8- Deconstructing Zionist time – the first course of time

8- Deconstructing Zionist time - the first course of time


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The first time

After we talked in the previous article about the fifth time, we have come out of it, and we can now talk about the first time in a correct way…. We spoke at the beginning of our journey that we would postpone talking about the first time after we finish talking about the fifth time for a logical reason and he :

On this journey to deconstruct the time of the region, we set off walking over the time line in a sequential and orderly manner, and as we walked from the second time to the third to the fourth time, we never knew at that time the form of the first time until we entered the fifth time, specifically in the modern contemporary time after it rose. The West has decoded our inscriptions and produced for us a picture of the first time, and this thing forces us to postpone talking about the first time until after we leave the fifth time.


Now we live in the fifth time, specifically in the fifth time period that I mentioned previously, which is the period that begins from Napoleon’s invasion of Misr in 1798 until today, and its length reaches approximately 200 years.

In this period…a new time was formed in our imagination that we had not known before. In this period, the West painted in our imagination a new time that no one knew and that our ancestors did not know. Before we entered this period of the fifth time…we were not… No human being on earth knows or understands anything about the first era written by the West….meaning…if we assume that the West did not decipher our ancient inscriptions, then today we do not know anything about Karib El-Watar, Thutmose, or Tut. Ankh Amun, or Gilgamesh, or Sargon, or Ugarit, or the Sumerians, etc.

It is true that the West began deciphering our inscriptions approximately 200 years ago…but, to be precise…the beginning was approximately 90 years ago…a new time began to emerge in our imagination, which is the time with the beginning of translation. The works of the West that were written by us are based on our inscriptions…until the present day, in which our library has become flooded with books translated from European works that talk about the early times.

Although the West began discovering the first time 200 years ago, the West is still today… drawing in our imagination a picture and path of the first time… due to recent archaeological discoveries, which require writing new theories and interpretations by Western researchers and scientists. .

We are in the present time…the time in which the path and image of the first time were drawn and are still being drawn within our imaginations.

Therefore, our talk about the first time requires us to divide the conversation into two parts… The first part is to talk about the first path… and the second part is to talk about the image of the first time.

—————- First time path —————

What does the first time path look like?

The truth to me…it seems to me that the course of the first time is complicated when imagined.

Why ?

For a logical reason.. For example, in the case of previous times, they can be easily drawn because they have historical narratives with a fixed foundation, and not narratives that change so that their course changes with time, and therefore the image of time appears to be the same in the imagination of all people.

While in the case of the first time…it is based on fixed narratives and changing narratives due to new discoveries, and therefore the image of time carries a fixed and multiple image in everyone’s imagination, and this requires searching for a good way to draw it well.

We will resort to the opposite method in drawing the picture of the first time.

Given that the West was the one who drew the first time for us, then the best way to draw it is to search for the image of the first time in the imagination of the West itself, because it is the owner of the intellectual property……. and the image of time in the imagination of the West can be found by going to the beginning of the fourth period. From the fifth era, and traces the steps and stages of the West’s discovery of our inscriptions.

■ The beginning was in Misr. We will go to the time when France, led by Napoleon Bonaparte, invaded Misr.

On February 9, 1798, the French consul in Misr submitted his report to his government urging it to occupy Misr, explaining the importance of his country’s seizure of Misr’s products and trade, and enumerating the advantages that France was expected to reap from this.

A month after this report… Napoleon was in the hall of the French Institute, meeting with an elite group of scientists, discussing with them the possible scientific discoveries during his upcoming occupation of Misr. Napoleon reviewed with the scholars two books and the main ideas contained in them.

1- The first book (The Conquest of Misr), written by the German scientist and philosopher Leibniz, which he dedicated to the French King Louis XIV in 1675 AD. The summary of Leibniz’s vision in his book says that the occupation of Misr will give the French king a sovereign position in Europe.

2- The second book (A Journey in the Arab Lands) by the Danish traveler Niebuhr.

During his preparations for the invasion of Misr, Napoleon accompanied, alongside the leaders, officers and soldiers, a group of scientists, engineers and geographers, on the basis that these scientists would study the East. This work gave a general impression to everyone, and it was the West or France for the first time seeing the East and Misr in particular. …. Even a group in Misr and the region still believes that Napoleon’s invasion of Misr was a useful act, as he was the one who brought Misr into modernity.

Napoleon’s occupation of Misr lasted for 3 years. French scholars were studying the geography and inscriptions of Misr, giving the general impression that for the first time they knew these inscriptions and that the West for the first time encountered these inscriptions as if it was the first meeting that took place between the East and the West, even though we know some of them. From ancient times, from the days of Rome, Athens, and the Crusades. Only a short period had passed since the two Crusades against Misr, led by France.

This work creates a kind of astonishment and strangeness, when French scientists depict seeing Egyptian inscriptions as if they had discovered a new world that they had not known before.

The important thing is… not a year had passed since Napoleon occupied Misr, until an unexpected surprise happened… a very strange coincidence… and in the Rosetta area near the Delta… while French soldiers were digging trenches… the soldiers discovered a basalt stone. Black…an ancient stone with written symbols written on it until the last dot.

The stone was extracted… It was written in three inscriptions, and at first glance the French officer was able to confirm that the upper inscription was written in hieroglyphics and that the lower inscription was Greek, while the middle inscription was unknown and they mistakenly believed it to be a Syriac language, until they discovered that it was a demotic inscription.

This discovery will make it easier for Western scientists to decipher Egyptian writing… It is the Rosetta Stone.

After France’s defeat from England in Misr…and the surrender of the French campaign commander…the decision stipulated that France give up all the antiquities it had stolen from Misr…so everything the French had was confiscated…the French tried Keeping and hiding its biggest theft… the Rosetta Stone, but the English discovered the stone… and a conflict occurred between France and England… France wanted to keep it… but the English insisted on having it with them… and it was already in their possession. England.

There was a commotion in Europe…the discovery of the Rosetta Stone…linguists were trying to decipher the Rosetta Stone. The stone was with Britain and they began attempts to decipher the language of the stone…a competition between European scientists, especially England and France.

Nearly twenty years after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone…..a Frenchman named Champollion, who studied the Rosetta Stone, was able to arrive at the correct decipherment of ancient Egyptian writing.

After Champollion discovered the secrets of hieroglyphic writing, his first work was to chart the course of the time of Egyptian civilization, relying on Egyptian inscriptions, the historical narrative of Greece, and the narrative of the Book of the Old Testament. He produced it in a book drawn in which the chronological chart of the succession of kings who ruled Misr until he reached Ptolemy’s era.

Note: We will now leave talking about the Rosetta Stone and things related to it in detail for the next parts, because what concerns us is knowing only the time that was drawn in our imagination about the first time.

What interests me about the above………..is the first work done by the West after deciphering the hieroglyphs….it was to draw the time line and fix it, then it placed its interpretations on this time line. Meaning, a fixed structure was designed and then he covered this structure while he was comfortable. But the cover of this structure is shaped by many features.

Some people may not understand the seriousness of this work, and we will talk about it when we start dealing with time, but what I can say in this article… is that this work is not the work of a spontaneous and innocent mind, but rather indicates a very, very intelligent mind, and does not… There is only a mind that thinks in the long term and has a calculation in its head.

What confirms the importance of this point is that scientific circles in the West in the nineteenth century began to raise the question about the validity of the time depicted by the Old Testament.

What we must know now… is that time in Misr… was drawn and fixed by the West as it became clear to us… and regardless of whether the course of time was correct or wrong, because it does not matter after this work what discovery will occur, because The process will simply be projecting the time of discoveries onto the points of the path of time drawn up in advance and very easily.

But the problem now is no longer specific to Misr alone, because by virtue of the fact that Misr is the first country in the region for which the West charts the course of time, this means that the course of ancient Misr’s time was the one that charted the first course of time for the entire region.

Why ?

The matter is very simple… If the previous process had taken place at the beginning in Iraq, the Levant, or Yemen, then I would have said that Iraq, the Levant, or Yemen were the ones who charted the first course of time… Because when you chart a new course of time in a specific place, you… Then you draw the same path of time around the perimeter of that place, because time is not divided. Time there is the same as time in any other spot. Time pervades the entire region and not just part of it.

I believe now…that we can understand the course and image of the first time in the region through the reference of the first Egyptian time drawn by the West.

Reaching this result will spare us the need for the rest of the times of the region’s civilizations in understanding the course of time, but this does not prevent us from reviewing the rest of the times that the West has set for the region.


■ We will move to Iran first…………. The reason is because the West deciphered the inscriptions of Iran directly after it was able to decipher the inscriptions of Misr.

The West’s journey in deciphering the cuneiform inscriptions in Iran was less exciting and exciting than the rest… despite the amount of difficulty that could be encountered due to the small number of cuneiform inscriptions in Iran, which needs an interesting and exciting story that can Solve that difficulty.

Note: We will postpone the discussion about the details and steps of the West in deciphering Iranian cuneiform writing, and about the reasons for this strange writing.

Approximately in the year 1850… and through joint work carried out by a group of scholars, the West was able to decipher the ancient cuneiform inscriptions in Iran, discover the ancient Persian language and extract its texts.

And in that year appeared…the time specific to Iran, specifically when the name of Darius and Xerxes his son appeared in the inscriptions of Iran.

But according to the times that we set for the region, which consist of five times, we will find that this time that appeared in Iran belongs to the third time and does not belong to the first time. But we will consider this time as the dividing line between the first time and the second and third times.

So… the time of Iran that was drawn by the West does not belong to the first time. The time of Iran that was drawn by the West belongs to the third time… which is a simple and uncomplicated time.

What concerns me here is one point:

Notice with me how the course of Egyptian time began to appear in part of the region. Only a few years passed since the West charted the course of ancient Egyptian time, by writing a chronological chart for the kings who ruled Misr, including Darius… until this time began to appear. In part of the region, specifically in Iran, and this indicates that our previous results that we reached were correct, as the Egyptian time charted by the West was the one who charted the course of the first time for the region.


■ Fertile Crescent (Iraq Al-Sham)

After the West was able to decipher the inscriptions of Misr and Iran, the journey of Western scholars to decipher the inscriptions of Iraq and the Levant was still continuing.

But what is strange is how the West was able to decipher the cuneiform inscriptions in Iran, which do not differ at all from the cuneiform inscriptions in Iraq and the Levant, but the West insisted that it was a completely different writing representing a different language, even though Iraq and Iran are close to each other and there is not a long distance. Between them.

The important thing is……… In the year 1872, a British man who had shown signs of genius in his childhood, as his biography says, and who at one time became a worker in the British Museum, was able to decipher the cuneiform inscriptions…… ..And his name is George Smith.

George Smith’s success in deciphering cuneiform inscriptions… came as a result of a coincidence and an astonishing incident… after he devoted himself to trying to decipher clay tablets that came to him… and devoted himself to studying them… and suddenly something appeared… pulling George’s eyes… he was not in front of an ordinary table with equipment… but in front of an epic from the East… the epic of Gilgamesh… the great hero… and George Smith continues reading the texts… and he can’t believe his eyes… it’s talking About the great flood…that drowned the universe…it is the flood that the Old Testament book talks about.

George Smith rushed to the Biblical Society and presented to them a report on his discovery… The members of the Biblical Society did not believe this news. Unprecedented news. George Smith was very knowledgeable about the Old Testament, and he was certain that this discovery was evidence of the authenticity of the Flood in the Old Testament. The news of the Babylonian Flood spread throughout all scientific circles.

This is almost the story of the discovery… and it is not a figment of my imagination, but it is according to what was stated in Western books describing that discovery… and I will leave the topic of discussion of the story of the discovery, the truth of the clay tablets, and the method of deciphering the cuneiform inscriptions to an article. last .

What interests me in the previous story is a very important point:

The time of the Fertile Crescent and how it was drawn.

Because with this story, the West has drawn a very deep time path for the Fertile Crescent, by linking it to the contemporary events of the Flood… as if it began from the starting point of the first time… when Allah created time… by linking it to the process of the Flood and the beginning of the religious story. found in the Old Testament… and this matter is very clear and apparent in the imagination of many residents of the region……. If you ask any ordinary person about which civilization is the oldest, he will tell you the Fertile Crescent.

But notice carefully with me a very important point… how this time that the West has drawn for the Fertile Crescent appears to be very old and at the same time very modern. Because the writing that talks about its contemporaneity with the great flood is completely similar to the writing found in the third era, in which the course of the time of Iran (500 BC) appeared.


There remains another important discovery… In 1885, the West discovered a cuneiform cylinder with the name of the Persian king Cyrus written on it, who liberated the Al-Yahoud from Babylonian captivity.

Now notice…. how the path of Egyptian time reappeared again and in another geographical spot, which is Iraq and the Levant, after its first appearance in Iran, and this matter happened a few years after the West charted the path of Egyptian time….. Cyrus is present in the chart of the kings who ruled Misr.. This increases our certainty that Egyptian time was the one that charted the course of the first time for the entire region.

Finally… after the West deciphered the inscriptions of Iraq and the Levant, the West also developed a chronological chart for the kings who ruled the Fertile Crescent, relying on the names of kings whose names were mentioned in the Old Testament.


■ Let us move to Yemen… which is the last place.

Before talking about Yemen…we must address a common myth in scientific circles, especially in Yemen…this myth says that Al-Hassan Al-Hamdani was the one who deciphered the Musnad script.

Of course, it is a myth… it has no basis in truth, and it was promoted for many reasons that we will talk about in detail later in our journey… because the ones who deciphered the inscriptions of Yemen were the West… and all the dictionaries of the ancient Yemeni language were created by the West… and No Yemeni deciphered the inscriptions.

The West’s interest in Yemen is old… since the time of Niebuhr, who made a trip to Yemen with a mission consisting of a few people… and almost all of the members of the mission died except for Niebuhr… due to being infected with the disease. The mission was focused on searching for ancient manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments… as some details of the trip say.

The important thing is that in the 1930s, Yemen was completely isolated from the world…but Western missions were constantly coming to it across the borders of Saudi Arabia or through the lands that were controlled by the British occupation in the southern part of Yemen.

During that period……massive thefts occurred by Western explorers, researchers, and travelers. Especially by the American and British missions, large numbers of stone panels in the Awam Temple were stolen.

Approximately during that period… the West was able to decipher the Yemeni Musnad script… and after deciphering the inscriptions of Yemen… it produced for us a sequential timeline of the kings who ruled Yemen… and after that it produced for us Western Sabaean language dictionary.

What concerns me here is one point:

Notice how the first step the West takes in every place in the region it goes to, and after it succeeds in deciphering its inscriptions…..is always…drawing a timeline of the kings who ruled that place!

This makes us ask two questions:

Why is this always the first step?

Why is time always associated with kings?

This is roughly the path of the first time, and in the next article we will talk about the image of the first time.

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