Has NASA really been able to send men to the moon?

Has NASA really been able to send men to the moon?

2/10/2021 0:00:01

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Has NASA really been able to send men to the moon?

I know that asking this question will lead to ridicule from many people, especially those who mock conspiracy theorists. It also made me laugh about 20 years ago, but after the events of September 11 in New York, things changed for me.

The truth is that the events of September 11, 2001 played a major role in making me re-ask this question, deal with it seriously and without sarcasm, and search for a correct and logical answer to it.

Why the events of September 11?

The reason is because the events of September 11 in America represented to me a living example of a huge fake play that many people believed, and this is what made me reconsider my thoughts in studying the rest of the other models around me in search of possibilities of falsity in them.

When a country like America performs the global and immoral September 11 theater and people believe it, it is not excluded at all that this same country (America) has and will carry out other global plays and people have believed it or people will believe it.

Also, the events of September 11 revealed to me the ability and potential of major powers to easily make immoral plays, and therefore the possibility of making other immoral plays is very great.

Also, the events of September 11 revealed to me the ability and potential of the organized media to brainwash the masses, and therefore the possibility of the organized media brainwashing the masses in other immoral plays is very great.

Also, the events of September 11 revealed to me the great extent of blindness that occurs among people in seeing the obvious errors that occurred within the play of universalism, which easily reveals and exposes its clear falsity. Therefore, the possibility of the existence of clear errors within other immoral plays is very great, but people are blind. About seeing it.

These things that I learned from the September 11 play made me review the rest of America’s plays, including the play “The Moon Landing.”

Why did no human land on the moon?

I will not talk about the errors spread in the pictures of the Apollo mission that America claimed were taken from the moon by its astronauts, although many of them are logical, but I will speak from another angle that brings together all of these things.

#Media propaganda is one of the tools of war and superiority

When the Soviet Union began to invade space, the cold war between the communist camp led by the Soviets and the capitalist camp led by America had begun, which led to a furious race between the two camps in all military, political, economic and scientific fields, to create a difference in power over the other camp.

The Soviets were shining globally in the field of space by launching new space projects, including satellites and vehicles, while America lagged behind and was still seeking to launch the first space project. At that time, the Soviet superiority in space leadership represented a difference in the balance of power between the two camps and would give the communist camp material, moral, and media power. This matter drove America crazy, and forced it to enter space and prove its superiority and ability before the world.

America’s plan to invade space began, and John Kennedy was the first to announce America’s project to land a man on the moon, and he was the one who called for increasing mathematics and physics classes in schools.

Let’s clarify

The Soviet Union launched Sputnik-1 on October 4, 1957. This satellite was the first artificial satellite made by humans. This Soviet success was considered an important victory for the Soviet state over its rival, the United States, in the context of what was known as the Space Race. America found itself lagging behind in this field, and panic arose in America about the existence of a danger threatening the United States’ technical leadership, as the launch of Sputnik-1 into space was called by the Americans “the Sputnik shock.” America established a space agency to be a civilian, not a military, agency to advance peaceful scientific research, and it began work on October 1, 1958.

The Soviets launched the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik-2 on November 3, 1957, carrying the first living dog on board. America has not yet been able to send a living creature.

The Soviets launched the Vostok 1 spacecraft carrying the first human, Gagarin, who was able to fly into outer space and orbit around the Earth on April 12, 1961.

The Soviets launched the Luna program, a series of space missions sent to the moon, in 1959.

Luna 1 (January 2, 1959) approached 6,000 km from the Moon’s surface and entered the orbit of the Sun.

Luna 2 (September 12, 1959) was the first probe to reach the Moon. Crashed at 29.10°N – 0,00° 14-09-59.

Luna 3 (October 4, 1959) 10/10/1959 Obtained the first set of images of the hidden side of the Moon.

Luna 4 (April 2, 1963) failed to land. It crossed 8,500 kilometers around the surface of the Moon, and entered the orbit of the Sun.

Luna 5 (May 9, 1965) failed to land. Crashed at S 31ºº 8E.

Luna 6 (June 8, 1965) passed 161,000 km from the surface of the Moon and entered the orbit of the Sun.

Luna 7 (October 4, 1965) failed to land. It crashed at 9°N, 40°W

Luna 8 (December 3, 1965) failed to land. It crashed at 9.1ºN63, 3ºW.

Luna 9 (January 31, 1966) successfully landed on the Moon last February 3 at 7.08ºN-64, 4 degrees West, and sent back images.

Luna 10 (March 31, 1966) lunar satellite. It was located at a distance of 350 km. Over 460 managed connection in 2 months.

Luna 11 (August 24, 1966) approached the Moon to a distance of 159 km. He completed his mission on 10/01/1966.

Luna 12 (October 22, 1966) to 01-19-1967.

Luna 13 (December 21, 1966) descended on the Moon’s surface and studied the Moon’s floor. He completed his work until 12/27/1966.

Luna 14 (April 7, 1968) lunar satellite. Dar at a distance of 160 km.

Luna 15 (July 13, 1969) crashed on July 21, 1969 after 52 orbits. It was launched in the same week as Apollo 11.

Now the Soviets are considered technically, technologically, and media superior to America

The Soviets are:

The first to launch a vehicle

The first to launch a satellite

The first to send a living being into space

The first to send a human into space

The first to send a vehicle to the moon

While America is lagging behind and has not achieved anything or succeeded in anything, and this situation is what forced America to think about carrying out an achievement that is the first in space and at the same time eliminates the previous achievements of the Soviets, even if it was an imaginary and fake achievement, so it was a show. The American Apollo 11, which succeeded in landing the first man on the moon.

Because media propaganda is an important tool for superiority and victory over others.

#Technology aspect

If you observe the missions launched by the Soviet Union into space, you will find that many of them were accompanied by many failures and errors, including the mission to send a living creature, where the dog died due to many factors, as well as the missions of the Luna vehicles to the moon.

Sending astronauts to the moon is considered a first and has never been done before by anyone, and in such a work, the risks are very great and the chances of failure and mistakes are very great, so it is difficult for people to take this step, especially after 11 years from the beginning. Breaking into the world of space while the technology is still in its infancy.

But when you see America’s trip to the moon, you will find that the operation was surrounded by great confidence, free of anxiety and tension, on the part of the American government, its agency, and the flight crew.

Also, 6 million messengers are a vehicle carrying humans to the moon, 11 years after the beginning of the storming of the world of space, and on board a space rocket. It requires great technology, but the process of returning the vehicle from the moon to Earth also requires a space rocket, also launched from the moon, and it also needs greater technology. Very advanced technology for launching from the ground.

I remember reading the introduction to a book by an American physicist after that trip, in which he said that it was a false trip just by seeing the pictures, because if a spacecraft had actually landed on the surface of the moon, it would have left a large hole on the surface, but the pictures indicate that the spacecraft did not make a hole on the surface. .

#Personal aspect

If you notice the meetings of the crew of the spacecraft that landed on the moon, you will find them funny and actually reveal the extent of the lie that America committed.

For example, Neil Armstrong, the first man to land on the moon… If you watch him answer the scientific questions that are asked of him in interviews, such as what the sky and earth look like from the moon, you will find him to be a person who is not at all confident in his answers, as he often looks down to hide his face. He hesitates in his answers, waits a long time before answering, and looks at the ceiling before answering, as if he was imagining the answer that he did not see directly.

Also meetings with the crew after their return from their trip……. You will see them peeking at each other when answering, and poking each other with their elbows when answering some of them, and one of them was wrong in the answer.

It is also assumed that Neil Armstrong will be the most famous person in the world, and America will ask him to visit the world to promote America in the media, because the whole world will receive him, and all the people in any country will gather around him to see him and listen to him, but the funny thing is that a year after his trip to the moon, he At the height of his stardom, Armstrong resigned from NASA and the university, and America agreed and did not object, and he no longer interacted with people and isolated himself, as if he was afraid that people would see lies in his face when they asked him questions.

# finally

The most important question: Why did NASA not repeat sending humans to the surface of Mars, 50 years after the first trip to the moon, and in light of this modern technology that we live in today, which is much more advanced than previous technology?

Do you know what the answer is? The answer came from a senior official at NASA, saying that the reason is… that NASA had destroyed the technology that transported humans to the moon.

Imagine with me that a country like America destroys a huge and complex technology that gives it power and superiority, with all this simplicity and ease, and it is an act that no backward country does, so what about America?!

Apollo 11 and the moon landing are an American lie and play, like the September 11 lie and play in which America claimed that it was subjected to an external attack by a backward, primitive group in Afghanistan, while it was an internal act to give America a justification for invading Islamic countries.

Apollo 11 = September 11

The final question remains: Why all that huge money being spent to send vehicles to Mars and the moon? What is the benefit of that? What is the reason, excluding that traditional answer that many repeat (for the sake of knowledge), because we live in a brutal and greedy capitalist world that expects a financial return from any work it does and does not want to lose?

Is it for the sake of searching for new minerals or elements…but the process is not economically feasible, because the cost of transportation will be very huge and the duration of transportation is very long. If the operation on the ground seeks to reduce the value and time of transporting materials, So what do you care about transporting materials from Mars or the moon to Earth?

Is it for the sake of searching for life…….. But let us assume this, if we think, we will find that we are faced with only two simple possibilities: either there is life or there is no life, and we can place both possibilities now on the ground and think about eliminating each possibility and We are on earth, the matter is over, and there is no need for all these trips.

Is it for the sake of clowning and media hype in front of the world, like the space agency of the Maktoum brothers and Zayed, which celebrates that it paid a huge sum of money to a Japanese company to send a probe to Mars… or for the sake of proving superiority over the other… or for the sake of mass washing people’s minds and making them lose their connection to Earth? And creating a new meaning and a new value for the existence of people on Earth to distract them, so that they can mess around on Earth, while people are haunted by the dream of traveling to a planet other than Earth and living on it, like a daydream.

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