The story of the Companions of the Cave – 1

The story of the Companions of the Cave - 1


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A while ago, a friend posted on his page a picture of seven boys with a dog next to them, and it appears from the picture that it has a Christian nature (it is placed in the image of the article), and a discussion took place about the origin of the story and about the strange relationship between its mention in Christian texts and in Islamic texts, so I put it Comment: That there was a sacred text and people were on a journey of interpretation of this text. After a while of publishing that picture, the same friend published a topic about the cave in Jordan, and that it was the real cave in which the story of the people of the cave took place, but I commented that it was not true. The friend commented and asked me for proof, so I commented and where is the evidence that confirms this cave? There is Turkey that claims a cave, and in Yemen there are also two caves, and everyone claims, and everyone has the same evidence. The truth is that the story of the People of the Cave is one of the topics around which a lot of questions, discussion, interpretations and research revolve on the Internet and social networking sites, especially in forums that study the Qur’an. But you don’t come up with a new result, why? Because the questions are the same in every discussion, and they are repeated continuously, and they reach one point, and if new questions appear, their answers reach the same point in every discussion. This is one of the reasons that prompted us to write this topic, and in it we will try to present a complete summary of all the questions that were asked, and the only result that we find in all the articles that were raised. The most important reason for writing this article is that we have been thinking about raising this topic for a long time, due to its extreme importance in interpreting many topics related to history and time and in correctly understanding the discourse of the Holy Qur’an. This importance requires us to search all the records of history, search the texts of religion, ask all the questions that revolve around the subject, and go to the places about which there is controversy and confirm. The story of the People of the Cave in the sources of history. Before going to the history, we must inform the reader that we will deal with history according to the currently applicable Roman time. Who are the people of the cave? If we search for the first historical sources that clearly mention the story of the People of the Cave, we will find that they are the Syriac sources. There is a narration in them about the story of the People of the Cave, and we will try to present the narration briefly from their main official references. I will extract for you the official version from the Center for Syriac Studies of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East. Since the story is rather long and will take up a large part of the article, we will place it on the outer page and include a link to the story of the People of the Cave – Christian sources. This is a summary of the story in the sources. Syriac. But is this the only source? I think yes. But some researchers talk about the possibility that the origin of the story took place in Misr, based on the Coptic sources that talk about a period in which persecution of Al-Nasarah occurred, and this gives researchers a high probability that it took place in Misr, but the sources do not mention the story explicitly, but rather talk about the Christian martyrs who They were the seeds of the Church’s survival in Misr. Specifically in the tenth persecution during the reign of Diocletian, who ascended the throne of the Roman Empire in the year 284 AD, who persecuted Al-Nasarah and killed about eight hundred thousand people. That year was the beginning of the Coptic calendar, and in the same previous link we have placed an excerpt from the texts of the official Coptic sources, and you can view them, and we have placed them at the end of the page. Now before discussing and treating these narratives, there is a very important question: How will we deal with these Christian sources? Will we treat them as historical documents or as a religious document, meaning, will we deal with them as historical texts or as sacred religious texts because the story has a religious character? Logically… I think we will deal with them as historical texts, and not as sacred religious texts, because it is certain that the story was never mentioned in the Old Testament or in the New Testament. So that we can treat it as a religious text. Rather, it took place long after the birth of Christ, according to what is agreed upon by everyone, even if it took on a religious character and a spiritual dimension, and that is why this story was recorded in the books of historians and not in a sacred religious book. Of course……..there is no importance in searching within texts in order to search for the truth, as the topic cannot be separated by research into texts. The topic is separated with certainty and something material, but the purpose of discussing texts is to make comparisons, which can show us correct information. Give us evidence. Let us discuss the story from the Christian sources. ■ If we look at the Syriac sources, we will find that the first character that we feel when reading the story is a literary character rather than a religious one, and the official sources speak of this feeling in the beginning before mentioning the story. It speaks About the fact that Syriac literature is full of interesting stories, whether they were set in Syriac or transferred to it. As is clear, the story was mentioned in prose and poetry in Syriac sources, and this makes you feel that there was a literary celebration in the subject more than a religious celebration or celebration of the truth. Sources for the story in Syriac texts. We will find that most of them were written by church historians, linked to the church. But you find there is a difference in information about the incident. Here you are surprised, if the incident occurred in front of the church, then it is supposed to have only one official historical documentation, and no two people disagree about it. ■ The sources open up to the reader about the increase that occurred in this story by those who went too far in imagination, so it swam in the atmosphere of imagination, and turned it into legends, and the official source speaks that the investigator and the auditor can separate the real from the legendary. This means that the story mentioned in the official Syriac sources has become real and realistic and has been purified of myths. But the truth is that whoever reads the story of the People of the Cave from these sources will find it actually a very beautiful literary story, but it is unrealistic… imaginary and mythical. Why do I find it a myth? The myth is characterized by many things, among those things is that it appears to be a paradox of space and time, and the story scenario overcomes the solid and harsh barriers of space and time very quickly, and does not adhere to the hard and dry laws of reality. It makes quick transitions, bypassing the harsh reality, giving the recipient a state of Magical realism that the soul easily accepts. Let us once and for all settle the debate about the concept of myth and legend. A myth is a myth, and a myth is a myth, and there is no difference between them, but we are trying to distinguish between two types of myths that exist according to belief in them. The myth that is combined with faith we will call it a myth, while the myth that is not married with faith we call it a myth as it is. The myth is a myth that came out of a religious text incorrectly, and because faith requires you to believe in the text and what comes out of it, then the myth turned into a myth and there are those who believe in it. If it were not for the sacred religious text, people would not have believed in myth. As for the myth, it emerged from an unholy text, and because it is a text that you are not obligated to believe in and you are not forced to believe in it or what comes out of it, then the myth continues as it is and there is no one who believes in it. The myth that a person finds it difficult to get rid of, it is certain that the reason is a marriage that occurred between myth and faith, and then we call it a myth. While the myth that we get rid of easily is a myth that emerged from pure imagination that has nothing to do with binding faith. Why is the story fairy tale and not legendary? Because the story came from non-religious texts, that is, from historical texts written after the event by historians. But we may find another approach that makes us able to call it a myth, since it is a story linked to the church, and as long as the church is the source of faith, then everything the church says will become faith among its believers and the myth turns into a myth, but what the church says is not one, as there are many texts that have come out. From church historians talking about the story of the People of the Cave, what is the first official approved text of the story?! As long as there is belief in the truth of this unrealistic mythical story, this faith must have one origin from which it emerged, because it is impossible for people to believe in this myth, without the existence of a faith authority that forces people to believe in it. Is it the text or the church the source of faith authority? ! Let’s discuss the details of the story ■ If we read the story from beginning to end, we will find that there is great care and controversy in mentioning the names. The names of the boys are arranged beautifully and harmoniously, even the name of the dog, and even in the names of places, villages, cities, and the name of the mountain and cave, even in The name of the shepherd and among the names of the king’s servants. There is great attention to detail and you feel like you are inside the story. However, there is no evidence for this extreme care in reality, as there is no extreme care on the part of the Church regarding the reality regarding the issue of the existence of the cave. The Church is supposed to know the cave to this day, and is certain of it, and next to the cave there is a witness to this day, but the strange thing is that it does not exist. Let us say that today we do not know of a tomb or shrine for Christ, but is it possible that the Companions of the Cave, who rose 250 years later at a time when the Church was thriving and Christianity was consolidated after Rome converted to Christianity, did not have evidence from that time? Is it possible that the Church was able to preserve these books? The one who mentioned the story was close to contemporary with the incident, but she was unable to preserve the location of the cave, nor did she build a church or even a gravestone next to the cave or in the city. ■ You will find the story talking about a Roman ruler who persecuted Al-Nasarah. Of course, this idea seems illogical to me, because persecution requires the presence of a non-Christian entity to carry out the operation. This obliges us to search for an entity to play the role, and the Romans will be the ones who carried out the persecution before converting to Christianity. But the strange thing is that all the churches are linked to the mother churches of Rome. In short, Christianity has its origins in Rome and not anywhere else. Of course, this is if we are not convinced by the accepted narrative of history. But let us assume this: Where was the whole world before the Romans? Who lived in the region so that the Romans could have this power? Were the people unable to fight these Romans? Were the people powerless and unable to fight? The story depicts the Syriacs as saying that there was surrender. And submission to the authority of the Romans in all evil and good, and even submission to any action without any resistance. Then why do the Romans persecute Al-Nasarah? Is it because they are pagans? What is the problem ? In short, there is no convincing reason for persecution. ■ Of course, we cannot criticize a text that was found in this way, because the text is responsible for itself and we cannot impose on it whether it was or was not, but on the assumption that the incident was true and with the same details that were recorded in the texts, if we look at the story we will find that there was extreme care. To mention certain details despite their lack of importance in the context of the incident, and to be surprised about the reason, and there was a necessity that could not be fulfilled except by mentioning them and emphasizing them. Note with me this text: “When the king blocked the door of the cave with stones, the king’s two servants, who had hidden their faith for fear of him, got up and consulted together and wrote down a picture of the faith of these confessors on sheets of lead, which were placed inside a copper box, sealed, and planted in the structure at the entrance. The Cave “is strange, strange, and completely illogical. Look at the strange and strange behavior of the king’s two servants, who hid their faith from him. They carry out a strange behavior by writing down the names of these young men and their pictures of faith, placing them inside a box, and placing it at the entrance to the cave. They never thought about saving the boys from the cave, they just put their names and pictures and left. Their strong faith, which made them interested in the boys, prevented them from even trying to save the boys. But the point is completely illogical. It is assumed that the first thought they think of is to rescue the boys and take them out of the cave, but the two servants are busy writing the names of the boys and pictures of their confessions of faith, and they put them in a box at the entrance to the cave. This is an illogical act, and the reason is because they were aware of the miracle. Before it happened, it was not them, but the writer of the story exposing himself himself, because the writer was aware that a miracle would happen to the boys, and the writer made the two servants play a role prepared in advance, as they knew in advance that a miracle would happen and they had prepared with documents that were consistent with the occurrence of the miracle… .. without the writer noticing. The two servants knew in advance that the miracle would happen, and this is illogical, and this means that we are faced with two possibilities: either the story is a myth in its origins, or the writer of the story knew in advance about a story similar to it, but he made a mistake while writing a story inspired by his imagination… but Why ? If the story was a matter of literature and narration, I think there is no problem, but as long as the story is linked to faith, I think that the issue has a problem, because we will be facing the destruction of faith. Notice also when they uncovered the door of the cave and opened the box and found their names and a picture of the confession of faith. They entered the cave and saw the confessors sitting majestically with their faces shining like fresh roses. They spoke to them and heard from them the news of the events that took place during the reign of Decius. A letter was immediately sent to King Theodosius, the content of which was: (Let Your Majesty hasten and come and see the dazzling wonders that Allah Almighty has revealed during your auspicious era. The light of the promise of life has shone from the dust and the rays of the resurrection of the dead have shone from the darkness of the graves with the resurrection of the pure bodies of the saints.) When King Theodosius was informed of this news, while he was in Constantinople, he rose from the ashes in which he had spread, thanked Allah, and came, along with the bishops and elders of the people, to Ephesus, and they all ascended to the cave that contained the confessors on Mount Angelos and saw them. The king embraced them and sat with them on the dust. Notice the rapid transitions of the myth in time and space. He immediately sent a message to the king in Constantinople informing him of the miracle that had occurred during his auspicious reign. The message reached the king from the previous line, not from the city of Ephesus. The king rose from the next line while he was above the ashes and thanked Allah, and he arrived in Ephesus. He climbed the mountain, met the boys, hugged them, and sat with them. Of course, the message is more concerned with the king than with the incident itself, and it does not feel that there is a major shock or loss of consciousness. This means that the message is supposed to talk about the details of the matter in a more heated way, but it is only a brief message. Is it possible that an incident of this magnitude occurred, so someone would send a message in this manner to a king? Look at the king…. The king received a message and then he thanked Allah. What should he thank Allah for? …And he does not know what the matter is. He is supposed to wonder, is it possible that a king would receive a message like this and confirm it immediately without asking or sending a message asking for details… But he thanks Allah, and the king knew in advance about the incident… and he thanks him. On the miracle… and here the writer of the story makes the same mistake as before… and made the king know in advance about the incident and be prepared for it. ■ Notice also… You do not find the tremendous astonishment of everyone and the king at the discovery of the cave boys. It is a very normal and normal topic. This event is supposed to shake the whole world and become a major historical turning point for all of humanity, but it is very normal in the story. The king hugs them and leaves. It is as if nothing had happened, and they celebrate their feast and the story is over…and that’s it. I believe that the miracle of the Companions of the Cave, much greater than the miracle of Christ, will be a pivotal incident and event in human history until today. It will be the greatest sign and witness of my faith for all of humanity. But unfortunately …………. it does not have a clear witness to this day, and there is no clear landmark for them, or a clear shrine for them, or a clear building for them, or a clear church next to them, or an ancient established culture that preserves the story and Place . ■ Syriac sources specify the number of the Companions of the Cave as seven young men, the period of sleep of the People of the Cave as 200 years, and their location in the city of Ephesus on Mount Ankilos. Let us turn to the Coptic sources. Of course, there is no clear mention of it, and here researchers are surprised when they believe that the origin of the story is in Misr, even though it is not mentioned, but on the basis that there is controversy surrounding the story and that it may have happened in Misr, specifically in the era of the Roman king who killed a million Christian Egyptians. . Coptic sources do not talk about a specific incident, but rather a general incident of persecution, but they talk about a miracle that happened to a Roman ruler that made him believe, but there are no details of the miracle. The strange thing is that a million Egyptians were killed by Rome, but there is a strong insistence on the part of the Church to instill love for the Roman Empire and make it a part of faith and belief, and the matter does not raise any disapproval. But the issue is explained by the fact that Rome was pagan, and at the hands of the Copts, the empire became Christian. Of course, the same story from the Syriac sources. There is a continuous attempt to portray people as weak and at the mercy of Rome and unable to fight it. Even the people of Upper Misr (the bravest people) appeared in the story as poor and unable to resist Rome, without weapons and with nothing. Rome kills and they submit for the sake of love and peace. The strange thing is that the Christian sources deal with Christianity in Misr and are not interested in Syriac Christianity. They are busy documenting the world of Misr as a whole, its belief in Christ who was born in the Levant, and their faith came from there, which made them document the world of Misr only. The same is the case with the Syriac sources. They do not care about anything. Misr is busy documenting the Levant only. Meaning… it is assumed that historians affiliated with the Church in Misr talk about the incident of the Companions of the Cave that occurred in Ephesus, but they specialize in Egyptian affairs only, and the same applies to historians in Syriac sources who specialize in Syriac affairs only (the Levant). There is no documentation. By one around the other, separate and both from a different world, even though the Roman Empire ruled them both, meaning there was globalization and communication, but they feel like separate worlds. Let us return to our main topic, approximately, the story in the Syriac sources occurred, as the Syriac historians unanimously agreed, that the sleep of the People of the Cave occurred during the reign of King Decius (249-251 AD), while their awakening occurred during the reign of King Theodosius the Younger (450). As for the Coptic sources, in which it is believed that the story took place In it, she talks about the year 284 AD. When Diocletian ascended the imperial throne, he persecuted Al-Nasarah. Decius, who persecuted the Syriacs, became named Diocletian, who persecuted the Copts. How many Roman emperors were there? The empire that has a million kings, and nothing is known about them from any source except from the sources of Rome alone. Of course, he is one king, but they are distorted translations that create imaginary worlds, imaginary times, and imaginary characters. But there is something strange, which is the difference between the two of them is 33 years. Why? This difference… is the difference in converting the calendar for 1250 years from the Gregorian calendar to the Hijri year… as evidenced by the fact that the Coptic calendar begins from the accession of this king to the throne of the Roman Empire. Meaning, when the Coptic calendar was adopted, which begins 300 years after the birth of Christ, it was not formulated in the year 284 AD, but rather it was approved on a different date, approximately in the year 1450 AD, by looking at and relying on another calendar that previously existed and was implemented in it. Adding the annual difference between lunar and Gregorian. This is the reason why the date of this king’s accession to the throne of Rome differs in the Syriac sources from the date of his accession in the Coptic sources. I will not explain this point at length, and it will be detailed elsewhere, because our story is about the People of the Cave. Note with me that the Coptic calendar begins 300 years after the birth of Christ, and begins from the place of the appearance of Diocletian, who ascended the throne of Rome, and this is the period that speaks about the possibility that the story took place in it. 300 years… an approach to the story of the people of the cave. I think this is all that can be said about the story of the People of the Cave in Christian sources. We will move to other sources, to search for the owners of the cave and their true story. But in the next part…

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