The method of refuting falsehood with falsehood – eight errors in the response of Abbas Shams al-Din

The method of refuting falsehood with falsehood - eight errors in the response of Abbas Shams al-Din

3/14/2021 0:00:01

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A researcher named Abbas Shams Al-Din posted a post on Facebook in which he said:

[The lie of Ibrahim’s birth in Ur has no basis, but rather resulted from distortion.

The phrase was translated: “I am the Allah who brought you out of the fire of the Kashdanians” (who are the people of Ibrahim)

To “I am the Allah who brought you out of Ur of the Kashadites.”

Because one of the meanings of Ur in Hebrew is (fire, light) and in Arabic it is (Awar). (look at the picture)

It later changed to “I am the Allah who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans.”

The Hebrew Torah, in the fifteenth chapter, paragraph 7, says: From Or Kasdim מֵא֣וּר כַּשְׂדִּ֔ים

In the paragraph we are talking about:

This is the word of Allah, Jehovah, who brought you forth from the earth, to give you the power that you have brought into your kingdom:

What is interesting is that the Chaldeans did not appear until the seventh century BC and had no relation to the Sumerians, builders of Ur.]

It is true that Abbas Shams al-Din’s response denies the fact that what is called Ur is the place of Ibrahim’s birth, and refutes the false words of the Pope, who stressed in his visits to Iraq that he would make a pilgrimage to the city of Ibrahim’s birth, but the truth is that his response is also false, and he did nothing but refute falsehood with falsehood. last .

Although the researcher describes the Pope’s promotion of the Ur region in Iraq as the birth of Ibrahim as part of the Zionist project, the truth is that the researcher Abbas Shams al-Din is promoting a Zionist narrative as well, and refutes the Zionist narrative with a Zionist narrative as well.

There are approximately 8 errors in the response of researcher Abbas Shams Al-Din, religious, historical and logical.

1- What is strange is that this Muslim researcher, instead of citing the true Qur’an in order to refute the falsehood, went on to cite the Pope’s own book as evidence to deny the Pope’s falsehood.

What logic?

He went to the other’s ground to search to refute the other’s story, instead of starting from his own ground to refute the other’s story.

It is certain that this researcher believes that Judaism came before Islam and came from Allah, and perhaps he believes that Ibrahim is Hebrew, and therefore it is certain that their book contains information about Ibrahim, and it must be consulted to resolve any historical issue.

2- Also, when the writer quoted the texts of the Book of the Bible, and tried to correct the distortion in it in the word Ur and Al-Kashdanin, he made a mistake in a point and he did not pay attention. He did not copy the text literally, because the Book of the Bible talks about a person named Ibrahim, not Ibrahim. He said The Allah said to him: “O Ibrahim, I am the Allah who was brought out of the fire of the Kashadans.” So how can a book that talks about a person named Ibrahim be relied upon in a chapter on the topic of a completely different person named Ibrahim?

3- Also, the researcher starts from a prior belief that the people of Ibrahim were called the Kushdanians, and we do not know of a basis to confirm this information and base his response on it. There is no truth about this matter, and does a Muslim have to believe in it even though Allah does not say it in the Qur’an to the Muslim?

4- The researcher also adopts the idea that the word Ur means fire in Hebrew, and he infers this by comparing it to the Arabic word Ur, although there is no need to mention a word in Arabic to confirm the meaning of a word in another language completely independent of Arabic.

Now, is that place in Iraq called Ur? Who named it, and when was it named? Because the earth does not speak to tell us its name. Man is the one who gives it the name. So did people name it, or did the media promote the name until people started circulating it without focus?

This researcher, instead of correcting its blindness, instead of denying that Ur was the place of Ibrahim’s birth according to the Pope’s narration and ending, returned to confirming the name in Babylon and Hebrew for a place in Iraq, and confirms that the city of Ur in Iraq means fire or light in Hebrew. Instead of asking the question of who originally named that place Ur, he proceeded to assert that that place was called Ur, but it was not the place of Ibrahim.

Now if you asked an Iraqi: What is the name of that place?

He will tell you: Ur

And when you ask him: What is the meaning of Ur?

He will tell you: fire or light in Hebrew

This is the result that this researcher came up with

5- The researcher is also busy proving that the word “Kashdaneen” later changed to “Chaldeans.” He is busy proving that “Kashdaneen” are not Chaldeans, in order to confirm his denial.

Do I know the meaning of the first (the Chaldeans) so that I can understand the meaning of the second (the Chaldeans) that he is talking about?

A strange approach based on false assumptions upon which it is based to convince a Muslim who does not know these terms, words, and names, and they do not exist in his culture.

What is the difference between the Kashdan and the Chaldean, as if they were real names that actually existed and there is a difference between the two?

For me, I do not find any difference between saying that the people of Ibrahim are the Kashadans, or that the people of Ibrahim are the Chaldeans, or that the people of Ibrahim are the long-standing people. It is just a name that does not mean anything or any difference to me.

6- This researcher now confirms the presence of the Chaldeans in Iraq, and he does not know that he is now confirming names in the Pope’s Bible. The name Chaldean in the Bible means that the researcher is involved in fixing the names of the Bible on his country, and I do not know whether he is conscious or unconscious.

7- This researcher calls the book of the Old Testament the Hebrew Torah, and I do not know where he came from with this term, and he is a Muslim for whom Allah does not call it the Hebrew Torah, but rather calls it the Torah only.

This means that this researcher is still inside the Zionist narrative and does not know it, but if the researcher calls it the Hebrew Torah, can we say that there is also an Arabic Torah?

8- I do not know how the researcher knew that the Chaldeans appeared like worms in the seventh century BC in Iraq, so that he could laugh at the matter.

Not Ur of the Chaldeans, but Ur of the Sumerians… This is the historical conclusion he came up with.

The truth is that this researcher did not make any important warning. Rather, he confirmed that the reference in this issue is the Jewish book, the Bible, and the difference lies in the correct reading, interpretation, and translation. We will take the matter in good faith and say that perhaps this researcher does not understand the matter, but the thing is. What is certain is that he does not know and is only saying something like what they say. If he were a true researcher, he would have adhered to Allah’s designations in his message to him found in the Qur’an.

Because this researcher could have summarized the issue very simply, if he had returned to a very small text that contained one piece of information that explained the whole story to him, instead of repeating what they said in the Book of the Bible, and he would have realized that the Torah, the Torah, is not the book of the Al-Yahoud and is not a book with two covers, but rather an ancient script. The prophets used to write the words of Allah in it, and Allah sent it down as light and guidance for the people, and it is the script in which the Qur’an was written and which the West hid. Then they later wrote the Book of the Bible and created a language for it that they called Hebrew and other languages, so that such a researcher could enter into All this nonsense.

{Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was an upright Muslim}

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. So Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We recite it in Arabic for a people who know. * And among them is a group who twist their tongues with the Book so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah, while they know.}

And it’s all over

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