The game of time and memory – Darwin’s theory

The game of time and memory - Darwin's theory

10/04/2021 0:00:01

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What is the basis of sound human awareness of things and phenomena?

If you ponder the question carefully, and try to search for an answer that seems closer to the truth, you will find yourself facing many questions before arriving at the answer to the question.

For example

Why does awareness differ from one person to another regarding things and phenomena on earth?!

A question that seems kind of strange… but it’s worth asking.

This strange question leads us to ask questions

Why do not all people have a single awareness of things and phenomena?

– Why does a person need to go to school and university and read in order to have a correct awareness of the world around him?

Really………..a strange initial question, which led us directly to other strange questions, but the truth is that it arouses personal curiosity in searching for answers to it.

– Why does a person not have a correct awareness of things and phenomena in his mind without the need for study?!

Perhaps this question is the strangest, and asking it is also the strangest…..but I think there is no scientific objection to asking it in search of a more logical answer.

If you contemplate the situation now while you are considering these questions…you will come to the idea that a person needs knowledge, and knowledge needs experience, this knowledge needs accumulation, and a person is relatively young and his experiences will be few, and Accumulation is transmitted from one generation to another, and this accumulation is present in universities and schools.

The truth is…this idea is well-known, but we do not mean it in our first question. We mean something else.

What if there is something, let’s call it (K), that solves every question?

What if every human being possessed this thing (K), and let us say a device that made him, in any place and at any time, possess sound awareness of any thing or any phenomenon?

The truth is, if a person possessed this thing (K), this thing would solve all the previous questions.

Let us ask the previous questions in reverse order until we reach the first question and see the answers.

– Why does a person not have a correct awareness of things and phenomena in his mind without the need for study?!

Because a person lacks something (k)… in his mind

– Why does a person need to enter university in order to have a correct awareness of the world around him?

Because a person misses something (K)… in his life

Why do not all people have a single awareness of things and phenomena?

Because all people miss something (K)… in their lives

– What is the basis of sound human awareness of things and phenomena?

The thing (k).


We have found an answer to the first question and the rest of the questions.

Now the question that imposes itself: I wonder what is the thing (k), or what should the thing (k) be?

If we review the previous questions, searching for the characteristics of that thing through the nature of each question, we will find that we are either something that must be a device that is always inherent to every human being and within the makeup of every human being.

When thinking about this thing, we will find ourselves facing a problem, which is that every human being has one parts and they are inherent to every human being, so why did the thing (K) not appear in every human being?!

So this thing must be fixed facts or living, renewable information, and every person possesses it in his awareness, and through these facts or information, a person can have a sound awareness of things and phenomena.

Now… if we think about the subject of (fixed facts), it will lead us to believe that its function will be to give humans a sound awareness of fixed things in reality… But if we think about the subject of (living, renewable information), it will lead us to believe that its function is interpretation New phenomena.

How can a person obtain a fixed fact and at the same time provide new information?

So there are three possibilities

Either all the facts of things and phenomena are stored in the human memory, but this option is rejected, because there are new things and phenomena that are formed in reality…. As for the human possession (a time machine), any person can know the beginnings of new things with the push of a button. He is shown a video of the beginnings of things inside a screen on the device, and this is also an unacceptable option because there are fixed things whose facts need to be known, or by combining the previous two possibilities. Having a memory that stores fixed facts about things and the time machine, and this is the right choice.

What will the scene be like?

The truth is that most people have a fairly close awareness of the fixed things around us, but there are things around us that we need to know information about for the first time, especially if they are new to us in our environment, or we find them in a place outside our environment. For us, it is new and we have not known it before. In fact, this requires us to have a time machine. We take a picture of the thing, and then the machine displays to us on the screen the beginning of this thing until the present time without anyone’s help.

I mean, for example…. If I visit India, and visit the Taj Mahal building, it will be something new for me, but I do not need to know that the building is made of stones when I touch it, because there is a constant awareness in my memory about the stones…. But if I want to know who built this building, and why he built it… I do not need someone to inform me of his awareness of this building. Rather, I need a time machine through which I can take a picture of the building, and the time machine will show me a video from the beginning of construction. The building, and I will know who built this building and know the reasons for building it, in this way I will have a very healthy awareness towards this thing.

This time machine… is the basis of the game that the West created… through most of the new discoveries that you hear about in the news, which target established facts, and this repeated targeting has caused those facts to be lost from human consciousness.

how ?

We have spoken in previous articles about some of the discoveries made by the West, but the truth is that we did not talk about it as a general phenomenon that requires general formulation, but rather it was private, separate conversations.

Today we will talk about these discoveries as a phenomenon that needs a general formulation, so that through this formulation it is possible to understand any new discovery, analyze it, understand its dimensions, and realize the nature of the problem.

The truth is…that we have a problem when we want to understand the things around us. We believe, for example, that our space from which we obtain knowledge is only our environment, and we consider only the things in our environment to be the source of our awareness, while the rest of the things are outside our environment. It is not our cognitive space, and it does not affect our awareness.

This is the biggest problem we face in achieving proper awareness of things.

I believe that the modern terminology that has been instilled within us has contributed to creating this problem. Our border space has created for us an awareness confined within the scope of the border state, and has made our awareness believe that the things within our borders are the basis of knowledge and are the basis of our human awareness, but outside the borders the things are not within it in their influence. On our general awareness.

This problem…prevented our human beings from realizing that our cognitive space is the entire Earth, and prevented us from realizing that things in any place on the Earth, their cognitive impact is not limited to the consciousness of that place, but rather penetrates every place on the Earth, and targets established truths in people. All people on earth, and it will affect our sound awareness, and this thing made us limit ourselves to solving problems within our environment only.

In other words……. I do not need to discover something new in your country in order to create a new awareness in you. I can discover something new in other countries and I will create that new awareness in you.

So this problem…which made the space of our knowledge and the source of our awareness limited to our geographical borders, also made us completely neglect the rest of the Earth as a space that influences us and a source of our awareness, and also made us believe in the subconscious that any discovery in another place is not related to us.


If a stone tablet was discovered depicting people prostrating to a statue, the mind would easily accept the idea that its ancestors worshiped idols.

But if a naked primitive tribe were discovered in a place on Earth, the mind would not be able to imagine that his ancestors were also in that same situation. He cannot accept this idea, because his mind is limited to his earth while the rest of the world does not concern him, or he believes that this discovery cannot affect his awareness, because things are separate on earth, and not interconnected.

So this problem… has made our mind easily accept any new awareness, if something new is discovered within our political borders, and it has made our mind find it difficult to accept that there is an effect of a new consciousness if anything new is discovered outside our political borders.

This problem…is the origin of the game of time and memory on earth that the West applies to people all over the world.

how ?

If we wanted to divide the new discoveries around us, there are many types, but we will try to talk about two types, because they are the most numerous and most influential:

– The first type: discoveries of living organisms (animals and humans)

Example :

Discovery of a new living organism (animal)

Discovery of a primitive human tribe (humans)

– The second type: discoveries of traces left by living creatures (animals and humans).

Example :

Discovery of an animal fossil (animal)

Discovery of a building from an ancient civilization (human)

Discovery of an ancient writing stone (human)

Discovery of ancient statues (human)


I will limit my discussion to only two parts:

Discovering a new human society

Discovering traces left by human civilization

If you examine all these discoveries, you will find that their importance lies in knowing the history of human society and the history of human civilization, and all of these discoveries are closely linked to the virtual time machine that the West has placed for the world, and the world does not know.

What is it ?

Darwin’s theory

It is not difficult for any human being on Earth who thinks of this theory to comprehend the series of human history on Earth very easily. This theory has made imagining the series of Man an easy matter. It is a cinematic film in which man, society, and civilization develop.

This development makes us see the first human being naked and screaming, then he moved to the stage of knowing fire and learning to dress, and so on until stable societies began and civilizations began, and what is recorded in printed books along with the history of religions.

Darwin’s theory made the current world an anomaly, and made the anomaly the natural origin of things.

The theory…has now made man an anomaly, while the ape is the normal and original state…and has made language an anomaly, while animal sounds are the normal and original state.

The strange thing is that most discoveries interact with evolution and confirm the development of human society and the development of human civilization recorded in books.

Darwin’s theory, which appeared in the nineteenth century, was immediately followed by the West’s discovery of primitive societies in many regions of the Earth, and today we see some of them in isolated places in the forests, most of them. And when our printing press appeared in the nineteenth century, which produced for us the history of the entire world, It was immediately followed by the West’s discoveries of some traces of ancient civilizations that we knew about from printer’s books.

Now….let us think about these discoveries after we have come to understand the basis of proper awareness of things.

Now….we have established facts and we have a time machine.

⚫ Discoveries of primitive tribes on Earth

The thing: a tribe made up of people like you, on an isolated island in the sea or in a dense, dangerous forest that no one can reach. They are naked and have no language. They communicate by shouting, and their knowledge is few, so they cannot start a fire.

Age: Western scholars say that it is 60 thousand years old on the island.

– Something new and a new phenomenon for you

– Even if it is not present in your environment, it is linked to you

– You are human and also human.

– It will affect your awareness.

– It will target established facts.

– You are forced to believe that your origin was like this.

Therefore….you must have a sound awareness of this new thing and new phenomenon.

Scientific question: Is it logical to make the anomalous situation the rule, or to make the general general case the rule?

The uppercase case is the norm.

Now the question

Is this tribe an anomaly or a major case?


Are you the big case?


So……..You are the original natural state, you are the original rule, and that tribe is an abnormal, unnatural state that violated the general rule that should apply to it.

Now……. The tribe is supposed to be in the same condition as you, with the same rule, and you should not be in the same abnormal condition.

But the West’s logic is different.

He says that this tribe is 60 thousand years old, and that it is a living, miniature image of the beginnings of human society that exists today, and which developed until it reached this state.

He is trying to convince you that the origin of normality is abnormality, that is, he is trying to convince you that your origin is like that tribe.

But he does not want you to think that the anomaly had a natural origin, that is, he does not want you to believe that the origin of that tribe was exactly like yours, but there were those who made it with this strange anomaly.

A completely isolated island in the ocean, and there is a primitive tribe that lives inside the forests. They do not have a language, do not know fire, are naked, and do not know boats. Their population reaches 2000, and Western anthropologists say their age on the island is 60 thousand years. A logical question. :

How many are there on the island?

2000 people.

Is this 60 thousand years?


Did that tribe come to the island like worms emerging from the ground?

It is impossible that they left the island like worms. The origin of that tribe must have come to the island from another place.

How did they get to the island?

Confirmed via a boat that traveled with them across the sea.

Then the origin of that tribe must have had knowledge and language of communication just like you and were not naked at all.

Then why did their descendants lose the meaning of the boat, the language of communication, and clothing?!

How did this happen to them?!

Oh yes…. What if children were brought by boat and placed on the island? To be like a large laboratory, in which a large human experiment is carried out, enabling Western scientists to study human society…behaviour, relationships, language, religion, etc.

like me ?

The Western occupier… who left Europe and tampered with the people on earth, and created all these abnormal phenomena… through which he is trying to establish his doctrine, which he is trying to spread on earth, Darwin’s theory, and targets established facts in human consciousness on earth.

⚫ Discovering traces of an underground church

The object: a church floor with cartoon drawings on it, which was buried 4 meters underground.

Age: Western scholars say it is 1,500 years ago

– Something new and a new phenomenon for you

– Even if it is not present in your environment, it is linked to you

– You are a Muslim and the place is in a Muslim country.

– It will affect your awareness.

– It will target established facts.

You are forced to believe that your origin was a church.

Therefore….you must have a sound awareness of this new thing and new phenomenon.

Scientific question: Is it logical to make the anomalous situation the rule, or to make the general general case the rule?

The uppercase case is the norm.

Now the question

Is this effect an anomaly or a major condition in the place?

One anomaly

Are you the big case?


So……..You are the original state of nature, you are the original rule, and those effects relate to an abnormal, unnatural condition that violated the general rule that should apply to the place.

Now…………that trace is supposed to be the same as the traces of your place, with the same rule, and the place should not be in the same anomalous state.

But the West’s logic is different.

He says that this monument is 1,500 years old, and that it is a living, miniature picture of the history of the religions that exist today, and which have developed until they reached this religious state.

This logic is trying to convince you that the origin of normality is abnormality, that is, it is trying to convince you that your origin is that church.

But he does not want you to believe that the origin of the abnormality is your condition, that is, he does not want you to believe that the origin of the place is your religion, but there are those who intentionally make it that strange abnormality.

Logical question:

How many antiquities were discovered in the place with such an impact?

1 unit work.

Is this a census of antiquities that are 1,500 years old?


Did those relics fall from the sky?

It is impossible that she landed suddenly, that trace must have come to that place from somewhere else.

How did you get to that place?

Confirmed by people.

So, those who built that monument must have had a Christian, not an Islamic, belief.

So why did the place lose its Christian meaning?!

How did this happen to him?!

Oh yes…. What if a mosaic floor was made with drawings like Western churches on it, and it was buried in the ground?

like me ?

The Western occupier… who left Europe in a gap of time and tampered with people in the land, and buried those pieces… and through them he tries to establish his religious belief in the land, and to confirm the history of religions written in the printer’s books, and to target established facts with them. In the awareness of the Muslim on earth.

The West has maps of sites where they buried artifacts from their hands during the colonial period in the region… Therefore, you will find that Western scholars are the only ones who discover sites in the region… and they are the only ones who extract what confirms the printer’s cultural history………. such as The floor of a church has cartoon drawings on it to confirm the history of the current religion, or for example a statue the size of an arm of a human body and half an animal that they say was an ancient deity to confirm the development of religions, or pieces the size of a hand that have sexual features and they tell you that these are remnants of the fertility cult.


Now if we return to our previous question: What is the thing (K), or what should the thing (K) be?

Thing (K) is the book…in which is recorded a video clip of the beginning of man on earth…the memory of all people on earth, and in which is recorded the nature of the first man. The record contains the established facts that people need all over the world.

The book makes you the immutable truth and the Allah of time

And this book……. the West hid it from the people, so that they could create the game of time and memory and apply it to the people, and create new abnormal things and phenomena on earth, so that they could create a new false awareness for the people, by targeting facts. A constant that must be in the consciousness of every human being.

These fixed truths are nature and belief, and nature and belief are the idea that must be in the consciousness of every human being in understanding the world, and makes a person understand all the social phenomena on earth, and the reasons for their differences, and the presence of these fixed facts will make you easily understand the truth. Those primitive tribes on that island, and the fact that the floor has drawings on it that resemble the drawings of churches in Europe.

{He said: What is the matter with the first centuries? (51) He said: Their knowledge is with my Allah in a Book. My Allah does not go astray nor forget. (52)}

{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

{The religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves}

{So set your face upright towards the religion. Allah created the manner in which He created the people. There is no altering Allah’s creation. That is the upright religion, but most people do not know.}

{And they plotted their plot, and with Allah is their plot, even though their plot was such that the mountains would move away from it. (46) Do not think that Allah is breaking His promise to His messengers. Indeed, Allah is Mighty, Possessor of Vengeance. (47) On the Day when the earth will be replaced by another earth, and the heavens will be replaced by Allah, the One, the Supreme. (48) And you will see the criminals that day bound together in shackles. 49) Their robes are made of pitch, and their faces are covered with fire (50) That Allah may reward every soul for what it has earned. Indeed, Allah is quick in reckoning. (51) This is a message to the people, and that they may be warned by it, and that they may know that He is one Allah, and that those of understanding may remember. (52)}

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