The word… between the Qur’an and enlightenment discourse

The word... between the Qur’an and enlightenment discourse

10/15/2021 0:00:01

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In a previous article, we talked about the phenomenon of enlightenment in reading the discourse of the Qur’an, and we found four types in it and talked about their characteristics.

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If we study the types of Enlightenment thought, we will find that there are common characteristics between them.

1- All four Enlightenment types believe in a Roman time for the world.

2- All types of enlightenment believe in the unity of religions.

3- There are common characteristics between secular enlightenment thought, spiritual Sufi enlightenment thought, and symbolic enlightenment thought.

– Going to another geography, and importing ready-made, packaged thought, to be projected onto the Qur’an.

– Relying on heritage books, but in a selective manner, which is compatible with the new thought that he adopts and applies to the Qur’an.

– Belief in the oneness of religion, while projecting his new idea onto the Qur’an

– Reality is absent, and preoccupation with another reality, whether real or virtual reality.

– It is necessary for me to bend the vocabulary and meanings of the Qur’an so that it is compatible with the new thought in which they believe.

– Great attention and focus on certain texts in the Qur’an, which represent controversial issues in a reality that does not belong to it, while the rest of the texts of the Qur’an do not receive such attention and focus.

4- As for the common characteristics between Sufi spiritual enlightenment thought and symbolic enlightenment thought:

– A violent rejection of tangible material reality, and for him the material world is considered a state of non-belief, or he considers it a state of pagan polytheism.

– The belief that the words of the Qur’an are not labels for real things at all, but rather spiritual concepts and moral intellectual symbols.

Most of the focus of their intellectual debate revolves around certain words and meanings in the Qur’an that have a relationship to reality.

The Qur’an contains a very complex philosophical discourse, not a simple discourse for the average person.

– Complete belief in the Roman era as a historical context from which this thought that it adopts emerged and that it preceded in time the revelation of the text of the Qur’an, on the basis that it is the historical ground from which the Qur’an emerged.

Now…what concerns us from all these common characteristics is one characteristic common to all types, which will clearly explain the essence of the true story of enlightenment thought with all its four types in understanding the discourse of the Qur’an….and this common characteristic is…. .. ( Word) .

If you notice all the previous types, you will find that they target the meaning of a single word (word). Or in the sense that their first foundation was built on the basis of the definition of the word, or in other words, these philosophies were built on the basis of a definition of the word (the word). They all have a specific philosophy of (the word), based on a different belief in the meaning of (the word).

If the clear words are words and sentences with meaning, then how can we understand the speech of the Qur’an, when we have different philosophies in defining the word?

They appear to be different philosophies, but the truth is one system designed for a specific idea, a philosophy. All these types of enlightenment thought were designed to target (the word) in the discourse of the Qur’an.

how ?

– In secular liberal enlightenment thought

You will find that their concept of the word……. came to them from two sources. The first source is from European Christian philosophy, which discussed the concept of Jesus at the Nicene Conference, in which the debate was about the divinity or humanity of Christ. This philosophy created two groups according to Christian history. There was a group that said that Jesus was human and another group that said that he was divine. The second source is from the Mu’tazili heritage, which discussed the issue of the creation of the Qur’an.

how ?

The Qur’an says that Massih, Issa, son of Maryam, was a word from Allah that he delivered to Maryam. Therefore, the secular liberal enlightenment thought relied on the same issues of Christian philosophy at the Nicene Conference and on the thought of the Mu’tazilites to treat the problem.

If Christ is divine in the eyes of Al-Nasarah… while he is human in the eyes of a Muslim, and Christ in the Qur’an is a (word), then it is better for a Muslim who rejects the divinity of the (word) and to believe that the (word) of Allah in the Qur’an is also human, and It is a historical text.


If a Muslim rejects the equation of his Christian religion with Christ:

God + Maria = Jesus = Divine Person

If a Muslim believes in the Islamic equation of Christ:

Spirit + Maryam = Issa (Word of Allah) = human person

How can a Muslim believe in the Islamic equation of the Qur’an?

The Spirit + the Messenger = the Qur’an (the Word of Allah) = the Word of Allah

Because this belief in this equation of the Qur’an means that the Muslim is contradictory with himself, because he rejects the Christian equation of Christ (the Word of Allah), but he believes in the Islamic equation of the Qur’an (the Word of Allah), which is completely identical with the Christian equation of (the Word of Allah).

how ?

Because it is obligatory for a Muslim to believe in the following equation that is compatible with the Islamic equation of Christ (the Word of Allah), as follows:

if it was

Spirit + Maryam = Issa (the Word of Allah) = a human person


The Spirit + the Messenger = the Qur’an (the word of Allah) = human words as well


The Qur’an is human speech

And on him

For them, the Word moved from the divine state to the human state.

That is, the words of the Qur’an are human and historical.

– In enlightenment and spiritual Sufi thought.

Their concept of the word came from Indian philosophy, Buddhism, and the Islamic Sufi heritage, and they are spiritual concepts, not material ones.

The word has moved from the real state to the spiritual state.

That is, the words of the Qur’an are spiritual concepts.

– In moral symbolic enlightenment thought.

His concept of the word came from the Greek philosophy of logos and from the philosophy of the symbols of the ancient religions in the region that the Western wrote about, especially the philosophy of the ancient Egyptian religion, which the West extracted from the inscriptions of the region, and they are intellectual and moral symbols.

The word has moved from the realistic state to the moral state.

That is to say…..the words of the Qur’an are intellectual and moral symbols.

– In enlightenment mathematical thought.

His concept of the word came from logical mathematics, which is mathematical numbers.

The word has moved from the real state to the digital state.

That is,…..the words of the Qur’an are numbers and mathematical numbers.

Now let’s combine these results into a general result:

The Word moved from the divine state to the human state.

The word moved from the real state to the spiritual state.

The word moved from the realistic state to the symbolic state

The word has moved from the real state to the digital state.


The words of the Qur’an are human and historical

The words of the Qur’an have spiritual meanings

The words of the Qur’an are intellectual symbols

The words of the Qur’an are mathematical numbers

Now…what is the explanation for this general result?

First, let us give an example:

What if you wanted to write a small letter, and requested that only your great-grandchildren carry out what is in your will after 200 years?

The message says:

[I placed your money documents with 100 pieces of gold in a box, and I sent it with a person named Issa to the City of Light so that he could bury him in the old house next to the small house. He buried him in the entrance to the second floor on the right side in the far corner. And beware of anyone deceiving you with another message. It will be a fraud.]

Now… if we assume that after 200 years, then your grandchildren would have been four, and each one of them would carry an enlightening thought of those previous types.

A family appeared in the City of Light carrying a message somewhat similar to your message, but in another language, but claiming that they are the descendants of the person who buried the documents and whose name is Jesus.

Question: How will your grandchildren understand this message of yours, and do you think that this message of yours will reach them well and that they will understand it?

Let’s watch your grandchildren

– Your grandson, who has liberal enlightenment thought

He will believe that your letter has reached that family before him… and that that family has a kinship relationship with your family, and it is certain that they took the documents along with the gold, and your letter, which your grandson still keeps, has become a historical letter, and is no longer You are talking about a living reality, perhaps

He will interpret the words of your message as follows:

Monument…a word related to a historical situation that has ended

So… your message moved him from a private status to a public status.

The words of your message have become historical texts linked to an ancient temporal and spatial situation that has no relation to the current reality of your grandchildren.

– Your grandson, the one who has enlightened Sufi thought.

He believes that your message reached that family before him, and it became your message, which he still maintains, with a philosophical and spiritual dimension.

He will interpret the words of your message as follows:

The old house….a spiritual concept

The small house and the old house…is the concept of a spiritual transition from a lower state to a higher spiritual state.

So… your message moved him from the material state to the spiritual state.

The words of your letter have become spiritual concepts that have nothing to do with your grandson’s current reality.

– Your grandson, the one with symbolic enlightenment thought.

He believes that your message had reached that family before him, so your message, which he still maintains, has a philosophical, symbolic, and moral dimension.

He will interpret the words of your message as follows:

The old house…a symbol of anything old

The box…a symbol of any place that holds value.

So… your message moved him from the realistic state to the symbolic state.

The words of your letter have become intellectual symbols that have nothing to do with your grandson’s current reality. .

– Your grandson, the one who has enlightenment mathematical thought.

He believes that your message has reached that family before him, and your message, which they still maintain, has an abstract, mathematical, symbolic dimension.

He will interpret the words of your message as follows:

The old house…a cosmic engineering concept

The right side and the corner… the point of intersection with the solution angle.

So… your message moved him from the realistic state to the mathematical state. .

The words of your message have become numbers and mathematical symbols.

What is the conclusion?

The bottom line is that your message will never reach them, and they will never understand it.

Why ?

What is mathematics?

There are many philosophical schools that describe mathematics. For example, there is the formal school and the intuitive school, to which many scientists belong in their view of mathematics.

Among these schools, there is the logical school, which views mathematics and geometry as a logical structure free of error. Bertrand Russell is considered among the theorists of this school. He is considered one of the founders of this school and has many books that talk about mathematics as a logical structure.

Even some Greek philosophers, according to what we were told in the printer’s books, believe that this science of mathematics is the basis of all sciences, and that this science must be studied from childhood to develop the human mind, and they say that this world was built by a great mathematical engineer.

In the last century… another scientifically proven practical theory appeared, the theory of completeness. This theory says that there is no complete system… and among these systems is the system of mathematics and engineering.

What does this conversation matter to us?

When examining the theories of linguistics, we will find that there is a modern theory that says that language has a logical structure exactly like the structure of mathematics, and that the human brain may be designed according to a logical mathematical structure, which allowed it, during its development, to invent the human language.

This is evidenced by the fact that the science of artificial intelligence depends in its study on many sciences, including linguistics and mathematical logic.

What matters to us in talking about mathematical logic and that linguistic theory is knowing the approach through which these intellectual philosophies were created.

how ?

Do you find pleasure when solving mathematical equations?

I think the answer is yes, because it is natural that every human being finds great pleasure when solving mathematical equations (a logical puzzle), especially when they contain a large number of mathematical unknowns.

Solve this equation:

x + y = 1

x – y = 0


– What if I changed the names of the unknowns of the mathematical equation, so instead of (x) I would call it karma, and instead of (y) I would call it yoga, and what if I changed the symbols of the equations, so instead of (+) I would call it union, and instead of (-) I would call it paradox….. Will anything change in the mathematical equation?

Not just mathematical symbols and unknowns that can take any name in any language.

For example, the symbol (S) in the equation can be called Karma in the Hindi language, or we can call it Al-Masjid Al Haram in Arabic, or we can call it House in English, or any other word.

Would it make any difference if I said…..that the union of karma and yoga brings a person to unity?

No… just a mathematical equation, converted into a verbal form in a logical manner.

We can also say that creating a connection between Al-Masjid Al Haram and Al-Aqsa Mosque is reaching Allah.

– What if I changed the names of the unknowns of the mathematical equation, so instead of (S) I would call it the book or knowledge, and instead of (S) I would call it the Qur’an or science, and what if I changed the symbols of the equations, so instead of (+) I would call meeting, and instead of (-) I would call it exit. ….Will anything change in the mathematical equation?

No….just mathematical symbols and unknowns that can take any name and in any language……The symbol (S) in the equation could be called the book or called knowledge in the Arabic language, or we could call it a book in the English language.

Would it make any difference if I said…that books and reading lead a person to the truth?

It is not just a mathematical equation, and it has been transformed into a verbal formula in a logical manner……… We can also say that the union of knowledge and contemplation is reaching the one truth.

This is the true origin of all these philosophies.

Logical mathematical equations that contain unknowns… But those unknowns in the mathematical equations were given names with spiritual and symbolic dimensions that contradicted reality. Then those mathematical equations were formulated in a logical verbal form, and they were made into religious texts for societies, so that living with those philosophies would be fun. Searching for a logical solution to it, to believe that these solutions are the truth.

That pleasure, i.e. the joy of solution, is the meaning of religion in those philosophies.

This, in short, is the approach of spiritual and symbolic philosophies that were designed to create religions on earth, and which our enlightenment thought adopts in its understanding of the Qur’an.

What is the relationship between philosophy and religions?

The truth is… We believe that there is an entity on earth that is behind the establishment of those philosophies and religions, and this entity would not have been able to establish those philosophies and religions until after people lost the first words on earth.

how ?

After he hid that entity for the first words… he then composed mathematical equations filled with mathematical symbols hidden behind new, unrealistic names, then formulated them with words and made his words into sacred texts for religions on earth.

People’s religion moved from the realistic dimension to the moral and symbolic dimension. And then people believed that such words were real meanings in existence, and they believed that religion was those philosophies, while the truth is that people in those philosophies only solve logical equations that contain mathematical bananas that carry names of unreal meanings, and all that is done is Man is solving these equations, and when he feels astonished by the mathematical solution, he believes that this is the truth and the meaning of religion, and he does not know that he is solving mathematical equations and calculations that contain unknown symbols (x, y, z), which have been hidden from him. These unknown symbols were under the names of words such as yoga, karma, ego, etc., and these equations were hidden from him after converting them into logical verbal formulas.

Thus, these philosophies were able to remove people from reality and transfer them to abstract, virtual worlds, within which they could enjoy solving logical mathematical equations.

How did people lose the first words on Earth, and what does this have to do with those philosophies?

If you look at the previous general result that we reached, you will know the reason.

The truth is that the true beginning of the Sufi and symbolic philosophies came after Christian philosophy, which had a major role in bringing out such philosophies, after an entity deceived man and hid from him the first word on earth, and with this concealment the word moved from the divine state to the human state. The words of the Qur’an became historical human beings.

It is certain that when the word moves from its divine state to the human state, man will lose existential meaning, a void will occur in him, and he will be forced to search for the true meaning of the word.

Therefore, that entity decided to fill the void that would be created by people who lacked the true meaning of the word, or in other words, it decided to save people the trouble of searching for the meaning of the word, so it invented for them new words devoid of meaning, such as religious texts, and created philosophies for them.

Religion turned into spiritual and symbolic philosophies.

Or in other words, the European Enlightenment philosophy transferred the word from the divine dimension to the human dimension, and then an entity composed philosophies for the people, so people began to search for a meaning separate from the human dimension of the words, and people found what they were looking for in spiritual and symbolic philosophies, so there was a transfer of the word from the realistic, human dimension to the human dimension. The symbolic spiritual, so this new dimension became the true meaning of religion.

This is the case with the enlightenment discourse we have with the Holy Qur’an.

They are trying to give the words of Allah in the Qur’an a dimension that is separate from reality, after a global entity hid the first words on earth, then created a philosophy that transferred them from the divine state to the purely human state, so that he could retransfer them from the human dimension to the dimension that separates from the human, so the word moved to the symbolic spiritual dimension. .

This is the summary of the enlightenment thought with the Qur’an.

Because the necessary question that was not asked… How did human language arise?

The real answer to this question……… the real reason for which the first word of Allah was hidden on earth by a global entity, and then he composed all those philosophies, and the Mu’tazili heritage was also composed about the incident of the creation of the Qur’an. This heritage was able to convey the fact that the language of the first man on earth was from a divine source to a human source, and made him not realize that words were not invented by humans…and that the first man did not invent a language and did not learn it from animals as a result of an evolutionary process according to Darwin’s theory, but Allah taught him speech (the tongue)

{And He taught Adam all the names}

And for this reason…this entity wrote all this philosophical heritage, in order to keep people away from understanding the origin of the story on earth.

Yes………the first words on earth, which will bring people out of this wandering, after the West was able to hide the word of Allah (Issa), which was recorded in the first book on earth, located in the first place where the first man appeared. .

{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

{And We gave Musa the Book, but they disagreed about it, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in doubt about it, doubtful.}

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