Why does Mecca have doubts that it is not Al-Masjid Al Haram?

Why does Mecca have doubts that it is not Al-Masjid Al Haram?

06/08/2020 00:00

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Why is the history of Mecca illogical and contradictory to the Qur’an?!

■ The story of the formation of Mecca… (Jurhum and Ibrahim).

A contradiction with the Qur’an because the Qur’an does not talk about the story of Sarah, Hagar, and Jarhum.

This contradiction has enabled history and Western thinking methods to prevent our mind from comprehending it through methods of analyzing history by reading religion through geography and economic activity.

■ The appearance of Mecca in history as a center… contradicts the Qur’an and reality today

History talks about a house built for people to worship Allah from the time of Ibrahim…but Mecca made it a place full of idols and polytheism, and the memory of the place does not know of a Allah whose name is Allah. Only Muhammad taught people that there is a Allah whose name is Allah.

This contradicts the movement of natural reality……. Because there is no religion other than Islam that believes in Allah and believes in the house that Ibrahim built. It is true that there are religions that believe in gods, but with other names (Shiva, Jehovah, etc.), but the Qur’an speaks of a house built from the era Ibrahim to worship Allah, and Muslims to this day make pilgrimages to the same house… This means that it is necessary for the society of Mecca to know a Allah whose name is Allah, and this name will not be alien to the society of Mecca… This means that Muhammad did not bring anything. New because the house of Ibrahim will continue to be connected to the first worship… Allah.

But there is an insistence in the story of Mecca on exalting other gods and their idols and not knowing a Allah whose name is Allah, the Most Gracious. To make it seem as if Muhammad had brought something supernatural to them.

Also, the story of Mecca… made the Meccan community not know a person named Ibrahim, as if it was a very strange name to them and their culture. So why was the Kaaba found among them when they did not know Ibrahim, as long as the one who built it was Ibrahim… I mean, it is illogical that A society in which there is the House of Allah that Ibrahim built, and they never know the basis for the existence of this house among them, nor who built it… and they do not know a person named Ibrahim or Ismail… and the names of Ibrahim and Ismail are not common in their culture and are not found in people’s names. In the Mecca community.

Their names and titles do not contain any of their ancestors named Ibrahim or Ismail… Strange names, and there is a clear intention to create a qualitative strangeness in the names.

Dogs, sunbird, grasshopper, etc

So how can this be the house that Ibrahim and Ismail built… and the society of Mecca that reached us, whose culture did not know Ibrahim or Ismail, and no Allah in the name of Allah was known in the entire earth until Muhammad came.

Even Muhammad… his name does not contain names like Ibrahim or Ismail, but rather they are all strange names… Abd Manaf Kulab etc…. even though the Qur’an tells him that he is Ibrahim, his father.

Also, Muhammad in the biography was not busy talking about Ibrahim and building the house. Rather, the director was busy with scenes of the Messenger and he was interested in the Black Stone and the Quraysh building the house and the Messenger placing the Black Stone… as evidence that the Quraysh and Muhammad were the ones who built it, not Ibrahim.

■ The appearance of Mecca in history as a center… contradicts the Qur’an and reality today

He talks about several heels

Including the Yemeni Kaaba…. Dhul-Khalasa

The Levantine Kaaba……… Mecca

History talks about a place that gained its fame because of trade…and it became a center

It has nothing to do with the story of the first house built for people.

But the Kaaba of Mecca took control and gained fame

So how can the place of the Kaaba be Al-Bayt Al-Haram when it was preceded by other Kaaba?!

■ Origins of the inhabitants of Mecca and Medina

Mecca is inhabited by a people… Adnan

The city is inhabited by people… Qahtan

The name contradicts the reality of Mecca and Yemen.

Why did natural reality rule out the migration of Yemenis to Mecca and their long settlement and continued stay there, and a society emerged that was not of Yemeni origins, even though the vicinity of Mecca was settled by Yemenis as far as the Levant, Iraq, etc.

■ Why is there a film director focused only on Mecca?!

I mean, he excluded the entire area around Mecca… and was only occupied with scenes of the Mecca play.

The question may seem illogical, but it is assumed that the scenes in the Mecca play are matched by other scenes of plays in the vicinity of Mecca that appeared in the same period.

Reality requires plays to reach other geography at that time, and there are scenes in them that overlap with scenes of the Mecca play.

I mean, for example

A book must appear that is completely similar to the biography of the Prophet, and talks about the reality of a place that exists in a place other than Mecca, and then we will see the common scenes between the two books.

■ Mecca in history, with an area of 30 km2, became a measuring center and a source of arbitration on any issue around the vicinity of Mecca.

It has become a culture confined within an area of 30 km…its influence is greater and exceeds that of the area surrounding Mecca, and it has an ancient historical and religious depth that exceeds its area.

This means that a culture within a place of (30 km) area… affected a deep and rooted culture within a place of (300 thousand km2), for example.

The opposite did not happen… even though it is assumed that the opposite is the movement of natural reality that will occur.

Example: Mecca and Yemen

It is assumed that Yemen… will influence Mecca and make its religion similar to the religion of Yemen, and ancient Yemen is an extension of Mecca, and it is part of the ancient culture of Yemen… linguistically, religiously, and in writing.

This means that Mecca is supposed to benefit from Yemen and write its documents in the Musnad script, and its religion will become like the religion of the inhabitants of Yemen… But there is a strong insistence in the story of Mecca on its uniqueness, distinction, and difference from the surroundings of Mecca… as if it wanted to oppose the natural reality.

This is not a natural reality movement….at all

Because the movement of natural reality will never produce Mecca, and the religion of Mecca will be the same as the religion of Yemen in the past……And when a messenger comes to Mecca, he will face a society that carries the same religion and language as the inhabitants of Yemen.

■ The story of Mecca contradicts the facts currently extracted from inscriptions

I mean, for example… before the story of Mecca, it talks about a place that had commercial activity with Yemen… and according to the Yemeni inscriptions that the West extracted, the language of Yemen is Himyarite, which is different from Arabic.

But there is a migration from Yemenis that has created a society in the city and its surroundings that speaks fluent Arabic… even though it is assumed that reality will produce a society that speaks the language of Yemen.

Also, the story of Mecca during its relationship with Yemen was communicating with Yemen, and we do not know in what language they communicated with it, and there is no indication. Rather, during the period of the Messenger of Mecca, the story of Mecca speaks of a difference between Mecca and Yemen in language…..and the difference. It does not appear to be a radical difference, but rather a difference in the degree of eloquence, but the structures of the language are the same… and this completely contradicts the recent discoveries that the West has extracted from the inscriptions of Yemen. The inscriptions in Yemen are in a language that no one understands

Even if some people currently claim that it is an ancient Arabic language and its origins and search for its roots and derivations, it is a ridiculous attempt…to get out of this impasse and historical contradiction by those…who surrender to Western translations and do not question their authenticity and Those who are also resigned to the story of Mecca that reached him and do not doubt its authenticity.

In other words…..there is no clear picture about the linguistic nature of Yemen in the story of Mecca. Yemen is attributed as being of the origin of the Arabs, and since they are the origin of the Arabs, it is assumed that their tongue is fluent Arabic, but at another time it claims that the language of Yemen is different from the language of Mecca, which brought the Qur’an. And it is not understood, and once again we find the residents of Yemen arriving in Mecca and interacting with its residents without any indication of a difference in their language or difficulty in understanding their language, and delegations to Mecca come from deep within Yemen, but they communicate in an Arabic tongue… and at the same time there are translations. The West demonstrates the existence of a radically different language

And this contradiction is the point from which Taha Hussein started in his famous book on pre-Islamic poetry, which caused an uproar and was judged, when he said that these poems were fabricated after the Qur’an and attributed to Yemeni poets.

Among his arguments was that Yemen in that period did not reach the eloquence of those poems, and the language of Yemen, according to recent discoveries, spoke a language different from the language of the Qur’an.

I will not talk now about whether Taha Hussein’s words are true or false. I will leave them in another conversation, but the most important point here… is to highlight the contradiction that the story of Mecca produced… and this clear contradiction is the reason that brought to reality the book of Taha Hussein, who tried to solve this. Contradiction in its own way.

■ Also the story of Mecca… it dealt with its surroundings with a modern mentality.

Since the appearance of the Prophet, it has been dealing with its surroundings with the same mentality as today. It calls the Levant, Syria, Iraq, Iraq, Misr, Yemen, Oman, etc.

And do not treat the Levant and Iraq as one name… For example, you say Al-Sham to describe Iraq and the Levant… And do not call Oman by the name of Yemen, but rather call it by the same name as today… as if it is aware of today’s reality.

The Messenger sends messages to all countries of the region in the past… Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Misr, the Levant, Iraq, etc.

It sends messages for Islam, and delegations come to pledge allegiance to the Messenger on the faith.

And when the story of Mecca decides to move outside of Mecca… it separates the place from the same reality as today.

In the beginning, Muawiyah must move to the Levant to rule… and he should never think about ruling Iraq or consider Iraq belonging to the Levant or a single land called the Levant.

There are those who think about going to Yemen, and when they say Yemen, they do not see Oman as part of Yemen.

And during the conquests… there are those who go to conquer Palestine, but do not consider it part of the Levant… and do not know which Palestine this is… is it today’s borders? And there are those who go to conquer Misr… and do not consider Sudan, Libya and Tunisia to be part of Misr… and you do not know what is meant by Misr… is it today’s borders?

This contradicts logic…because the current reality was shaped by colonialism and not by a natural movement of ancient reality…so how is it possible that Mecca in ancient times was aware of today’s reality?

This contradiction is the reason that created theories among many people and researchers that talk about ancient borders different from today’s borders. Misr, for example, had borders with Sudan and Libya, while the Levant says it was with Iraq.

Everyone does not realize that in the past there were never these geographical divisions…they are modern divisions…the land was one.

■ Mecca was aware of the concept of identity and nationality and dealt with people based on identity and nationality…….. It called the Yemeni, the Egyptian, the Levant, etc.

Rather, it views its surroundings from today’s perspective and tries to consolidate the concept of identity. It gives advantages to identities for boasting… The people of Yemen are people of faith and Misr is the land of contentment. May Allah bless our Levant and our right…and the people of Oman from me and so on.

How is it possible that an ancient world was aware of the concept of nationalities and identities, while nationality is a modern concept that people arrived at with the emergence of the modern state today?

■ Mecca also dealt with its surroundings with the same mentality as the West…… It is a fixed, standard center and others are variable…. It sees its surroundings as needing its thought to move it from the animal stage to the human stage… and it does not deal with its surroundings as if it were with the same consciousness. …and this is an advantage in the view of the West.. How is it possible that Mecca, in an ancient Eastern society, was thinking with a Western mentality in its ancient movement?

I mean… Mecca teaches people everything… agriculture, sleeping, even going to the bathroom… and if it were not for the story of Mecca, people would not have known these actions and behaviours.

A clear Western awareness, not an Eastern awareness.

Consciousness here is illogical

■ An illogical historical transition

After the Prophet’s migration, Mecca disappeared from the director’s focus, and the focus moved to Medina. This means that the director is not only supposed to continue following the Messenger in Medina, but rather conveys to people live scenes of Mecca and details of the atmosphere there, because when the Messenger was in Mecca he was able to follow other personalities and enter their bedrooms and pick up their conversations.

This transition is illogical

■ Nearly thirty years after the death of the Messenger… the centrality of Mecca and Medina disappeared… and there is no logical explanation, and the two cities became completely absent in the Muslim’s consciousness, and the Muslim’s focus became confined outside the borders of Mecca… and they no longer had any importance. … Or in other words, their importance declined… and attention became focused on creating states around Mecca and wars between states… and a shift occurred among the Muslim… and he began to have difficulty imagining the details of life in the two cities.

This is illogical… because the movement of reality requires staying in the vicinity of that place in whatever country is formed, that is, they are the capital of any country, and the vicinity of Mecca follows the center.

But the two cities became dependent, and centers were formed in the vicinity of the two cities, and everyone abandoned them and did not consider them as places of rule or stability. Rather, everyone no longer traveled to them or cared about them… And the situation came to a point where a center demolished Al-Bayt Al-Haram and committed crimes in them. They no longer have irrational sanctity.


The story of Mecca is contradictory to the Qur’an

1- The Qur’an does not talk about the Black Stone, nor about Shaytan’s monument to Ramiyah, nor about Zamzam Water, while Mecca celebrates the Black Stone, Zamzam Water, and Shaytan’s monument.

2- The Qur’an says that Islam is the religion of Ibrahim, while the story of Mecca portrays Islam as the religion of Muhammad.

3- The Qur’an talks about the religion before Allah, Islam, and the story of Mecca made Allah bring with it religions that He revealed in the past, but He updated them with a version of Islam.

4- The Qur’an speaks that Allah is the first innate nature of the people, and the story of Mecca made Allah a new, strange event to the people and no one had this innate nature, and made the origin of the people polytheism and idols.

5- The Qur’an talks about the Muslim prophets of Allah, Ibrahim and even Musa, while the story of Mecca implanted in the Muslim mind the idea that Musa and Ibrahim were Al-Yahoud.

6- The Qur’an says that the Dirar Mosque is still standing, while the story of Mecca says that it demolished the Dirar Mosque.

7- The Qur’an speaks that the Torah is the book of Allah, while the story of Mecca says that the book of the West, the Old Testament, is the book of Allah.

8- Al-Qur’an speaks that the Qur’an is the revelation that the Messenger follows, while the story of Mecca makes the books of hadiths a revelation from Allah and the Messenger follows the words of human beings in advance of the revelation, but rather the revelation comes down to support the words of its companions.

9- The Qur’an does not recognize the Jewish Book as being from Allah and describes it as a lie, while the story of Mecca recognizes the Jewish Book as being from Allah.


Does Mecca match this date that was presented to us?!

We start from an important basis, which talks about a relationship between history and reality, and a Western historian spoke about it, saying:

“To liquidate peoples, we begin by erasing their memories, by destroying their books that contain their culture and history, then someone else comes to write other books for them, give them another culture, and invent another history for them, and then after that the people gradually begin to forget, who he is!, and how he was like.” And the world around him will quickly forget him too.”

Therefore…..there is no path that any person can take except to leave the world of books and read reality, and search for (does reality match this history that has reached us), and we believe that the age of Mecca is 1400 years according to history. Which reached us.

Now… let us think realistically about the House of Mecca and whether it corresponds to the date that we have estimated at 1400.

If we go to the House of Mecca and watch it, we will find important notes

– Modern building and modern city

– Building stones adhered with modern cement.

– The inside of the Kaaba is tiled with modern Italian marble.

– There is no ancient trace of that story remaining today in the city

– There are no homes of those historical figures that have reached us from the story of Mecca, and there is no house of the Prophet or any belongings to them.

– There is no ancient building remaining to this day in Mecca, and the Haram remained for the 1400 years that were written to us

– All the building surrounding Mecca, which is called the courtyard, and the expansions are the work of a modern family (Al Saud), modern works. The names of the doors in the sanctuary are after Saudi kings… Even the house itself, all the things in it are from the age of (Al Saud). .. The golden door of the Kaaba is one of the works of Al Saud. There is another door that Al Saud blocked and they opened another door. Inside the Kaaba, it is paved with modern Italian marble.

– No ancient traces of pilgrims have been discovered in Mecca, left by pilgrims who used to perform Hajj to Mecca from all over the world for 1,400 years.

There are no stone tombstones with ancient inscriptions that confirm the existence of one person who decided one day to prove his ancient existence 1000 years ago, or to confirm the interest of an ancient king who made expansions or repairs to Mecca and wrote a stone tombstone for him.

The residents of the region do not have any ancient traces of their ancestors in their homes or lands that confirm the existence of an ancient connection with Mecca.

For example, you do not find an old drawing of Mecca that his family inherited from its ancestors, nor is there any ancient relic that came from Mecca and was inherited by any family that reached them after a grandfather of theirs visited Mecca and brought it to his family. There is no old stone model of the Kaaba in the homes of residents of the region or discovered. in Earth .

Even Medina is modern

Its mosque is modern, and all of its concrete work and work are modern. The mosque that was built 1400 years ago by the Prophet and the Companions does not remain. Also, this same Prophet’s Mosque does not remain, if we assume that a caliph or a Muslim ruler carried out repairs and expansion of it 1000 years ago or before. 600 years in its ancient form, which confirms to you that this mosque lived a long time ago.

There are also no houses of the Companions in the city, or any remaining traces of them in the city.

Also, there is no family in the city that is connected to these ancient figures and is affiliated with them and inherited old belongings from them…. Most of the city’s residents do not carry any ancient depth in the land, as most of the city’s residents are from other countries, especially from Central Asia and Southeast Asia, and their immigration is recent. And it’s not old.

This means that the migration of these people from Central Asia should have occurred in an ancient era, 500 years ago, if we assume that the reason was their love for the city of the Prophet, but their migration to the city dates back to the age of the Ottomans, 150 years ago.


This modern character of Mecca makes us ask logical questions:

■ Why does Mecca appear modern and devoid of ancient monuments, when it has existed for 1,400 years?!

■ Why is there only one family of Mecca that is mentioned in the history of the biography (Bani Shaybah, who was recently honored by the House of Saud) remaining, numbering 15 people?

■ Why are there no houses in Mecca for 1400 years, belonging to all those characters mentioned in the biography?!

■ Why do pictures of Mecca 70 years ago look small and out of proportion to its age, when it is supposed to become very large and exceed the size of the old city of Sanaa?

■ Why is there no ancient archive in Mecca that contains within it the history of Mecca over the course of 1400 years, from the Qur’an in the handwriting of the Messenger or the Companions, or old books and personal belongings of the residents of Mecca who lived there?!

■ Why did Mecca wait 1,400 years for Allah to send the House of Saud to carry out all these modern expansions in Mecca?!

■ Why is there not a very large and ancient expansion in Mecca, for example, surrounding the Kaaba and attributed to a religious or political figure who lived 1000 years ago?!

■ Why is the House of Saud making huge, continuous, recent expansions in Mecca? Where have the Islamic countries and Muslims been for 1400 years when they did not make any expansions in their Qiblah, where the House of Allah is the holiest place for them?!

■ Why do the ancient cities of the region appear so large, and their houses are old and there have been preserved and are still standing today, such as ancient Sanaa, ancient Damascus, the ancient city of Fez, or the Kasbah in Algeria, but Mecca did not appear before our eyes like the rest of the ancient cities of the region, but rather it appeared to us. A very modern, trendy city?!

■ Why are all the expansions in Mecca carried out by European companies and not Muslims?!

■ Why does Mecca look like Las Vegas?!

■ How did the Muslims allow Al Saud to build the huge and high clock tower next to the Kaaba, which is very high above the House of Allah?! How can the building of Al Saud be higher than the House of Allah? .

■ Why do we not find any constructive touches inside Mecca by all the countries that passed through the history of Muslims during 1400 years……. such as the touches of the Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, Ayyubid, or Ottoman dynasty, and everything that is in Mecca now is of the touches of… Saud?!

■ Why are most of the designations inside Mecca modern and not ancient and linked to the Saud family, such as the Abdul Aziz Gate, the Faisal Gate, such as the Prophet’s Gate, the Ibrahim Gate, the Gate of Islam, etc.?!

■ Why has no ancient relic left by pilgrims been discovered to date that confirms that there were Hajj trips over the course of 1400 years, such as a Qur’an, clothes, inscription, manuscript, coins, shoes, swords, slippers, etc., or a pilgrim who wrote his name on a stone or paper and He forgot it in Mecca for 1400 years?!

■ Why do most of the residents of Mecca and Medina have origins from Central Asia and Southeast Asia, and the history of their presence in Mecca and Medina is recent…. Why did residents come from a very distant place to live in Mecca and Medina, and the residents of the region near Mecca and Medina did not take this step? They live in the city of the Messenger and the Qibla of Muslims?!

■ Why is the Kaaba built with stones joined together with modern cement, and why are the walls inside the Kaaba covered with modern Italian marble tiles, and the gold door of the Kaaba was recently installed by Al Saud?!

■ Why did the House of Allah not maintain its original original form, and did not continue in that form as it has been since the first day it was created for people, and became accessible to anyone who could create in it whatever he wanted? Why did the House of Allah become available to everyone who came and went who made modifications and changes to it? According to his mood, anytime he wants?!

■ Why is there no mention of the Black Stone, Zamzam water, or the Statue of Shaytan in the Holy Qur’an?

■ Why did the call of the Al Saud cleric, Sheikh Wahhabi, appear in the Najd and Hijaz region specifically, and not anywhere else in the region? Why is this the first time a call appeared from a desolate place devoid of human settlement, and no scientific or religious city is even known? Does it cause the real emergence of such religious calls in it, and the impact of that call continues to this day since the emergence of Al Saud?

■ Why did the first appearance of Al Saud with its cleric in the contemporary history of the region… require the presence of a large number of Western intelligence men from Britain, France, Italy, etc., surrounding them and around them Mr. Humphrey, Philby, Lawrence, etc., This happened during a dark period in our history, before the introduction of the printing press, and the region was suffering from extreme ignorance?!


This modern scene of Mecca, the Holy House there, and Medina, contrasting with this ancient history that is 1,400 years old, and those logical questions… lead us to ask an important question:

Is the house in Mecca actually Al-Masjid Al Haram or the Dirar Mosque that the readers are talking about?!

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