoever reads this history and believes in history, it is natural that he will directly reach that conclusion while trying to understand the story of Musa and Pharaoh, which is that It is highly likely that Pharaoh appeared during the Hyksos era.

So…the writer of this history deliberately conveyed this logic to the Muslim.

The awareness behind writing the history of Manetho and Josephus previously, regardless of the truth of those characters, is the same awareness that conveyed to the Muslim the idea that Pharaoh was a Hyksos, and it is also the same awareness that conveyed to the Muslim the idea that Pharaoh was slaughtering the Al-Yahoud, and that Musa He was Jewish.

So, the story of the Hyksos was also written for the Egyptians, in order for the Muslim to also reach that belief that the time of Pharaoh and Musa is the period of the Hyksos and that Pharaoh was a Hyksos and that he slaughtered the Al-Yahoud.

So how can we understand the story of Pharaoh and Musa?

There is an important note that many do not pay attention to in this history that was written and tried to make Muslims conclude that Pharaoh was a Hyksos, and it is:

How does this awareness that wrote this history want to convey to you an idea that requires you to do something that you did not pay careful attention to, and perhaps the writer of history also did not pay attention to the matter, and overlooked the possibility that it would cause a major problem, and this condition is:

Why did the history writer not want to convey to the Muslim that Pharaoh was one of the kings of ancient Misr, and stipulated that Pharaoh be a king from the non-Egyptian Hyksos?

The history writer was well aware that the story could not be told in Misr by a single Egyptian, but rather needed a condition, which was that Pharaoh was a non-Egyptian.

The truth is that the writer of history exposes himself and we did not notice, and exposes the basis of the story of Pharaoh, because the story requires a non-Egyptian person.

And this condition that the history writer presented to you while he was unaware and we did not pay attention to it, is actually the logical and natural thing that explains the story to you. It is not possible to understand the story of a person with soldiers who kills and slaughters people, except because he is an invader who is not from Misr. He brought his soldiers to Misr and practiced killing and slaughter.

It is not possible to imagine the story of an Egyptian who kills his own people and slaughters their sons. It is not possible to imagine the story of an Egyptian who suddenly appears in Misr and kills people who belong to Allah. It is only possible to imagine the story of a man who came to Misr with soldiers and killed… Slaughtering people.

We are faced with a story of a real, confirmed invasion that took place in Misr, and it killed and slaughtered people. If we wanted to investigate this invasion in history, as we know that Egyptian history preserves four invasions, three of which reached the Egyptian through the printer’s books, and no one saw them. An Egyptian, and he was not a witness to it, but the Egyptian believes in it not because it is true, but because it is written only in the printer’s books, and it is the invasion of the Hyksos and Greece and the Arab-Islamic invasion… As for the fourth invasion, it is a modern invasion and any Egyptian knows it. Through his local and international popular memory, and also through the printer’s books, namely Napoleon’s invasion.

Hyksos invasion…hypothetical

Invasion of Greece….hypothetical

The Arab-Islamic invasion… hypothetical

Napoleon’s invasion…realistic

But there are approximately 100 million Muslims in Misr, and they believe in the Qur’an, which contains the story of Musa and Pharaoh, and this story came to the Egyptian from the Arab-Islamic invasion of Misr, but this story in the Qur’an speaks of true news from reality:

(These are the signs of the clear Book. We recite to you from the news of Musa, and provide them with the truth to those who believe. Indeed, he has oppressed the land and made its people into sects, and a group of them will be weakened. He will slaughter their fathers and Their wives will be praised. Indeed, he was one of the corruptors. And We want to bestow blessings upon those whose weakness on earth will be weakened. And We made them leaders, and made them And We will establish for them in the land, and We will show Pharaoh and them and their soldiers from among them what they had intended.)

Now, if we arrange the invasions, we will find the following:

Hyksos invasion…hypothetical

Invasion of Greece….hypothetical

The story of Musa and Pharaoh…true news of reality

The invasion of Napoleon and his army….a real, realistic event

If the invasion of the Hyksos and Greece were hypothetical and not real stories, then the story of Musa and Pharaoh did not happen in it, and the Qur’an never talks about it, and also because the story of Musa and Pharaoh is true news, it talks about a reality that came after the Qur’an, and there is no real invasion that took place in Misr and the region came after the Qur’an, except for the invasion of Napoleon and his army

The true news found in the Qur’an about Pharaoh and his soldiers is very identical to the story of Napoleon and his army, which happened in reality in every way.

– Pharaoh and his soldiers… Napoleon and his army

Musa came to Pharaoh with an old book. Napoleon was busy writing about ancient Misr

– Pharaoh practiced slaughter and killing… France practiced slaughter and killing all over the world

– Pharaoh came with magic… Napoleon brought the printer that printed magic

– Pharaoh disbelieved in the book… and Napoleon forged the writing of Misr

– Al-Samari said insulting… and Champollion said insulting

– An error occurred after Musa… People are in error after Napoleon

It is known that the West, during the emergence of Napoleon, went out into the world to occupy it and practiced killing and slaughter in a brutal manner. The reasons for this brutality cannot be explained except that they are a different race from the others, but the strange thing is that the whole world knows the crimes of the West, but the only country that does not speak Its history is about the crimes of the West in its country, Misr. Indeed, the history that was written for it is not called occupation or invasion, but rather Napoleon came with his army to transfer modernity and knowledge to Misr.

So… Napoleon’s invasion is the real reality that the West worked hard to erase from the mind of the Egyptian man, by beautifying this occupation and making it appear beautiful, cultured and scientific. At the same time, the West worked hard to plant a history of hypothetical invasions in the mind of the man in Misr. And make him feel that it is real, until it removes him from reality and brings him into a virtual imagination that he thinks within, and prevents him from understanding the most important message he has in his life that is present in the Qur’an, which tells him about his reality and describes the real reality in which Napoleon’s invasion took place, and tells him about the real invasion of Misr. And about its real descriptions, not those in the printer’s books that outline that invasion, and tell him about the crime, murder, corruption, and slaughter that Pharaoh and his army brought to Misr, in order to free him from this great magic that this invasion brought to hide this real reality. In order for the Egyptian to understand the beginning of the game that befell him and all people.

(Indeed, We have sent to you a Messenger, as a witness over you, just as We sent to you a messenger)

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