After him we followed the messengers

After him we followed the messengers


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The word (Qafina) in the Qur’an seems to be a strange word to some, while the truth is that this word is still commonly used in many dialects of the region, but with different derivational forms, and some do not pay attention to it. This derivation may no longer be common among some as a verb form, but there are some The verb is still used, and there are multiple derivational forms of the verb.

For example

In Yemen… they say:

* I am behind so-and-so…. meaning….. I am behind so-and-so

Stand in front of me or stand in front of me… meaning…. I don’t want to watch you

And in Misr…they say:

* Hit him on the back of the neck… meaning… hit the back of his neck

The nape comes in the sense of the back… and its opposite… the front and the front

The person who comes (after) the first, the imam, or the forerunner… is called a caliph

We say about the person: He came after the first… that is, he came after the first

If you asked Musa to go to Medina to buy you some necessary things for the house, and then you remembered that you had forgotten something important, and then sent a second person named Issa to Medina to buy this important thing, then we would say:

You followed Musa with Issa to buy you something from Medina

Or we say

You sent Musa and followed him with Issa

Or we say

You sent Issa after Musa

And we say:

Musa was the first and Issa came after him

Issa stood behind Musa

Issa succeeded Musa

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