Prophets and the meaning of prophecy – 1

Prophets and the meaning of prophecy - 1


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In our popular culture, there are women we call prostitutes.

The plural of frivolous women is a very pure woman. She finds no place for hatred or malice in her heart. She is also characterized by extreme cleanliness and loves to wear white colors. She lives alone, and people look at her in a way that has a kind of respect and love.

The wanderer has unnatural abilities, and some people summon her because of those unnatural abilities that she possesses. When a person wants to know the past of a dead person in order to pay off debts, or to know a place where he hid money or important documents, or to know anything about the life of the dead person, she is then summoned. She retreats to a place and returns with news of the dead person. The beggar does not take money for this work, as she does this work for the sake of reward, and she does not use her ability to do any bad work or harm to anyone. Rather, she does not reveal bad things. In the life of the dead to his relatives and can cause problems for them.

It is certain that the word “Mustafalah” comes from the word “down” as if it were an indication that she visits the underworld, the world of graves…… It is said that these women reached this state because of the death of a dear one whom she loved very much, which made her extremely sad for him and made her withdraw away from people. And live alone.

I did not believe this phenomenon. I thought it was just stories from folklore and had no truth to it, until I found a person who assured me that one day he summoned one of them and she told him the location of important documents for his mother that were related to an old friend of his father who lived in another city, and I also specified his name.

What is the definition of time in our culture?

The truth is that I was very confused about explaining the phenomenon of the trivial, using the current methods of thinking that we study and learn, and this phenomenon always preoccupied me, for many reasons, the most important of which is that I was and still am busy searching for the concept of time in our popular culture, and for the image and concept of time in Our awareness, so I was asking several questions trying to understand this phenomenon and understand many aspects of our popular culture related to it, and its ancient origins and roots.

One day, while thinking about this phenomenon, I asked myself a question:

Does this phenomenon confirm that our popular culture has reached a fixed definition of the past and present and that the definition has become an established fact in our culture? Does this phenomenon confirm that we have reached the true definition of the past, as evidence that we have reached a successful experience in exploring and revealing the past?!

If we accept the reality of this phenomenon as an element within this culture, trying to understand the meaning of time among all elements within the culture, this will force us to depart from the current methods of thinking, but our departure does not prevent us from thinking logically from the standpoint of this phenomenon.

Suppose that there are people who actually possess unnatural abilities, through which they can learn about a person’s past, then the question is:

Is it because the matter is related to things that have happened, is it because the past has happened, and it is logical that the thing that happened exists and can be searched for and found, and these people are picking up from a record of events that we do not know what they are, or is the issue related to communication between souls only? And it is another topic that is difficult for us to understand as well?

But if our culture has come to define the past as a record of events that have occurred, and there is someone who can reveal the past and the present, was there or is there still someone in our culture who can reveal the future with the same superior abilities, despite our knowledge that the future has not happened yet? !

The truth is that by researching our popular culture, we find that it is also full of this aspect related to the future. We often find stories, news, and anecdotes that talk about prophecies that will come true in the future, regardless of belief in them or their relationship to religion. For example, there is a local prophecy that tells that the one-eyed man is the one who… He will obtain the treasure found in a certain area, and there is a traditional story that tells about a person from a poor family who had the prophecy of a man who visited his house come true, and there are prophecies that talk about the end of a ruler, and there is also a story like the story of the Prophet Youssef, peace be upon him, and there are many stories. It’s about prophecies.

This great heritage that revolves around the topics of prophecies confirms that there is a culture that also believes in the possibility of revealing the future, and it also confirms that the structure of this culture believes and believes that the future has also actually happened.

Therefore, it is natural that the future, in the consciousness of the elements within this culture, has actually happened, but in the knowledge of the ideal of the culture, which is Allah, and the people within this culture will be merely a scenario prepared in advance, but they do not know.

Historically…this concept has been subjected to great debate and debate between scientists and philosophers over time and has caused the emergence of multiple intellectual and religious sects. At present, this concept of time has received criticism from many thinkers, most of whom see the necessity of reforming this time, believing that this concept does not motivate a person to move. Because I do not want to enter into a philosophical and intellectual debate now about the concept of time and its reflection on reality, as it is not my main topic, I will end this point with a question:

Isn’t this concept of time consistent with modern science, which confirms that time travel is theoretically possible? Aren’t some stars that are very far from our galaxy, according to modern theories in physics, and whose light reaches the Earth, in fact stars that died a long time ago and we are now watching? Just her past?!

I think that the culture of revealing the past in general within our culture is rare, but in general most of the topics related to it are limited to people, such as the phenomenon of the wanderer, which seems to me the most prominent. This phenomenon is limited to a person, as if the experiment only requires a dead person, but can this phenomenon be revealed? About general history and revealing the events and how they happened in real life? …..An important question I have.

The phenomenon of revealing the future seems clear within our culture to a greater extent, from stories revolving around general events or around personalities, and from people’s interests in reading horoscopes, to sciences revolving around this phenomenon, etc…. And prophecies of the future appear as paranormal within our culture, when The events conform to the words of the prophecy.

These questions, ideas, and research processes can be discussed for a long time, but I have summarized them in the previous way, because what interests me about them is that they led me to ask an important question:

Can it be said that the prophets are a phenomenon born from within this culture, and they are among those who had contact with the ideal of the culture, which is Allah, according to the believers’ belief in the phenomenon of prophecy and His revelation of the future? Are prophets the ones who can witness future events and reveal them? About them, and were they a very old and well-known phenomenon, and did they have a recurring reflection on reality since ancient times?

Is it possible to say that prophets are nothing but people who made prophecies about the future?

I think that this perception may seem to me very possible and logical, and the probability of it being very high, as this culture greatly celebrates predictions and finds them to be a supernatural and even miraculous phenomenon, and it has even placed the prophets in the highest position among human beings.

But this perception, which seems logical, will prompt us to ask a big question:

Since Muhammad is considered a prophet, why do we not assume that Muhammad (PBUH) came with a prophecy about the future that confirms that he is indeed a prophet?

Why is this not the case? Let us assume that he actually came with a prophecy. This would make us ask an imaginative question: If Muhammad came with a prophecy of the future, what would the prophecy be like and on what subject?

– There are very many prophecies in our societies, and many of them come true, so what will differentiate between prophecies and the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad, for example?

Will it be, for example, evidence or proof, and what is the benefit of proof? Could the benefit be in correcting a defect? Moreover, prophecies in general seem like someone trying to impose events and a time on the prophecy to fulfill it. Therefore, if the Prophet Muhammad came with a prophecy, it must be very miraculous and very applicable to A certain time, and it can only be accepted, given the level of prophecy that is within our culture, and it cannot tolerate the assumption of possibility or impossibility. It must be in a way that does not accept doubt, and no one can help but accept it. It must be in the form 1+1=2.

This is the description of the prophecy, if Muhammad really came with a prophecy of the future, but what topic will the prophecy revolve around?

The answer is difficult, and I only have assumptions and research about them, but I will choose these assumptions through my experience and simple thinking.

The prophecy must revolve around something and it must be radical, around a very, very fundamental basis or point. It must be a point that leads to fixing everything, for example, a point around which the truth revolves, for example, something related to the origin of things.

I have a good experience in reading and research, and I have personal perceptions on many issues, and through this, in addition to a personal experience that happened to me years ago and lasted almost a year with me, from which I emerged with an overwhelming desire to search for time, for time is the only thing that is not… A therapist in our culture, after I came to the conviction that we live within an imaginary time that is completely unnatural. Rather, I felt that this imaginary time is the greatest calamity befalling us.

Yes…..time is the biggest disaster that many do not feel.

Why not time?!

Yes, why is Muhammad’s prophecy not about time? If Muhammad was his mother’s prophet, then he must carry with him a prophecy that solves the problem of time in a 1+1=2 manner, and this is clearly unacceptable, because his nation is imprisoned within an imaginary time. Since he is a prophet, he must have seen the future and clearly revealed to his nation where the defect was.

In addition to time, other assumptions must also be investigated, and given the reality today, there are also other basic roots, but I find them linked to time… So there is nothing but time… and treating time will treat the rest of the other roots.

Why is the prophecy not about the reality of the West today, and they are the fundamental problem of the world? If Muhammad truly came with a prophecy, he must have seen the future and revealed to his nation the truth about these people and how to deal with them and treat their problem, crimes, and absurdity?

Why can’t all this be real?

So where can one search for Muhammad’s prophecy?

We have only one thing through which we can search and verify this thing, and this thing is the Holy Qur’an, the inheritance that can be relied upon with complete confidence, because the rest of the stories and hadiths attributed to the Prophet cannot be confirmed or confirmed, because the possibility will be It is very significant in that it is a popular, political and social product that interacted with the phenomenon of prophecy over time. Therefore, according to our logic, we can ask the following question:

Is the Holy Qur’an, from its first page to the last, a complete prophecy about the future?

This question requires us to go into great detail and progress until we come to understand the truth that has been deliberately hidden from Muslims for many centuries, and which confirms conclusively that the religious heritage that has been produced around the Qur’an is nothing but failed attempts to interpret the Qur’an, deliberate forgery, and fictitious characters. These are the same failed attempts of Western thinking methods that some have followed in understanding the phenomenon of the Qur’an.

{This is Our Book that speaks to you with the truth. Indeed, We used to abrogate what you used to do.}

{So when the truth came to them from Us, they said, “This is clear magic.”

He follows ….




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