What is the secret of this strange and amazing coincidence?

What is the secret of this strange and amazing coincidence?


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What is the secret of this strange and amazing coincidence, that when the West translated the symbol of a tree found in ancient Egyptian writing into the word (Shemat), which means linen, which to the Egyptians means flax, and at the same time the tree resembles a cotton tree?!

(Linen) is a Western word that came to us recently, and this word has been Arabized to the word (cotton). (Flax) is (cotton), but an occupation project came upon us that abolished the Western word (cotton) from a tree and imposed it on the Arab Muslim. Then it also abolished the Arabized word (cotton) on a tree blessed by the Muslim (the olive) and imposed its circulation on The Arab Muslim, then the Arab Muslim had two trees bearing two names (linen) and (cotton), so we began to use the two words as two different words indicating two different things (two trees), while the truth is that they are one Western word and have been Arabized.

As for the Western occupier, he turned out to be cunning and clever. He invented the word “flax” in his language and applied it to the blessed tree (the olive) and made it an official, international name. He also invented another new word, which is “linen,” and applied it in his language to the tree that the Arab Muslim calls it. Now (linen), but it has not been made an official international designation.

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