The story of my son Adam – comparison

The story of my son Adam - comparison

10/04/2021 0:00:01

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If you search the stories of the Qur’an, you will find that the West has invalidated all of them, especially the news stories… It invalidated them in the mind of the Muslim… and specifically it focused on the news in the Qur’an… and the process of invalidating them in the Muslim’s mind was done by making the Muslim believe that they were stories that happened. In the past before the revelation of the Qur’an.

So the story of the news of the two sons of Adam… he invalidated it with the story of Abel and Cain and the vegetables and the rams… found in his book… and he told the Muslim that it happened before the story of Mecca lol.

The story of the news of the Companions of the Cave… He invalidated it with the story of Greek children who slept for 300 years in Turkey lol and told the Muslim that it took place 300 years before the story of Mecca.

The story of Musa and Pharaoh…. He invalidated it with the story of Mushi found in his book, which reached the West before the story of Mecca, and he also invalidated it with the story of Sargon, Zorbaba’s cupbearer lol, and he told the Muslim that it took place in a great Sumerian civilization lol 2000 years before the Islam of Mecca. And let some say Sargon, peace be upon them, is the Messenger of Allah lol.

The story of Dhu al-Qarnayn… nullify it with the story of Alexander, the Greek boy lol, the extraordinary one who conquered the earth, wanting to unite the world, his big dream lol, and everywhere he recorded the details of the world, and he arrived in Misr and was honored by the priestess of the temple of Amun lol, and he wore horns on his head… and the West increased. He invented for us the story of a piece of clay in which a man is depicted with the head of a bull, and next to him are people, a sun, and the people. This bull is Dhul-Qarnayn. It happened in the great Sumerian civilization, lol, 3000 years before Islam.

{And those who disbelieve say, “Do not listen to this Qur’an, but distort it in it, perhaps you will be victorious.”}

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