7- Deconstructing the Zionist time – the fifth time

7- Deconstructing the Zionist time - the fifth time


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The fifth time

We will continue our journey in deconstructing the time of the region, and in this article we will talk about the fifth time. This time has a starting point and an ending point… The starting point is after we emerged from the gap of Islam, that is, from the period in which the first founding texts written in the Arabic language appeared, whether they were religious or non-religious texts, and the ending point of this time is our present time.

The legitimacy of this time was established at its beginning (i.e., the existence of historical proof) from the religious legitimacy of the narrative of Islam only according to the texts that Muslims have, and as for its end, its legitimacy was based on our awareness of the present.

What are the characteristics of this time?

This time is characterized by many characteristics, but I will limit the characteristics to the narrative of Islam only. I will divide it into four time periods based on the transformations that occurred in it so that we can know its characteristics

1- The first time period 850 AD – 1100 AD (250 years)

After the temptation, the creation of the Qur’an, until the first Crusade.

● This time is what shaped the mind of Muslims until the present time. At this time, and specifically at its beginning, all the sects of Islam that exist to this day emerged.

Meaning, if we had a time machine and went back to the past and wrote different books instead of the books that were presented to us in this time, we would see their results today in the minds of Muslims.

In this period of time, all Muslims suddenly appeared in history, and were largely present over a large and vast geographical area extending from Spain to the borders of China. At this time, Muslims obtained a ready-made historical narrative that explained to them the reasons for their sudden appearance.

● In this time, major books in the Arabic language appeared in many fields: religious literature, poetry, sciences, dictionaries, etc

At the beginning of this time period:

– I wrote the story of the Prophet Muhammad, and the story of the religion that is in the imagination of Muslims until today.

– I wrote the novel of Islamic conquests, which explained the reasons for the presence of Muslims on this large geographical area.

– I wrote the principles of doctrines

– Books on the history of the Arabs in previous times

Massive translations of Greek books from all fields took place.

– The goods of the Arabic language appeared to the world, which Al-Ma’mun expressed in his famous saying describing his major translations of works written in Greek into Arabic: Our goods were returned to us.

● This period of time… is what shaped the image of time among Muslims, that is, it is what charted the course of time in its current form….. We do not have any Arabic document written in the fourth time that confirms its history. We… We confirmed the legitimacy of the existence of the fourth time with a novel written in the fifth time.

Meaning that the history of Islam, Muslims, and Arabs began from this time period and not from the time of 622 AD, the beginning of the Hijri calendar, because this time period is what informed us of the beginnings of the emergence of Islam. It is the time period in which the first historical record appeared confirming the existence of Islam and Muslims.

During this period, the forces surrounding the region are three:

The Abbasid Empire in Baghdad

The Umayyad dynasty in Andalusia

Eastern Rome in Constantinople

2- The second time period 1100 AD – 1460 AD (300 years)

In this period of time, external dangers began to appear in the region and in the imagination of Muslims, which was established in the first period.

We will try to divide this period into two parts

A: (1150-1100) —-> (1300-1250)

● At the beginning of this period:

This section began with the rise of the Seljuk Turks in the court of the Abbasid state, and their influence became great on the joints of the state.

At the beginning of this period, Genghis Khan was born, who united the Mongols and Tatars and founder of the Mongol Empire.

At the beginning of this period, Europe began to think about invading the region under the pretext of protecting the City of Allah (Jerusalem) so that it would be the holy city that would push the Europeans to fight and occupy the region. Europe’s attack began and its attacks on the region continued successively through campaigns known as the Crusades. The first Arabic texts called them the Frankish or Roman invasions of the region, and this is the true name given to them by the first Arabic texts. However, in Western texts, these invasions were called by several names… the believers of Saint Peter, the soldiers of Christ, or the armed pilgrims. The primary purpose of these invasions was political and economic, but they wore the garb of the cross under the pretext of ridding the city of Christ of Muslims.

– At the beginning of this period, the city of Jerusalem fell at the hands of the Franks in the first Frankish campaign against the region… and the establishment of the Christian Kingdom of Edessa.

● In the middle of this period

The city of Edessa fell at the hands of Muslims.

– The city of Jerusalem was reclaimed from the Franks

The Crusades continued in the region in order to regain Jerusalem and Edessa

Genghis Khan expanded his kingdom until its borders reached from Korea to the borders of Islamic Khwarezm, and from the plains of Siberia to the China Sea.


Genghis Khan died, and upon his death, his empire had occupied a huge part of Central Asia and China.

● At the end of this period

The Crusades ended with the Ninth Crusade

The appearance of the Crusaders may have been logical, because their entry into the region was in successive stages and not suddenly all at once, but rather according to a logical and objective context. But the sudden appearance of the Mongols and Tatars is strange and requires research, because it is a sudden appearance and a sudden fall, and there is no archaeological evidence from the era of the Mongols’ occupation of Baghdad.

B: 1260 AD – 1460 AD (200 years)

From the fall of Baghdad at the hands of the Tatars, until the fall of Constantinople at the hands of the Turks, the Ottomans, and the fall of Andalusia at the hands of the Spanish.

This period of time is full of strange events

– The fall of three empires and states: Abbasid, Byzantine, and Andalusian.

– In the beginning, Baghdad fell at the hands of the Tatars, the Abbasid state fell, and in the end Constantinople fell at the hands of the Turks.

Was there a historical confusion between Baghdad and Constantinople with the story of the Tatars? Was the fall of Baghdad at the hands of the Tatars nothing but the fall of Constantinople at the hands of the Turks?

Because it is strange that the fall of Constantinople at the hands of the Ottoman Turks made the region surrender to the Ottomans and they became part of their political rule. When Baghdad fell at the hands of the Tatars, the entire region was supposed to fall under their rule…but the event did not happen and the event was postponed until the fall of Constantinople at the hands of the Turks?

Are Tatars Turks?

Do the Turks still keep the Byzantine archives, or did the Ottomans burn and destroy them?

4- The third time period 1460 AD – 1798 AD

From the fall of Constantinople and Andalusia until Napoleon’s campaign against Misr

– At this time there were three world powers

Ottoman Empire, Spain and Portugal

– At the beginning of this period…the Spanish’s rapid and sudden discovery of the New World as soon as Andalusia fell to them.

The Spaniards thought about restoring the project of the City of Allah, Jerusalem, but they abandoned it after the Pope resolved the dispute between the Spaniards and the Portuguese and divided the world between them, and the west of the world was Spain’s share.

– Europe’s discovery of the New World (the American continents and Australia)

Almost the entire region was politically linked to the Ottomans as an Islamic caliphate.

5- The fifth time period | 1798 AD – 2018 AD (200 years)

From Napoleon’s campaign until today

This period of time was characterized by several things, the most important of which are:

The discovery of a new time for the region that we did not know before. During this period, the West revealed to us new worlds and new times after deciphering the region’s inscriptions and extracting their contents.

Before this period… neither we nor any human being on earth knew or understood anything about the first time that the West wrote in this period of the fifth time.

Meaning… if we assume that the West did not decipher our ancient inscriptions, then today we do not know anything about Thutmose, Tutankhamun, Gilgamesh, Sargon, Ugarit, the Sumerians, etc.

At the beginning of this period, the idea of the Europeans establishing a state for the Al-Yahoud in the Levant and Jerusalem appeared, specifically by France, and after Napoleon’s campaign, European occupation campaigns began to occur in the region under the name of colonialism.

Two world powers emerged (France and Britain). Colonial campaigns began in the region. Through the rising powers of Europe, the West was able to establish their Zionist project on our land, and this was done by Britain in 1948.

We have almost completely finished the fifth time, and in the next article we will talk about the first time after it appeared to us in the fifth time.

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