The Saud expel the Lebanese ambassador

The Saud expel the Lebanese ambassador

8/15/2021 0:00:01

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——— 1967 ———

Saudi Arabia is an ally of Iran (the Persian nationalist Shiite Shah)

Saudi Arabia is fighting Misr (Nasser the Arab National Socialist)

– Iran is America’s policeman in the region and has an embassy for Israel.

– Misr leads the fight against the Zionist project in the region.

– Saudi Arabia adopts the leadership of the Islamic project against the Arab nationalist socialist project in the region.

The House of Saud is fighting Misr on charges of spreading atheism and infidelity.

– The House of Saud fights any political or intellectual force in the region that declares its support for the line of resistance that agrees with the line of Misr, and the charge is spreading atheism and infidelity and trying to create the first infidel socialist states in the region.

The position of Al Saud in Yemen:

The House of Saud is leading an international coalition…which includes Iran, Jordan, and Morocco, with the support of America, Britain, and Israel, in the name of an Islamic alliance, and they are waging an aggression against Yemen and the siege of Sanaa, against a force accused of being nationalist who wants Rule of Yemen and supported by Misr.

– The position of Al Saud in Lebanon:

● They fight the nationalist and socialist parties that adopt a discourse that combats the Zionist project.

● They threaten Lebanon with a siege, withdrawing deposits, and expelling Lebanese working in Saudi Arabia, on charges that Lebanon’s Parliament declared that it is against the Saudi war in Yemen, and on charges that Lebanon has become subservient to Misr and is biased toward Egyptian positions throughout the region.

——- In 2021 ———

Saudi Arabia has become an ally with Misr (peace with the Zionist entity)

Saudi Arabia is fighting Iran (the Persian Shiite jurist guardianship)

– Iran is leading the fight against the Zionist project in the region

– Misr is committed to Camp Dawoud and has an Israeli embassy there.

– Saudi Arabia adopts the leadership of the Arab nationalist Sunni Islam project against the Persian-Safavi Shiite project in the region.

– The House of Saud is fighting Iran on charges of exporting Shiism and the Iranian revolution.

– The House of Saud fights any political or intellectual force in the region that declares its support for the line of resistance that agrees with the Iranian line, and the charge is spreading Shiism, Safavidism, the Guardianship of the Jurist, and the creation of Magi-Persian states in the region.

The position of Al Saud in Yemen:

The House of Saud at that time led an international coalition… that included Jordan, Morocco, and the Gulf sheikhdoms, with the blessing of Misr, and with the support of America, Britain, and Israel, in the name of the Sunni Arab alliance… and launched an aggression against Yemen, against a force accused of being Shiite that wants to rule Yemen and is supported by Iran. .

– The position of Al Saud in Lebanon:

● They fight resistance parties that adopt a discourse combating the Zionist project.

● They expel the Lebanese ambassador, ban Lebanese products, and threaten to withdraw deposits and expel Lebanese working in the Gulf, on charges that the Minister of Information declared that he is against the Saudi war in Yemen, and on charges that Lebanon has become a Shiite state affiliated with Iran and its positions in the entire region.


Now compare the situation in 1967 with the situation today in 2021, so that you know well the origin of the political game around you, and do not be deceived by the media directed by incorrect interpretations.

Or in other words… the comparison will make you know well the true basis from which the House of Saud proceeds in its positions and movements in the region.

Yesterday, the Sauds were enemies of Misr, and today they are friends of Misr

Yesterday, the House of Saud was friends with Iran, and today it is enemies with Iran

Yesterday, the Sauds were friends of Persian nationalism, and today they are its enemies

Yesterday, the House of Saud was friends with Shiism, and today it is its enemy

Yesterday the Sauds were against Arab nationalism, but today they embrace it

Yesterday, the Sauds were the leaders of Islam, and today the leaders of the sect

The Sauds led a war on Yemen, and today they are leading a war on Yemen

The House of Saud threatened Lebanon because its representatives rejected the Yemen war on charges that Lebanon was biased towards the positions of the House of Saud’s enemy Misr, and today the House of Saud threatens Lebanon because of a Lebanese minister’s rejection of the Yemen war on charges that Lebanon was biased towards the positions of the House of Saud’s enemy Iran.

The House of Saud used to accuse Lebanon of being biased toward Misr’s positions, and today they accuse it of being biased toward Iran’s positions.

If the problem of Lebanon today, in the eyes of the House of Saud, is Hezbollah, which is affiliated with Iran, and which is carrying out actions against the interest of Lebanon and neglecting Lebanon’s sovereignty, and seeking to turn Lebanon into a Shiite state, and that it stands with a political force in Yemen that is affiliated with Iran, and because of this thing, the Saud and the rest of the Gulf sheikhdoms took a firm stance with Lebanon, represented by expelling Lebanese ambassadors, preventing the import of Lebanese products, and threatening to take deposits and expel Lebanese working in the Gulf. The logical question is:

So what was the problem of Lebanon in 1967……that made the House of Saud take the same firm position today, knowing that Lebanon at that time did not have Hezbollah and Iran was not an enemy of the House of Saud?!

The Al Saud family is not concerned with the orientation of any political force, regardless of its religion, sect, or ideology, whether it is Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Sunni, Shiite, Ibadi, socialist, nationalist, or secular.

So what is the Al Saud family busy with?!

The Al Saud family is preoccupied with only one thing, which is the position of any political or intellectual force on the Zionist project. The Sauds fight any political or intellectual force that adopts a discourse that is hostile to the Zionist project.

Why ?

Because the Sauds are managers or hands, or those entrusted with implementing the movements of the Zionist project in the region.

how ?

It is logical that anything that happens anywhere in the region will have an impact on neighboring countries, whether negatively or positively. Therefore, you find neighboring countries moving wherever a new change occurs, in order to arrange and preserve their interests, and the change does not have any impact. Negative on her.

Have you asked yourself how Israel has been able to maintain itself in the region, with all these changes that have taken place and are still taking place in the entire region for 70 years? Why is Israel always hidden from the political scene on many issues in the region? What is the secret of this silence, despite the fact that any A change anywhere in the region would have a significant impact on the Zionist entity and threaten its survival?

How does Israel move to achieve its ambitions and maintain its security in the region?

Many of us know the story of Homer’s Iliad… There are those who have read it and there are those who have watched the movie Troy, in which Brad Pitt played the starring role as Achilles, and that war that took place for ten years between Sparta and Troy, which ended with the trick of the wooden horse. This horse became the most famous horse in history… Trojans.

But has any of you ever asked why specifically the horse? Why did the Spartans choose the horse over other animals in that trick that made them succeed in infiltrating the walls of Troy? Why was it not another shape? Could it have been geometric or a chariot, or any other object?

When we mention or remember the Trojan Horse, we are referring to a security rule that says (in the sacred there is the profane).

The tragedy of Troy explains how it is possible and always possible to pass the profane and enter the mightiest fortresses with him, if we give him the cover of the sacred.

In order to make it easy for us to understand this story of Troy, we must know that the city of Troy revered the horse, and the Spartans found nothing but a wooden horse as a gift from them to Troy, and placed 12 of its strongest soldiers inside it, and spread around it the bloodied corpses of soldiers, and the Spartans disappeared to indicate that They are not present and are not responsible for that horse, and that the sacred horse was the one who killed the soldiers. Troy woke up and opened the doors of its impenetrable wall to find the sacred horse. She was happy and rejoiced in him after she believed that he was sent by Allah, after he had killed the enemy soldiers. She brought him inside her walls to celebrate him and celebrate the victory. Under the cover of the night, the twelve Spartan soldiers escaped. They slaughtered all the guards and opened the doors to the Spartan soldiers, and so Troy rose to find itself with ruin all around it.

Does the story seem like a fairy tale?

Of course, it is a myth, but the idea that the Spartans carried out the Holy Horse trick is not a myth. The idea is being done today by security experts in many fields around us.

It is a hacking project that is being carried out as part of strategic projects in many fields…a strategy of camouflage and deception with the sacred or the reliable, such that it is difficult to see the true picture hidden behind the sacred.

Now and at the present time………… we are seeing a live example of this technique of penetration and destruction using the sacred (Trojan horse), which is used by the entity in the region due to the difficulty of penetrating the region directly.

The West’s project had a problem in creating the Zionist entity, which is the difficulty of this entity remaining religiously, linguistically and culturally alien in a region surrounded by a different religion, language, culture and identity, a region that will be an enemy of this entity, and this entity will not be able to move freely in the region. Because any move by him will expose the project, so how can it be preserved?!

From here came the idea of establishing a state and creating a sacred place in it for the residents of the region…that is, creating a sacred sculpture of the region that is governed from (Mecca), the protector of Islam and Muslims. A family wearing the same clothing as the inhabitants of the region was planted to run this state.

The region dealt with Saudi Arabia with holiness and absolute trust, and everyone was reassured that the wall of the region was strong, and the enemy outside the wall could not penetrate this wall, and everyone was inattentive for a century and slept in a slumber.

Thus, Al Saud began to emerge from within the Trojan Horse (Mecca), spreading and seizing anything in favor of the project of the survival of the Zionist entity, and they carried out operations of sabotage and destruction (seditions, wars, and deception) everywhere inside the wall in favor of the survival of the entity project. Zionist (Israel).

Everyone is astonished at where the devastation comes from. They cannot imagine that the reason lies within the Trojan Horse (Mecca) because it is sacred, and thus the devastation and destruction continue, and everyone is unable to understand the reasons for all this devastation.

Saudi Arabia is a functional state, and its job is to manage Israel’s project in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia is the Trojan horse designed by the Western Zionist project in the region.

Therefore, you must know that every Saudi move in the region, whether political, economic, religious, media, intellectual, or cultural, is essentially an Israeli move.

Saudi Arabia is a project created to preserve Israel.

that is the true

This is the obvious truth…. President Trump of America expressed it very clearly, when he commented on the issue of the need to punish Saudi Arabia after Khashoghi’s killing, saying: “Israel will be in big trouble without Saudi Arabia. Do you want Israel to leave the region?”

From this project, the term Bedouins and hypocrites were formed, which the Qur’an’s discourse to Muslims speaks about. The Qur’an’s discourse exposes the Zionist project that created for Muslims the Dirar Mosque in Mecca as an alternative to Al-Masjid Al Haram, and placed the hypocritical Bedouins in it to take over the management of that mosque for the benefit of the satanic Western Zionist project. And in order to lurk among Muslims in circles.

(The Bedouins are the most severe in disbelief and hypocrisy. And among the Bedouins is he who takes as a burden what he spends, and deceitful creatures await you. ۚ On them is the cycle of bad things, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.)

[Surat Al-Tawbah 97-98]

(The Bedouins said, “We believe.” Say, “Why do you believe?” But say, “We have submitted to Islam.” And when faith has entered your hearts)

[Surat Al-Hujurat 14]

(And those who took you as a mosque out of harm and disbelief and division among the believers and as a means of protection for those who wage war against Allah.) He and His Messenger before you, and they swear to us, “Indeed, We have sent you nothing but the best.” And Allah bears witness. Indeed, they are liars. Do not rise. A mosque founded on piety from the beginning of the day is more deserving of you standing therein. There are men who love to be purified. And Allah loves those who purify themselves. Is he who based his prohibitions on fear of Allah and His pleasure and pleasure, or one who founded his prohibitions on the brink of a hot cliff? ࣲ Then he collapsed with it into the fire of Hell. And Allah does not guide the unjust forces. There is doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are cut off. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.)

[Surat Al-Tawbah 107 – 110]

(And it is He who restrained their hands from you, and your hands from them in the interior of Mecca, shortly after I had given you victory over them. Allah is ever Seeing of what you do. They are the ones who disbelieved in you and turned you away from Al-Masjid Al Haram.)

[Surat Al-Fath 24-25]

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