Egyptian Civilization – between the Chinese President and the artist Mostafa Fahmy

Egyptian Civilization - between the Chinese President and the artist Mostafa Fahmy

4/2/2021 0:00:01

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During a visit by the head of the American gang, Trump, to China, there was a precise remark made by the Chinese President to our people in Misr, and that remark did not receive any attention from the Egyptian media, but rather it was dealt with as usual from the angle of an inflated and sick mentality through my viewing of many comments.

The observation was when Trump was watching an aspect of Chinese history while visiting a Chinese museum, and he said: “I believe that the Egyptian civilization is the oldest, at eight thousand years old.” The Chinese president’s answer to him was: “Yes, it is a little older, but the Chinese civilization is the only one that is continuous.” “All these years, we have three thousand years of written history in Chinese.”

Regardless of how true the Chinese President’s words are, which I do not agree with, there are no three thousand years of written history in the Chinese language, but the truth is… I very much liked the Chinese President’s response.

Firstly, because it was a very, very wise and insightful response, and it indicates a deep awareness of history and the importance of having a connected historical context for peoples, and secondly, because it presents to the Egyptians a fundamental observation that is very clear to those who read the history of Misr, and indeed the history of the entire region.

Whoever reads the history of Misr and the region from ancient times until the beginning of the modern era, will find that it is a discontinuous history, with many interruptions in it and the reason for which is not understood. There is no fixed, connected context in all of history. All history consists of civilizations that suddenly appear and suddenly disappear, peoples. They suddenly appear and suddenly disappear, religions suddenly appear and suddenly disappear, languages suddenly appear and suddenly disappear, and you cannot understand the reason and provide a realistic logical explanation, and naturally this matter will cause many to ask the repeated question about the reasons for the extinction of civilizations in the past and It is not connected and continues to this day.

In my opinion, this represents a problem for people in Misr and in the region in general. People in Misr and the region cannot imagine a fixed, clear, and continuous chronological picture of history that makes them understand its religious, social, and political context properly.

The Chinese President was fully aware that Misr’s history is disconnected and disconnected, and is written in several languages and not in one continuous language to this day.

There may come a day when I am convinced of this intermittent context in which history took place, and with great difficulty. Perhaps we were not actually witnesses to it and it took place on earth and civilizations, religions, etc. succeeded one another. But the thing that cannot come is that a day will come when I am convinced of the known explanation. About the reasons for the existence of huge, very clear, and very ancient monuments like those in Misr, and they are monuments that have always been connected throughout history to people and are constantly present with the lives of the people around them, but man in Misr has been cut off from them and they no longer belong to him on earth.

Yes, the Egyptian today does not belong at all to those antiquities in Misr. Everything found in those antiquities is not connected to any human being in Misr. After deciphering the writing in Misr, we discovered a language completely different from the language of humans in Misr, and we discovered a religion completely different from the religion of the Egyptian today, and We discovered a completely different life, so what is the reason?

So… if we think about the Egyptian case in particular, we will find that the Egyptian person possesses two things:

1- It has an interrupted history….disconnected

2- He has a reality that is separate from him….not connected to it

A disconnected reality and a disconnected history


Unconnected reality and unconnected history

What is the reason for this interruption?

If we look at this intermittent history, we will find that history provides us with reasons for the disappearance of civilizations. It always links the reason to invasion and occupation, which comes to obliterate civilization. Occupation causes the disappearance of religions, antiquities, languages, and peoples on the earth, and after the occupation comes a new civilization with a language and religion. And new monuments, and this civilization is waiting for another invader so that the process can be repeated.

For example

Spain was initially Gothic…then Islamic with a new language, religion, and antiquities after the Arab invasion….then Spanish, with a new language, religion, and antiquities after the Spanish invasion.

Turkey was initially Byzantine…then Turkish with a new language, religion, and antiquities after the Turkish invasion.

And so it is throughout the region, including Misr.

But the strange thing is that the antiquities in Misr have continued until today and have not disappeared like other countries, but rather in huge quantities and with great care. This means that every occupation that entered Misr preserved the antiquities of Misr and did not destroy or obliterate them, and this means that there must be There is a cognitive connection among people with these antiquities throughout history, even if an occupier or invader enters, but what is strange is that people in Misr are cut off from them.

We may disagree about the nature of antiquities in any region of the world, and attribute them to the history of a certain civilization and time in view of the style of the antiquity, or in view of the process of pairing in styles, but the advantage found in the antiquities of Misr over the rest of the world is two things:

The first is that it has one unique style, and the second is that there is ancient writing on it.

Most of the antiquities in the world have a process of marriage in style and do not have a single special feature. Only the Roman ones, which are distinguished by terraces and columns everywhere, are doubtful. But all the antiquities in the world do not preserve written information about them, unlike the antiquities in Misr, which is the only one rich in information.

How did this disconnect occur with this reality?

I believe that the current Egyptian is cut off from his reality and does not belong to it, even if he claims that they are antiquities of his ancestors, because the truth is that he is lying to himself and being arrogant, as everything in the antiquities is not related to him.

What is the reason?

The idea of a force occupying a land may seem like a logical idea to explain the disappearance of civilizations and their effects, and the reasons for the lack of contact between people and the antiquities that were destroyed, ruined, and hidden, but the problem is that Misr’s effects remain to this day from ancient times.

Is it possible to explain this illogical interruption of man in Misr with these antiquities around him, because of an occupation that took place in Misr, and the occupier hid the written information written on the antiquities, thus causing a disconnection with them?


This is the logical explanation, and this matter may also explain the unconnected history or the historical interrupted history that exists in the history of Misr, which the Chinese President spoke about indirectly.

The difficulty of destroying antiquities in Misr by the occupier may have required him to falsify the written information recorded on the antiquities, in order to prevent the Egyptian from contacting reality, cut off from it, and no longer belong to it.

This point that we have reached will be the logical answer to the Chinese President’s words, and will make his words very wrong and unscientific, after the Egyptian discovers that he has tens of thousands of years of written history in his current language, but the occupier was the one who falsified his writing information.

Rather, this matter will be the reason that explains the interrupted history in the history of Misr, after the Egyptian’s connection with his ancient monuments that had ancient writing on them was cut off, and the possibility is very high that the occupier will be the reason, that he wrote an intermittent history of Misr and made the Egyptian believe in it, The Egyptian would lose the linguistic and religious affiliation to these antiquities and the historical connection with them.

Therefore, three conditions must be present in order to explain the reasons for the Egyptian’s disconnection from a reality and his possession of an intermittent, unconnected history:

1- The presence of a brutal occupation

2- Forgery of writing

3- Distribution of books on new material with a new, intermittent history

Now…. If you return to reality and search for any force that has all the reasons for power and possesses all those conditions that we talked about and occupied Misr, you will find that it is France through Napoleon and his army.

Napoleon’s France… occupied Misr with the largest army

Napoleon’s France…translated ancient writing during its occupation

Napoleon’s France… brought the stationery printer to Misr during the occupation

And if you contemplate the time of the French occupation of Misr… you will find that it is capable of explaining all the context of the problems of reality in Misr, not only Misr but also in the region and the world… such as the context of religious, political, linguistic, historical problems, etc…… …Rather, he is able to interpret the speech of the Holy Message to the majority of the Egyptian people.

{He said: What about the first centuries? He said: Their knowledge is with my Allah in a Book}

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

{With a clear Arabic tongue, and indeed it is in the mouth of the ancients}

{And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’an so that you may warn Umm al-Qura and those around it.}


Now….let us see the sharp contradiction between reality and the human mind in Misr.

There are currently a number of controversies in Misr on three topics:

The first…controversy over the series Ahmose, under the pretext of its European features.

The second…controversy over the series A Good Life, under the pretext that the hero has a beard, and this is not present in the features of the kings of Misr.

Third… Controversy over the choice of the artist Mustafa Fahmy to lead the procession of royal mummies announced by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Misr, under the pretext that his features are not the same as those of an Egyptian, and are closer to the features of Europeans.

The truth is… I agree with these observations of some, in order to give the scene its true dimensions only and not in any other way, because it causes a false image of reality, and yet it is not the fundamental issue. There is, for example, the Eastern Jesus, but many believe in him with European features. There are those who believe in this character with several characteristics, from Eastern to European, and they all believe in the history of Jesus.

But what is strange about all this controversy on all topics……. is that this intelligent logic, which discovered a contradiction in reality, also contradicts itself sharply.

how ?

This mind discovered a contradiction in the form of reality, but did not discover a contradiction in the essence of reality. It rejects the different form but accepts the different essence. We never found it criticizing the essence with the same criticism of the form.

His problem is always in form only, and he is very keen on the form of ancient Egyptian features to represent reality, but he has no problem in substance.

how ?

This mind is not interested at all…in the religion and language of the ancient Egyptian.

Because it is assumed that whoever presents this criticism of the reality of the scene from the angle of form and appearance must also present this same criticism of the reality of the scene from the angle of religion and language, so that his words are objective. Very realistic and stems from a realistic and scientific vision.

Whoever rejects the look and appearance of the heroes of soap operas on the pretext of appearance and clothing, and who rejects Mustafa Fahmy on the pretext of his European appearance, would have been better off rejecting the European Champollion, who came to translate his realistic brown features and make them with a European-Greek tongue and a European-Greek faith.

This mind criticized the features of the ancient Egyptian that did not resemble the features of reality, but it happily accepts Champollion’s language, which is different from the language of his reality, and also accepts the religion that is different from the religion of his reality.

It is a mind that is always concerned with appearance in its general outlook, more than with substance. It is a mind that is always more preoccupied with the form than with the essence of its life, and it is natural that this mind will be interested in the form of its ancestors, which is not similar to the European form, but it is not interested in the language of its ancestors, and it can accept a European Greek language and a European Greek religion of its ancestors.

What matters to him regarding all the subjects while re-enacting reality is only the form, and that their appearance be realistic and their features be brown and not European sailors, but he left the tongue and religion……..he wants his reality with brown images but with a Greek tongue and with a belief that worships polytheistic gods. They want themselves to be named with names (Ra-Masis) who believe in gods (Aziris, Isis, and Horus).

This collective mind that always loves appearance and form….. is one of several reasons why many in Misr do not understand the origin of the problem, which is the invasion and occupation of Misr by France led by Napoleon.

The devils of France came to occupy Misr in order to falsify the ancient writing in Misr, in which their true ancient history is contained and in which their true religion is recorded, in order to enchant their minds and make them forget their reality and get lost… until one day they make them watch a series about an imaginary character named Ahmose. Who expelled the Hyksos invaders, and they forget their true reality in which the French invaders, Napoleon and his army exist.

And one day they will make them carry coffins containing the bodies of prophets from ancient times in a parade, and they do not know that they are coffins of prophets. Rather, they believe that they are carrying coffins of kings and princes with Greek names and a Greek-European faith (Ra, Messis, Osiris).

{And they followed what the devils recited to the king of Sulaiman, and Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and what was revealed to the two angels in Babylon, Harut and Marut, and they did not teach anyone until they said, “We are only a trial, so do not disbelieve.” Then they learned from them what they used to separate a man and his wife, and they would not harm anyone with it except Allah willing, and they learn what harms them and does not benefit them. And they have already known that whoever buys it will have no share in the Hereafter, and evil is that for which they sold themselves, if they had only known. (102) And if they had believed and feared, a reward from Allah would have been better, if they had only known. (103) O you who have believed, do not say, “Ra’na.” And say, “Look, and listen, and for the disbelievers is a painful punishment.” (104) Neither the disbelievers among the People of the Book nor the polytheists wish for any good to be sent down to you from your Allah. And Allah selects for His mercy whom He wills. And Allah is the Possessor of great bounty.

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