Why do the residents of the region believe that the church is 2000 years old?

Why do the residents of the region believe that the church is 2000 years old?


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The logical question: Why are the residents of the region the only ones in the entire world who believe that the age of the Church in their countries is as old as 2,000 years?

Because it is difficult for the residents of the Arab region to realize that Christianity (Christianity) is a purely Western project for a new religion on earth that the Western occupier spread throughout the world, and all the churches in the region were built after the West occupied the region, and the reason for the difficulty is the occupation that imposed an education system on the entire region. He imposed on them a new historical narrative that he brought with the printer, which made the residents of the region lose their reality for the sake of a false historical imagination, and the purpose of falsifying reality, so that the West could occupy the imagination of the residents of the region, and occupy his imagination so that he could occupy his land and pass his projects on the ground. With the legitimacy of this false history that made its religion, language, and society precede the religion, language, and population of the region.

The best example of the project is… Palestine. The West settled Al-Yahoud who carried half of the West’s religious book and created a state for them under the pretext that Judaism was in Palestine before the Islamic conquest and they had the Temple of Sulaiman in Jerusalem. An original society was replaced with an engineered society, and a religion was replaced. I live in the land with an engineered religion, replace the original language of the land with an engineered language, and replace the names of the land with engineered names, and the people believed the fake story and surrendered to this fraudulent project.

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