What is the relationship between this animal and this disease?

What is the relationship between this animal and this disease?

12/21/2020 0:00:00

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What is the relationship between this animal and this disease?

The relationship is (the noun)… The name of the animal is similar to the name of this disease… leprosy.

But the most important question: Why is the name of this animal similar to the name of this skin disease? What is the origin of the reason? Because there must be an ancient and logical cognitive reason that explains the existence of this identity in the name.

There were many answers from friends about the reason and were limited to three answers:

■ There are those who said… that perhaps it is because of a popular belief that this animal causes this disease… and because of this belief, the ancients named this animal after this skin disease.

The authors of this answer added that it is a wrong belief because this disease is hereditary as a result of…

■ And there are those who gave another answer…..that the reason may be because of the similarity of the shape and color of this animal’s body, with the shape and color of this skin disease…….and because of this this disease was given the same name as the animal.

■ And there are those who gave a third, funny answer… that the reason may be due to the fact that if this animal stays on the skin of a living being for a period of minutes, it leaves on the creature’s skin a white spot of the same shape, a different color from the color of the creature’s skin, and This spot does not disappear until after several days, and because of this, this skin disease was given the same name as this animal.

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I do not understand medical diseases…….but I think that there are friends who confuse the disease (albinism) with the disease (albinism).

We popularly differentiate between (albinism) and (albinism).

(Vitiligo) may have a genetic relationship, and they are spots on the skin, but they do not spread, but (albinism) is not a hereditary disease, but rather a sudden defect in the human body, and we know (albinism) as a result of (severe fear = great tragedy) to which anyone is exposed. A person in a position for a long period of time.

After that, the human skin begins to change, and a white spot begins to appear on the skin, and then it begins to spread and expand, until it spreads throughout the skin.

One of the methods of folk treatment is… We perform a cauterization procedure for a person who is experiencing a tragedy, by heating a piece of gold and cauterizing a spot on the person’s skin.

But the question remains: Why was it called by this name (leprosy)?

The animal (gecko) has many names in the region. There are those who call it (gecko), and there are those who call it (gecko), and here in Yemen it is called (stick). I believe that these are the common and most common names, and I believe that there are other names.

(Sticky) seems to be similar to the English name (Lazard), and the reason for the name is I believe that it is from (sticky), something that sticks to the body, and this is the reason for the name, as it strongly adheres to the body, regardless of whether it is animate or inanimate.

But I think that the first original name for this animal is (gecko)… Why?

The truth is… I do not know how true the popular belief is that this animal causes the disease (albinism), but the matter requires an experiment on an animal to be sure, because it may be old knowledge.

But the truth is… this belief may be incorrect, and this belief came about, because this animal actually causes a white spot on the skin when it sticks to it, and it stays for a fairly long period of time (days) until it disappears… and this may be the reason. Behind that popular belief.

The skin of this animal also has spots, similar to spots on the skin of a person suffering from a skin disease.

Therefore, the name of this disease is the reason… that makes us believe that the name (leprosy)… is the first original name among ancient people for this animal.

The name of the disease came from the name of this animal.

Why ?

When you want to study languages on Earth and know their origins and branches, you must differentiate between natural languages and artificial languages… There is a difference between the first innate language on Earth, and the newly designed, non-innate languages.

It is natural that the vocabulary of the language of the first instinct is linked to the nature around it and does not deviate from it, so the names of things are linked to nature and man.

how ?

There are many characteristics in understanding the language of the first instinct, among which are:

■ The word in the first tongue… must carry derivations related to the word that describe things around the person.

For example

(Books)… have derivations that the first man used to describe and define things around him.

There is in the Arabic language

(Wrote a book )

While in English

and (write) ….. and (book)

It also does not exist in Hebrew, Syriac, or the rest of the languages in which the Book of the Bible was written.

■ In the first tongue… the intangible things that result from material things are called by their names.

(The tongue of the mouth)… is the tool through which a person speaks and reads… It is natural that the first man called human speech (the tongue).

There is in the Arabic language

(tongue of the mouth) ……. (tongue) i.e. speech

While in English

and (tongue) ….. and (language)

It also does not exist in Hebrew, Syriac, or the rest of the languages in which the Book of the Bible was written.

■ Now, haven’t you asked yourself where the names of colors in Arabic come from?

What we said previously about the characteristics of languages, such as word derivations, and the connection of speech vocabulary to natural things around humans, applies to the names of colors as well.

The first innate logic says that if the first human wanted to name colors, he would name them after things around him that had the same colors.

– For example, the color white will be called by the same name as something around it that is white.

If, for example, there are (geese are white), then when he wants to say (a cow is white), he will say (a cow is white).

And from this introduction……we will know the introduction to the names of colors in the Arabic tongue.

For example

– The color (white)… came from the name (bird eggs).

Bird eggs… are white… and there came the white color.

The color (yellow)… came from the name (the yellow bird).

The bird (which makes a whistling sound) is called (the yellow one or the yellow one)… and the color of this bird is (yellow)… hence the yellow color.

Sound (whistling)…bird (zero)…color (yellow)…

I think that the word (bird) also…may have come from his name (zero).

And so on with the rest of the colors.

From this approach, the name of the disease “leprosy” came, in the same way as the name of the animal “leprosy”.

And in order to be sure of this… we will go to the ancient Egyptian man, and the reason is because Misr is the oldest place on earth in which the first man who carried the tongue of the first instinct was found, and the first man in Misr left us written records that are considered the oldest written records that he left. Man on earth.

As is known….when we want to search the ancient Egyptian writing, we must first start with the dictionary that France developed after its invasion and occupation of Misr, and its translation of the ancient written records found in Misr.

When we search the French dictionary… we will find in front of us the following:

Look at the image of the article, you will find:

1- A small pictorial picture of an animal (gecko).

According to the French translation, this image was called by the ancient Egyptians (Assa)….which means (leprosy).

(A picture of leprosy)…pronounced (asa)…means (leprosy)…

2- A picture of (a leprosy) and next to it are pictures of three things, and among that picture is a picture of (a bond), which in ancient times the Egyptian used to read as (jahu)…which means (sickness).

(Leprosy + something + bond + something)… pronounced (jahu)… means (disease).

I wonder… What disease was present among the ancient Egyptian, and he was forced to write the name of this disease by putting (an image of leprosy) in the word?! .

I wonder…… What is the name of that disease that was known to the ancient Egyptian, and which was imposed on him in an illogical way, to write the name of this disease by placing (the image of leprosy) in the word and in the middle of the word placing the image of (ligament)?

I wonder…….. What is the name of that animal that was known to the ancient Egyptian, and what is the name of that disease that was known to the ancient Egyptian, and which forced him to write the word disease by putting the picture of that animal in the word?

I wonder… what is the name of that animal and what is the name of that disease? What are these names that France knows well, but it concealed them and refrained from explaining them to the people in its dictionary that it put together after the occupation of Misr and the region, and it invented (Arabic) names (Asa – Hajo) that are not clear, and it deceived, laughed, and ridiculed the people?!

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We recite it in Arabic for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

{And when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Book that you will make it clear to the people and do not conceal it, so they threw it behind their backs and bought it for a small price, so evil is what they buy. (187) Do not think that those who rejoice in what they have brought and love to be praised for what they did not do, so do not think that they will be saved from the punishment, and for them is a painful punishment. (188)}

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