What is the story of the events of September 11, 2001 that took place in New York City?

What is the story of the events of September 11, 2001 that took place in New York City?


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What is the story of the events of September 11, 2001 that took place in New York City?

In New York, there is the World Trade Center. The trade center includes several commercial towers, and each tower has a numerical name.

On September 11, 2001, three commercial towers collapsed in New York.

– Two towers collapsed due to two planes colliding with them… Tower No. 1 and 2

A tower collapsed due to a fire that broke out inside it on the first floor… Tower No. 7

Tower 1: Impact (8:46) – Collapse (10:28)

Tower 2: Impact (9:03) – Collapse (9:59)

Tower 7: No collision – collapse (17:28)

– The first tower that the first plane collided with… was Tower 1

– The second tower that the second plane collided with… was Land 2

– The first tower to fall… Tower 2

– The second tower that fell… Tower 1

– The third tower fell… Tower 7

The time difference between the collision and collapse of Tower 1… 102 minutes

The time difference between the collision and collapse of Tower 2… 56 minutes

The time difference between the collisions of Tower 1 and Tower 2… 17 minutes

The time difference between the collapse of Tower 1 and Tower 2……. 29 minutes

– Now, if we assume that the collapse of the towers (1 and 2) is the real cause that caused the fire on the first floor in Tower 7, then the fire would have started, let us assume, at approximately 11 am.

The difference between the start of a fire and the collapse of Tower 7… 388 minutes

The difference between the collapse of Tower 1 and Tower 7… 388 minutes

now …. Logical questions that impose themselves:

– If the difference between the two towers’ collisions (1,2) was 17 minutes, then it is highly likely that the difference between the collapses of the two towers (1,2) would be approximately 17 minutes…but this did not happen…the difference between the two collapses was approximately twice the time period (29 minutes). ).

What is the reason?

– If the difference between the collision and the collapse of Tower (2) is 59 minutes, then there is a high probability that the difference between the collision and the collapse of Tower (1) will be approximately 59 minutes… But this did not happen.. The difference between the collision and the collapse of the tower (1) was approximately twice the time period (102 minutes).

what is the reason?

– If Tower (1) was the first tower hit by a plane, then there is a high probability that it would be the first building to collapse in the process…..but this did not happen, as Tower (2) was the first tower to collapse in New York.

what is the reason ?

If the cause of the collapse of Towers 1 and 2 was the collision of aircraft and aviation fuel, then the questions are:

Why did Tower 7 collapse and no plane collided with it, and why did Tower 7 collapse and no jet fuel ignite inside it, but rather a normal fire, and why did the time difference between the start of the fire in Tower 7 and its collapse take a long time, and why did the difference between the collapse of Tower 7 and the collapse Towers 1 and 2 are 6 and a half hours, and why did the rest of the towers near Tower 7 not collapse?


Now let’s think logically:

If a plane collided with a huge building, causing the building to collapse and causing it to collapse in free fall, and if this experiment was repeated again with another large building and we found the same result… So what does this mean?

This means, if we want to find the real reason behind the collapse of the building and the process of free fall, there are only three possibilities:

– Plane collision is the reason

– Burning plane fuel is the reason

-Collision with fuel is the cause

But if the previous result was repeated a third time, with a third large building also subjected to a collapse similar to the collapse of the previous towers, but without a plane colliding with it and without jet fuel, but rather through a fire that broke out inside the building, causing the building to collapse in a process of free fall, what does this mean?

This means that if we want to find the real reason behind the collapse of the building in free fall, there is only one possibility:

The fire in the building is the cause.

The above leads us to a general logical scientific conclusion:

All the buildings fell because of the fire, not because of the planes colliding with the buildings, and not because of jet fuel.

After this logical conclusion, we have to think about these points:

We know that there are many types of fires, so we have to ask questions:

– What type of fire can make a large building collapse, in a free fall process in general?

Or we can ask another question:

-What common type of fire inside the three buildings would be the certain type that caused the collapse?

The first tower…collapsed… The source of the fire is airplane fuel.

The second tower…collapsed… The source of the fire is airplane fuel.

The third tower…collapsed… The source of the fire is not aircraft fuel.

Now, if you were sure that the plane’s fuel was not inside the third tower, the logical mind would say:

If the quality of fire in Tower 7 is different from the quality of fire in Towers 1 and 2, then the quality of fire is not the real reason for the towers collapsing in free fall.

This means… As for fire in general, any fire of any kind causes the collapse of large buildings, and this is an unlikely and illogical reason. It is impossible for fire to cause the collapse of huge buildings. As for Tower 1 and Tower 2, they did not fall because of… The fire resulting from aviation fuel, but rather the result of another type of cause that is not related to the fire or collision.

The above leads us to the logical conclusion:

Tower 1 and Tower 2 did not fall due to the fire resulting from aviation fuel, nor did they fall due to planes colliding with them.

This leads us to a final logical conclusion:

Tower 1 fell for the same reason that Tower 2 fell… one reason, and this reason does not have any logical connection to the planes (except the collision or fuel), but this reason has a strong connection with the same reason that made Tower 7 collapse in a free fall. It is a different kind of reason.

now …. We will think like a terrorist group and want to carry out a terrorist act.

If we wanted to design a terrorist plan with great precision in America, would we specifically think about attacking the city to terrorize it, or would we focus on making the towers collapse?

I think that we will think about reaching America and attacking the city in order to cause terrorism in it, and our focus will not be on making large towers collapse. Arriving in the city and carrying out a terrorist act is considered the greatest victory, but when we go to review the events of September 11, 2001 in America, we will see That the plan was as if it had a pre-intentional decision to make the New York towers collapse.

So the logical question is: If we were a terrorist group and designed a plan to carry out a terrorist operation in America, and we wanted to make commercial towers in New York collapse completely, what is the benefit of having planes in our plan, if we knew that no jet fuel could cause a collapse? The towers or the collision as well?

[Technical logical error on September 11, 2001]

Why did the Western media ignore a third tower that fell on September 11?

We believe that a technical error occurred during the operation on September 11, 2001… The perpetrators of the operation tried to fix it, but they failed…so the matter caused a logical error in the scenario of the plan that was aimed at creating public awareness that all collapses are caused by planes.

We believe that someone wanted to convince the public that the planes were the cause of the collapse, and therefore it is certain that there was another plane, and it was scheduled as part of the plan to hit Tower 7.

in another meaning …. The planners waited for a third plane to hit Tower 7, but some technical error occurred with the plane that prevented it from arriving, and we do not know what it is.

When those carrying out the operation failed to fix this technical error that occurred with the plane, they urgently decided to choose the best solution.

The perpetrators of the operation decided to blow up Tower 7 from the inside…and without there being a scene of a plane colliding with it…and this is the reason that delayed the collapse of Tower 7, because the perpetrators of the operation were trying to fix the mistake or think of the best solutions until 17:28 pm.

Because if the perpetrators had not chosen this urgent solution, which is to blow up Tower 7 from the inside… then the trick of the planes in the operation would be discovered, and that they were not the reason behind the collapse of the towers, and investigators and people would later discover the presence of explosives inside Tower 7.

Yes, explosives… It is the type used by contracting and construction companies to demolish huge buildings. Explosives via a remote-controlled system, which always lead to the collapse of buildings and a free fall.

This is the reason for the collapse of Tower 1 and Tower 2 as well.

So, explosive materials of the type linked to a remote control mechanism are the cause that we were looking for, and it has a strong connection with the same cause that caused Tower 7 to collapse in free fall. It is a different kind of cause, unrelated to fires or jet fuel. Or crash planes.

What evidence supports this logical analysis?

If this logical analysis is correct, then a technical error occurred that resulted in a logical error in the scenario of the plan that implemented September 11… We have to ask an important question:

If there was a third plane, where did the plane disappear on September 11?

There must be a plane colliding with Tower 7… The plane was very necessary in the plan… to convince the public that Tower 7 would collapse because of the plane colliding with it and the plane’s fuel like the rest of the previous towers, but the plane disappeared from the operation.

Why ?

Let’s go see September 11, 2001 in America according to the reality that people saw and according to the official American government interpretation.


The official government story says:

Early in the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners:

1- American Airlines Flight 11

Boeing 767, departing Logan Airport at 7:59 a.m.

The hijackers flew the plane to Tower 1 in New York City at 8:46.

2- United Airlines Flight 175

Boeing 767, departing Logan Airport at 8:14 am

The hijackers flew the plane to Tower 2 in New York City at 9:03

3- American Airlines Flight 77

Boeing 757, departing Washington Dulles Airport at 8:20 am.

The hijackers flew the plane to the west facade of the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, at 9:37 a.m.

4 – United Airlines Flight 93

Boeing 757, departing Newark International Airport at 8:42 AM.

The hijackers flew the plane on its way to a target, and it is possible that it was scheduled to target the White House or Congress building, but passengers from the plane were able to clash with the hijackers, and they were able to change the plane’s direction, and it did not collide with any important target, but the plane collided with a field. Farmer in a town near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at 10:03 AM.


Now… review the aircraft information again, you will clearly see that all the planes succeeded in reaching sensitive targets, except for one plane, which had no benefit in the terrorist plan, or did not reach any sensitive target, and this plane is plane number 4 (Boeing). 757), and it was certain that it was the plane that the planners and perpetrators of the operation were waiting for to crash into Tower 7, but an unexpected technical error occurred that changed its course, causing it to crash into an empty field in Pennsylvania.

We believe that the technical error that occurred on September 11, 2001… It was a mistake related to piloting the plane, which the official version tried to explain in a twisted and funny way, by saying that the passengers clashed with the hijackers and made the hijackers change the plane’s course in order to prevent the hijackers from blowing up the plane on people.

It is a funny explanation… because the passengers at that time are only busy saving themselves and are not busy saving people on the ground.

What is the source of this error?

I believe ………. An error occurred in the intelligent automatic control system used to direct the planes remotely, and this error took them off the planned path towards Tower 7, and sent them heading towards Pennsylvania.

This technical error, which resulted in this logical error in the operation scenario, is the real and certain reason that made the planners and perpetrators of the September 11 attacks ignore talking about Tower 7 in all the media on that day, September 11, and they still ignore talking about it to this day. In all Western media, in order to prevent people from thinking about the logical error that occurred due to that technical error in the automatic remote control system, which changed the plane’s path and caused it to fall into an agricultural field in Pennsylvania.

And that technical error that caused this logical error in the process is the real reason… In that 95% of the American population and the world’s population still believe to this day that on September 11 in New York only two towers collapsed, and they never knew that three towers collapsed on September 11.

Because any human being who thinks logically about this technical error… will uncover the September 11 hoax, and will come to realize the perpetrator of that operation, who is the ruling decision-making center in America, in order to create international legitimacy for America and the West that justifies the invasion, occupation, and destruction of Muslim countries, under the name of war on… Terrorism.


Anyone who has become fully aware of the September 11 hoax carried out by the ruling decision-making center in America will reach a logical conclusion, which is:

This ruling entity, which bears the characteristics of deception and immorality and possesses the power of money, media, weapons, influence, and institutions, and which was able to deceive the entire world with a massive and immoral act, it is certain that this entity also has a historical record full of many unethical deceptions that it has believed. The world, and this entity will not hesitate in the future to use all the tools of its power to create many huge, immoral deceptions that the world will believe.

We say this…. In conjunction with America’s announcement yesterday of 2022, in the presence of its President Biden, it produced the first color image of the beginning of the universe through its new telescope, which it claimed had cost it $10 billion, which is similar to the story of Apollo 11 in 1969, in which America announced, in the presence of its President, the landing of the first human on the moon, so we may mention. People who are dazzled by the brilliance and brilliance of this entity, that they are facing an entity that has brilliance on the outside but is immoral on the inside…an entity that has amazing deceptive power.

Note: NASA, with its scientists and experts in metallurgy who designed the metal structures of its vehicles that were sent towards the sun, Mars, and the moon, said that jet fuel was the cause of the melting of the acetylene steel with which the structures of the Trade Towers were built, causing them to collapse on September 11.





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