The Holy Qur’an – the Seven Repeated Verses

The Holy Qur’an - the Seven Repeated Verses


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In the beginning… I will present a basic and necessary condition in order for us to understand the meaning of Al-Mathani… And the condition is that we must completely erase all the information that has reached us from the heritage books… from… The story of Othman collecting the Qur’an inside a room and the seven letters and the language of Quraish, Tamim, etc.

Because the Qur’an is the word of Allah and has reached us….and we are required to understand the Qur’an ourselves..we are responsible for ourselves…and as for the story of Uthman and other stories, if they were fabricated stories….this means that faith and Believing in them will impose their logic and vision on us as an established fact, and if we search for the meaning of the word Mathani…then the logic and vision of those stories will be inherent starting points for our mind during the search process, and this makes us not reach the correct meaning…. ……. These are actually fabricated stories and not the truth…. They were written in order to make the Muslim not understand the Qur’an.

We believe that it is fabricated for several reasons:

Because religion is an innate nature and a connected context and not a new phenomenon, and it is certain that this natural innateness and context had its first laws that imposed on the believer to receive this text with all his might.

It is also impossible for people to accept the Qur’an as a new phenomenon according to the heritage that was presented to Muslims and in the way that the heritage books narrated it, about a person in a dark room collecting the Qur’an. It was as if we were inside a store and there was someone arranging goods in the store to sell.

Indeed, it is impossible for people to accept the Qur’an in a language different from their own. People must have received the Qur’an from the first true, reliable, reliable and sacred source in accordance with the natural laws that they followed.

Therefore………..we will not be able to understand the meaning of the word (the seven repeated verses) except from the Holy Qur’an itself, contemplating it well, and linking it to reality through scientific logical thinking.

Truth = Holy Quran + reality + logical scientific thinking.

This is the rule that we will follow in arriving at the meaning of the word “mathani”.


Before getting into the topic of the bladder

I think that before that it is necessary to clarify things related to the Qur’an that will help us very much in understanding the meaning of the Mathani.

These things have been discussed a lot in previous articles on this topic… and there is no need to repeat them… but this does not prevent us from repeating them, arranging them, and summarizing them according to points… and putting a link to each point from the article in my blog .

● The Holy Qur’an is not a book, but rather a readable book

– Whose name is the Qur’an, not a book, and the Qur’an means (reading a book)

– The Muslim is very keen to read the Qur’an, which has been passed down and memorized by the ancients, and not from the drawing of the Qur’an.

● The Holy Qur’an was not written in this script, and this script is not my arrest

If it had been written in this script, the entire region would have been flooded with ancient manuscripts of the Qur’an in this script.

– If the Qur’an had been written in this script 1400 years ago, no Muslim would have been illiterate….. because the extreme care taken by a Muslim in memorizing the Qur’an by heart requires extreme care in learning the rhyming letters of the Book of Allah, but this did not happen.

– If the Qur’an were written in this script, the verses at the beginning of the surahs of the Qur’an would be written in fragments and not connected.


– A Muslim considers the inherited, metaphysical memorization of the Qur’an to be arbitrary and binding, while the drawing of the Qur’an does not consider it to be arbitrary and binding.

● The Holy Qur’an was contained in a book written in broken letters

The verses at the beginning of the surahs of the Qur’an are evidence of this.

The two readings currently available confirm that the readers read the Qur’an from a book with disjointed letters, because the differences between the two readings are in the positions of the vowels, and this phenomenon exists in ancient writing.

● The Holy Qur’an was taken by the early Muslims from one book, of which only one copy exists, and it reached Muslims in the world through memorization from the beginning.

– The phenomenon of Muslims memorizing the Qur’an by heart, and passing on this memorization from generation to generation.

The Muslim considers the inherited, metaphysical memorization of the Qur’an to be binding and binding, while the current memorization of the Qur’an is considered non-descriptive and non-binding.

– If the Qur’an were written in this script, it would be called the Book and not the Qur’an, and the region is supposed to be filled with ancient manuscripts of the Qur’an dating back 1,400 years. This indicates that there is a book from which Muslims have memorized it in secret and have inherited its memorization.


Now.. What is the meaning of the seven folds?

{And We have given you seven of the repeated verses and the Great Qur’an}

I believe that in order to understand this word, one needs to rely on two things to reach the correct meaning: relying on the Qur’an itself to understand the word… and relying on the addressee, who is the Messenger.

As for the Messenger… it is certain that the speech belongs to the Messenger only because he knows the meaning of the seven repeated verses, but we do not have an official, reliable, reliable and connected source from which we can know what the Messenger’s knowledge of this word was.

We have nothing left but to rely on the Qur’an itself for contemplation and scientific and logical thinking.

Now… I will try to adjust my terminology… so as not to cause any confusion.

I do not want to make the Qur’an a phenomenon subject to study, because the word “Qur’an” causes confusion in conveying the idea.

I will try to rely on the Qur’an in formulating the appropriate term, and I will deal with religion as a phenomenon subject to study…and I chose the word religion because of its occurrence in the Qur’an on the subject of distortion and challenge to religion.

Religion is the Book of Allah… and the Book of Allah contains religion… and when we want to know our religion from the Book of Allah… and not from Sahih Al-Bukhari or Al-Kulayni… we need to read it to know what it contains….. So the Book of Allah contains information… and one needs to read that information.

Religion = the Book of Allah + the Holy Quran


When we want to study religion and try to understand it well, and research it in order to reach many facts and aspects related to us, we must study it as a phenomenon consisting of two parts:

The written part and the phonetic part.

Religion = Book (writing) + Quran (audio)


{And We have given you seven of the repeated verses and the Great Qur’an}

As long as the verse addresses the Messenger with two things: the Seven Repeated Verses and the Great Qur’an.

Logically… seven of the Mathanis is one thing, and the Qur’an is something else entirely.

Since the speech in the previous text talks about the phonetic part, which is the Great Qur’an, the possibility is very high that seven of the two verses are linked to the written part that complements the phenomenon of religion.

Let us search for the word “mathani” at the end of the Qur’an

{Allah has sent down the best of hadith, a book that is similar and repeated, from which the skins of those who fear their Allah shiver, then their skins and hearts soften to the remembrance of Allah. That is the guidance of Allah, with which He guides whom He wills. And whoever Allah sends astray, he has no guide.}

Now see…how our previous result turns from a high probability into a certain and conclusive result.

A book that is similar and repeated… and not a Qur’an that is similar and repeated

The previous verse talks about the two parts of religion

The best hadith + similar book

You say that Allah ……. revealed something complete… He revealed the phonetic part (the best hadith)… in the written part (a similar and repeated book).

The phonetic part = the Qur’an = or speech = or hadith = or the tongue.


Try to erase from your mind the image of the current book that we buy from bookstores…that is, the image of two covers with a number of pages inside.

When we say a book… we mean a writing… that is, a writing found on paper, stone, wood or dirt… we call it a book… And when you hear the word book in the Qur’an… then imagine… Your mind is writing in any form…. The important thing is writing.

Now…when Allah says…a book that is similar and twofold…we will imagine a writing and that the word of Allah is present in that writing…and as for the description of that writing, it is similar and twofold.

The word “Mathani” in the previous text (a book that is similar and repeated)… is an adjective for the word Mutashabi…. That is, there is a similarity in writing… and this similarity is described as Mathani.

As we say:

Light green pen… The word light is an adjective for green, not for the pen.

This indicates that the word “mathani” is related and attached to the word “similar” or “similar” to “similar”… and the word “similar” is attached to the writing.

Now look at the verse

{It is He who has revealed to you the Book; some verses of it are decisive, they are the mother of the Book, and others are ambiguous. As for those in whose hearts there is deviation, they follow what is ambiguous in it, seeking temptation and seeking its interpretation. And none knows its interpretation except Allah. And those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say, “We believe in it. It is all from our Allah.” And none remember except those of understanding.}

See… how well our results go with this… and how the word similarities appear when talking about the book (writing).

This text explains to us the quality or form of writing… consisting of verses that are clear and similar

So the seven repeated verses… are linked to the verses that are similar in writing, and the words of the Qur’an about the seven repeated verses are only evidence of their importance, because the previous text makes it clear that the essence of the Book of Allah lies in the allegorical verses, and those in whose hearts there is deviation follow what is similar from it… seeking Interpretation.

Now if we go back to the previous text

{Allah has sent down the best of hadith, a book that is similar and repeated, from which the skins of those who fear their Allah shiver, then their skins and hearts soften to the remembrance of Allah. That is the guidance of Allah, with which He guides whom He wills. And whoever Allah sends astray, he has no guide.}

Can we say…. Allah sent down the best hadith, a book containing similar verses, multiple times?! ….I think the meaning is acceptable and compounded

We will present other texts of the Qur’an

{The Book is a Book whose verses are decided and then explained from the Wise and All-Knowing}

{These are the verses of the Wise Book}

Look now… how, according to the previous assertion, we are very close to understanding the details of the fundamental issue related to the book… which is related to the written part.

A L R ….. These are the verses of the Wise Book

Alif Lam Raa…. These are the verses of the Wise Book

Allah calls the letters of writing verses… not letters.

A thousand…eh



Then he connects it with the word Al-Hakim, and in the other verse is a book whose verses are decisive…..and this repeated connection confirms to us that these verses are the decisive verses.

Now…if we go back to the previous text

{It is He who has revealed to you the Book; some verses of it are decisive, they are the mother of the Book, and others are ambiguous. As for those in whose hearts there is deviation, they follow what is ambiguous in it, seeking temptation and seeking its interpretation. And none knows its interpretation except Allah. And those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say, “We believe in it. It is all from our Allah.” And none remember except those of understanding.}

We will find that writing is composed of ambiguous and similar verses.

● The decisive verses

They are all the broken letters at the beginning of the surah, and they have become known.

(Al-Mas – Al-Murr – Kahi’as – Taha – Tas – Yas – Sa – Asq – Q – N – Tasm – Al – Al – Al – M – Ham )

● Verses that are similar and repeated

And seven of them

I will give an example just for clarification, so that the meaning is closer:

In the picture there are two words…written in syllabary form, and we are now in the written part…and if I asked you to read the two words, how would you read the two words?!

M N Z L ======= house

Kaf y l ======= sponsor

Now the word (manzil) will be written in all verses, and the word (kafeel) will be written in double verses and two verses in verse.

I mean, more clearly

The word kafeel is written in the form (kaf y l)

Kaff —– A double verse (one of the seven double verses)

I —— any court

For —— any court

the difference between

(floor) and (y)

(Kaf)… has two sounds (duplex).

While (Y)… has one vote

As we knew previously…that the Qur’an was not written in this script, and was written in disjointed letters…so it is certain that the seven repeated verses will not be connected to the Qur’an drawn in this script, and the Muslim will not recognize them because they will not be prominent. In it……… and understanding of the seven repeated verses will only occur from the first copy of the Qur’an written in dissimilar script.

Because the audio part (the Qur’an) reached the Muslim, preserved in the hearts and passed down to the Muslim generation after generation, but the written part (the Book) did not reach him… and it was cut off from him… and the Muslim no longer understood the written part, because the devils had played their game. ……..And you wrote for the Muslim a new narrative for his religion….and you hid the Book of Allah from the Muslim.


I believe…indeed, it has become certain…that the essence of the discourse of the Qur’an…is to bring the book to the Muslim…to bring the written part to the Muslim. After he reached the ancient audio part to complete the religion of Islam.

And the importance of extracting the book (the written part) is to extricate the Muslim…from any false and fictitious narrative about his religion that was created by the demons of mankind and the jinn, which caused shadows for him and made him vulnerable to the rule of these demons.

Religion = written part + phonetic part

Religion = the Book + the Great Quran

{The religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves}

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