The West told us that the ancient Egyptian believed in a religion made up of three gods (Osiris, Isis, and Horus).

The West told us that the ancient Egyptian believed in a religion made up of three gods (Osiris, Isis, and Horus).

6/12/2021 0:00:01

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According to the history that the West extracted after translating the writing of ancient Misr, the West told us that the ancient Egyptian believed in a religion consisting of three gods (Osiris, Isis, and Horus), and he told us that Osiris is the father, Isis is the mother, and Horus is the son.

The story of this family is that the Allah Osiris married the goddess Isis, then after a period of time Osiris was killed and his body was cut up all over Misr, then his wife Isis cried over him and decided to collect his body parts from all of Misr, then she slept with his corpse and the spirit of Osiris arose and gave birth to Horus from him. After he grew up, he avenged his father from the evil Allah Seth.

Horus married a goddess, and had a number of children from her, and among his children was one named (Imsti).

The question now: Is his name actually Imsti or does he have another name?

If we want to confirm his name, logical thinking tells us that we must take the following steps:

First… search for the name of Ibn Horus in the Champollion dictionary.

After research, we found the name Son of Horus in Champollion’s dictionary, and we put three words written with different symbols, all of which read imsti, meaning Son of Horus.

Secondly… We have to search in Egyptian inscriptions for a symbol that means a boy or a son, and we found a child symbol in Egyptian inscriptions that reads iHms according to Champollion’s translation and means a boy or a servant.

Third… We have to search for all the words that read iHms, and we found two words that read iHms, which means servant.

Fourth… We have to search for the meaning of the word son in Egyptian inscriptions, and after research we found that the word ms in the language of ancient Misr means son.

Fifth… We have to search for all the words that read ms and mean son, and we found two words that mean son and read ms and we put them in the picture.

Finally….we have to compare all our results with the words of the name of Ibn Horus, so that we can make a comparison with the symbols of the words and see if there will be a match in the symbols between the words.


Now notice the picture

How did the last word appear to the right of the picture when it contains a child symbol and two symbols next to it, meaning a son? And how did the last word appear to the left of the picture when it contains a child symbol and three symbols next to it.

If we now compare the word on the right of the picture with the words on the left of the picture, we will find the following:

It shares two symbols…the child and the stick.

It shares two audio outputs… ms

But if we now compare the words in the center of the picture with the words on the left of the picture, we will find the following:

It shares three symbols: the owl, the stick, and the feather.

It shares two audio outputs…i-ms

In our research, we deal according to the rule that the West cannot make mistakes or falsify the reading of words.

But what if there was an intentional or perhaps unintentional distortion by the West of the child’s code name iH – ms and this was reflected in the reading of the words of his name, and the correct thing is that it is pronounced ms – iH?

Let’s notice what the reading will be like

The words on the left of the picture will read [ms iH Masih]

Now compare the name of the son of Horus with this reading

i ms ti —– ms iH

Because the name of Son of Horus shares three symbols with the child’s name, what if the words of the name of Son of Horus were read, he is also [ms iH Massih], but his sound value was changed to a symbol as a result of an error, so a phonetic value was put for the symbol ti and the correct one is H.

Let’s make a different arrangement of the words in another picture so that the idea becomes clearer.

When we searched in the Chameleon dictionary, we found the word ms son found with the symbol for a woman giving birth, then we found the symbols for the word iHms also present with the same symbol for a woman giving birth.

Now let’s put things in order and start with those two words.

So we can see the results and compare them.

We will put it in the comments.

After seeing the picture

You will know that the West invented imaginary worlds in people’s minds, as a result of just one word and it is written in several written forms. From this perspective, the West invented for people the story of an ancient Egyptian religion of three gods. The gods mate and have children, and the West was able to accurately know the number of the gods’ children. Large, and the West invented the idea of the number of children of the gods, based on the number of written formulas for only one word written in ancient Egyptian writing.

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