Have you heard of Eleazar Yehuda?

Have you heard of Eleazar Yehuda?

12/3/2020 0:00:00

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Have you heard of Eleazar Yehuda?

He is a linguist of Russian origin. He helped in the process of reviving the Hebrew language, as it was known as the largest process of reviving a dead language in history. This is due to the efforts of Eliezer Yehuda, who is considered the pioneer of the movement to revive the modern Hebrew language.

Who is Eleazar Yehuda?

Elezra Yehuda… a Zionist Jew who was born in an Eastern European country in 1858 and died in 1922.

He worked in journalism and Ben-Yehuda published his first articles in the Hebrew language in 1879, proposing the idea of returning to Zion and reviving the ancient Hebrew language…. Ben-Yehuda believed that reviving the Hebrew language and finding a homeland for the Al-Yahoud were closely linked to each other; Achieving one of them is a prerequisite for the other. The presence of Al-Yahoud in diaspora countries means their linguistic and cultural integration with their societies. Their migration to Palestine will allow the emergence of an independent culture and language.

Elezra immigrated to Palestine in 1881 with his wife. He founded a Zionist association that spread the idea of nationalism, the revival of the Hebrew language as an everyday language, and modern Hebrew literature.

Elezra worked on developing the ancient Hebrew language by deriving new words and expressions and using the Arabic language. He founded the Hebrew Language Association in 1889. He obligated his children to speak the Hebrew language. They were the first to speak modern Hebrew as their mother tongue.

Elezra raised his children not to speak any language other than Hebrew when he was young, and he was not exposed to any language other than Hebrew.. He forbade his Russian wife to speak to his children in Russian, and not to sing Russian children’s songs to him.. until they were 6 years old…. …….And this is how he was able to raise the first person in the world whose “mother” language was Hebrew.

Ben-Yehuda’s most notable work of all is the Dictionary of Old and New Hebrew, which came in nine volumes and took 40 years of work to write. After its transformation into the Hebrew Language Academy, the Ben Yehuda Society completed his major linguistic project, completing the dictionary in seventeen complete parts in 1959.

I finish


After reading the story of this man and seeing the Jewish situation in reality, the question arises: Was the issue reviving a language or creating a new language on earth?

We ask this question…..so that we can understand the nature of the Zionist project well, and so that many do not fall into wrong perceptions and analyses, which prevent them from understanding the essence of the game that took place on earth.

The Arab thinker Fadel Al-Rubaie has recently produced intellectual production based on a number of historical, linguistic and religious theories. We have discussed in previous articles some of these theories according to realistic logic based on our real popular memory, but one theory among those theories remains unchanged. We discuss it, and it has become very popular among its readers…. And that theory says: Hebrew is an ancient Yemeni Arabic dialect.

Let us first ask a question: Is it difficult to design and create a new language?!

No……it is not difficult. It is better for linguists to invent a new language on earth and communicate with it……There is, for example, the language of Esperanto, which was designed by Western scholars, and is spoken by some linguists, and the idea of designing this language is Make it a global standard language.

How can a new language be designed and made into a community language?!

We first need a number of linguists who will design the language, then we need to bring in human groups, especially children, and then isolate them in closed places and not mixed with other languages, so that a new society can be created on Earth that speaks this new language.

This idea was applied by Ezra to his children, and through it he was able to create the first living creatures to speak the Hebrew language.

Of course, many do not know…that most of the Al-Yahoud in the world did not speak Hebrew, even though their holy religious book was written in Hebrew.

The Al-Yahoud spoke the language of the land in which they lived, and the Hebrew language was limited to the highest ranks of the clergy, and the reason, according to them, was that it was a language specific to the religious text only, limited to the religious text only, although this explanation is not the reason at all.

The situation of the Al-Yahoud was like the situation of many religions on earth that have religious books. For example, Zoroastrianism, their religious book is in an ancient language called Pahlavi, and Hinduism, their religious book is in the language of Sanskrit, and the languages of their religious books are not spoken by any of the followers of those religions, as they are limited only to the highest levels of the ladder. Religious leaders, and the reason is because they are non-living languages, difficult languages that followers of religion can never speak, because they are non-living languages and there is no environment in which they can be spoken. There is a very large distance between living languages and the languages of their religious book that is difficult to overcome.

The reason why Pahlavi and Sanskrit are non-living languages is because they are originally designed languages, languages that were designed by elites and religious books were written in those languages… and for this reason the followers of the religions do not speak them, and this same reason was the reason that accompanied the Al-Yahoud. Their language was not alive because it was a language that was designed by an elite group of scholars and a religious text was written using it.

Almost……..the Al-Yahoud in the entire region were not at all good at speaking Hebrew. Rather, they were fluent in Arabic because it was the language of the land, since they were mixed with the language of the land. It was difficult for them to speak Hebrew, but it was limited to simple vocabulary only. And brief phrases extracted from their religious rituals.

There was no isolated Jewish community in the world that could speak Hebrew, because it was not a living language and was not even a natural language. Rather, it originally existed for their religious book, and the task of their clergy was only to interpret their book for them in languages other than Hebrew.

This only indicates…it indicates that we are facing a project to create a new language on Earth, based on the nucleus of a religious text on Earth that was composed in that language, but the capabilities of the project were able to produce a society that speaks this language.

Where is the difficulty for some people in understanding this story?!

The difficulty lies in not understanding an important point, which is that the process of creating a new project on the ground only requires creating a resemblance to an old thing on the ground.

This point was not understood by the thinker Fadel Al-Rubaie.

how ?!

When the book of the Al-Yahoud (the Old Testament) was written by a Western project, and they made it resemble in its contents (the Holy Qur’an)… Fadel Al-Rubaie believed that Judaism is a religion from Allah and that their book is from Allah, and that it is the book of the Torah. Concerning an ancient religion on earth.

And when (the Hebrew language) was designed by Western scholars, and they made it similar in some of its vocabulary to (the Arabic tongue), and it was named in the (Hebrew) language in a way that resembled the name (Arabic)………. I thought Fadel Al-Rubaie also said that Hebrew is a language of the same origin as Arabic, and that their language is an ancient Arabic dialect.

So awareness became wrongly occupied as follows:

Judaism —- then the religion developed into —- Islam

Hebrew —- Then the language developed into —- Arabic

Shalom —– then the word evolved into —- peace

This is the conclusion.

The Zionist project has tried to create a counterfeit copy of something original and natural on the earth and has tried to make it appear similar to the original, so that Fadel Al-Rubaie considers the counterfeit copy to be an old commodity of the same nature as the earth… after playing with time and manufacturing… An imaginary historical calendar.

This Zionist project could not be carried out on earth, except after the occupation of the land and the concealment of (the Torah), the book of Muslims written in a clear Arabic language, in order to create such a false collective awareness of the project, and for people to produce such theories as it presents. Thinker Fadel Al-Rubaie.

This is the global project designed by the West on Earth, and brought to us by Napoleon and his soldiers.

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We recite it in Arabic for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

{Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the words of Allah and then distort them after they had understood them while they knew? And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know. }

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