The relationship between America and Europe

The relationship between America and Europe


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America is the only country in the West that can pursue a policy completely different from its current policy, but America in its policy does not pursue a project as if it were a colonial European country, Britain or France. If it were a European country, it would not be surprising at all, because it is part of its nature and it will not be able to abandon it.

This matter makes you ask the question: Does America lead Europe or vice versa? Rather, it raises an important question: What is the shape of the relationship between Britain and America?

Britain left Europe fully aware that America is unable to follow the same previous policy that will push it to imminent collapse. It is no longer able to carry out the previous work, and this matter is easy to know and does not require intelligence. What do you think about a country like Britain that is aware of this matter, even if US President Obama visited Britain before the referendum to convince Britain not to leave, because America will adopt a new strategy and withdraw from the Middle East. America is asking it to be part of Europe instead of leaving to seize America’s legacy. You are surprised how he can convince Britain when it is putting the matter to a popular referendum?!

Britain’s exit occurred before Trump’s rise, and Britain was aware that the matter would be Trump and politics would be as Trump says it is in the picture. This confirms that democracy in the West is an unfree process, and merely a decoration for the people to eliminate routine and give legitimacy to the dictatorship of the shadow government.

What are Israel and Al Saud doing in the face of this terrifying step?

Take shelter in Britain, but Britain is not as strong as America

Was the 400 billion Saudi dollars part of a larger deal called the Deal of the Century in order to make America modify this strategic step?

This is the real reason behind two visits by the head of the Zionist occupation entity to Moscow within five months in order to arrest Russia, which was carrying out this mission through America, and it is also the real reason behind the pressure from the Zionist lobby inside America to impose sanctions on Russia and raise the intensity of the dispute between them in order to Explode the situation between them.

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