What is the book – summary of discussion 27 and the legal seal

What is the book - summary of discussion 27 and the legal seal

07/07/2020 00:00

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We believe that there is a hidden truth on earth… and there is a satanic force that has hidden it, and is exploiting the disappearance of this truth in order to create differences to fragment and destroy man and the earth.

Therefore…the book is the thing that will restore people’s natural, innate awareness and eliminate all this satanic, destructive, fragmentation project, after which it will not be possible for any satanic project to laugh at people religiously and historically and control and control them throughout history and religion. And ideas.

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth to judge between the people concerning what they differed over. Not those who were given it after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed from the truth over which they differed, by His permission. Allah guides whomsoever He wills. Oh To a straight path (213) Or did you think that you would enter Paradise when there came to you the parable of those who passed away before you? Affliction and affliction touched them and were lost. They stumbled until the Messenger and those who believed with him said, “When will Allah’s victory come?” Indeed, Allah’s victory is near.

The essence of the topic of the book is related to the reality of man on earth in his first nature, and the realization of his reality on earth, so that Shaytan’s tampering with the meaning of man’s existence stops.

For these reasons, we are looking for the legal seal.


What do we mean by legal seal?

By the legal seal, we mean the conclusive evidence that is printed on (the story of the Messenger with the book), the seal that confirms that the story is truly an original prophecy.

What is the importance of sealing?

Because people want conclusive proof… People are tired of this satanic project that has caused them to become lost. Every day people are in a valley, and people every day are inside a circle of consciousness created by that power… circles used by the satanic power to control and control. .

Also, the legal seal… because the issue is very large, and this topic cannot be discussed except with a legal seal… conclusive evidence. This will make the Muslim have a strong and firm faith on firm ground that will never shake… and he will escape from the game of Shaytan… and no one will be able to laugh at people and deceive them.

Where and how will we obtain the legal seal?

Naturally… he will be one of the honorable readers

how ?

When we talk about conclusive evidence, we mean evidence that no two people can disagree on……..No ignorant or knowledgeable person, young or old, can disagree on it.

The idea is simple…. We need to create a very strong, uninterrupted connection between readers and reality

how ?

In the beginning……….we will talk about an important phenomenon that exists among many of those who meditate on the Holy Qur’an, and we see it, but perhaps we do not pay attention or focus on it, in order to discuss it or to process it intellectually and emerge from it with a new awareness that contributes more to the process of contemplating the Qur’an. .

This phenomenon…..which is that most of the pioneers of pages and groups on social networking sites that contemplate the discourse of the Holy Qur’an alone, understand the Qur’an according to their imagination.

In other words, they believe that the Qur’an has an open meaning to its words and sentences, especially among the group that tries to link the Qur’an with science… and this, in my opinion, is a good thing even if we assume that it is not true… because it contributes to opening new dimensions for the rest of us to Reaching an understanding of the true and correct meaning of the Qur’anic text.

For example: {That is the Book about which there is no doubt}

There are those who understand the book as the book of science, and there are those who say the Preserved Tablet, and there are those who say the genetic code, and there are those who say the book of life, and there are those who say it is the universe, and there are those who say the book of computer programming, etc.

There are very, very many examples…if we exclude the examples of another new category that combines the history that reached it from the printer and the West’s translations of ancient inscriptions during the interpretation of the Qur’anic text.

But….. how long will the text continue to be open to all meaning?

Rather, the observation is that whoever becomes convinced of a new interpretation of the meaning of a text in the Qur’an, you will soon find him after a day agreeing with another new interpretation of the same text in another place.

Where is the consistency and stability in the meaning of the speech of the Qur’an?!

The truth… No one can prevent people from freely contemplating the Qur’an, because the Qur’an is the property of every human being, and we are not here to create an authority that prevents anyone from interpreting and contemplating the Qur’an and making it the monopoly of an institution… No.

But we are there to discuss this phenomenon that we have in contemplating the Qur’an and to ask many questions about it… such as the question: Is this phenomenon true, whatever the answer, and can we address it to come up with a new perception that contributes to increasing our contemplation of the Qur’an?

Let us raise this phenomenon for discussion.

Is this phenomenon normal and limited to the Qur’an only?!

I believe that it is a very natural phenomenon, and is not limited to the Qur’an, so that the supporters of this trend do not believe that it is a characteristic only of the Qur’an.

Any speech other than a religious, literary, or poetic text can have several meanings. That is, every text is endlessly open in meaning…except for the language of arithmetic and mathematics, which only accepts one meaning.

The proverb says: The meaning is in the poet’s stomach… You understand one verse of poetry according to your imagination and another according to his imagination, but the true meaning exists with the poet.

So…this is not a feature specific to the Qur’an.

What are the causes of this phenomenon?!

I think there are three reasons for this phenomenon:

The first reason…….which is a possibility that may be related to an aspect of the human psyche:

Perhaps it is because man does not want the movement of meaning of divine speech to stop and wants it to move and interact with it everywhere. The cessation of speech means a stagnation of movement and interaction in situations.

This does not mean that it is a bad thing, no, but I am just trying to describe it.

Perhaps because the Muslim believes that he is in a state of constant meaning, this means that the text has stopped and a new text is needed, especially since the Qur’an is the last book and the Prophet is the last of the prophets… and the text must remain for the Day of Resurrection.

The second reason… exists in the mind of man, because Allah created man with an imaginative mind whose imagination has no limits. Man can imagine worlds that do not exist in reality, and no one can stop this imagination except reality. He can imagine a world that exists in it. A human being with one eye, he can imagine that things around him do not exist.

As for the third reason…..it is words and names……..the names of things have a special sensory and imaginative impact within it, and the name is the bearer of the characteristics of things, and when a person hears the name of a thing…the mind… The imaginary transforms the meaning into an imaginary meaning that carries the characteristics of the thing… Rather, the presence of this name among the names of other things is the transfer of feeling and imagination to these new things.

Now… Can we treat this phenomenon?!

I believe, according to a personal vision, that the heavenly text is a text that has a completely fixed meaning and is open at the same time.

That is, the stability of the meaning of the Quranic text is its openness to other, more meanings that are absent from many.

There must be stability in the meaning for the message to arrive. If it were always open without stability, then no messengers to whom it was revealed would appear throughout time.

As for keeping the Qur’an always open……. In my personal opinion, it is nothing but endless wandering.

Where does stability come from?!

Through the existence of a direct, stable, and strong connection between the Qur’an and reality, without this connection, stability of meaning will not be achieved.

How does stable and strong communication happen?!

By news

The information contained in the Qur’an…………is what will bring us into contact with reality and give us stability in the meaning. He can create a stable ground for us through which other meanings of many things around us can open up.

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